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Everything posted by Tatdylf

  1. I think we're saying the same thing here, really
  2. what if this whole soundcloud thing was just Richard finally cleaning out his cupboards and he's like, oh I forgot about all this, shit I might as well post this, why not. and the whole thing was a lark.
  3. re conspiracy theories, maybe Richard is a Discordian http://io9.gizmodo.com/the-greatest-fake-religion-of-all-time-1622095459
  4. I think it said 'not off the vinyl' in the description, so like other recent uploads I assume it's from a DAT Seems like he's been going through all his tapes and DATs and he's finding older release sources like SAW2 and stuff... pretty cool
  5. Here's a sketch I did of Richard performing at a show (from my imagination):
  6. that's shocking stuff. The thing is if 7 American citizens are endangered in another country it's a major news event but the killing of Americans by police is swept under the rug, maybe they will conduct an internal investigation. I think anyone in law enforcement should undergo mandatory continual psychological evaluation and therapy, or something to that effect.
  7. So many memories with this soundcloud ruckus... Thanks AFX u rule ^__^
  8. very nice, I like the graphics too
  9. i appreciate the mega upload and I like how it's broken up into albums, cheers! but goddamn thats a clunky ass post on top of the page
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMxynDxaLVw
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YS2dSa-Ud0
  12. dat new avatar tho bring back magenta XD we need u in this group: https://soundcloud.com/groups/stupid-color-squad
  13. We can do a kind of group therapy if you like. What do you see? love it
  14. nice, isnt that pre-afrikan wormhole step?
  15. I expected a lot from it but the track is alright tbh in my opinion. But it's very interesting to know what stuff Rich is inspired by. It has an Aphex sound to it in some respects. any techno track that actually says 'techno' in it gets big bonus points for me
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlJmNXFcq-0
  17. new avatar on his page we are avatar changing buddies >:D
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