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Everything posted by Tatdylf

  1. *Sparking a ceremonial bowl for Richard's mind-blowing soundcloud*
  2. And yet more ridge racer... <3 Namco
  3. I never heard this before, of course there is the Rhubarb orchestra, but I never imagined anything like this, I suppose music can easily serve as a roadmap for another work. I love this approach to the creative method, using placeholders for certain things to simplify the project and later going back working on those isolated elements, but a lot of times the placeholders take on unexpected characteristics that can add a lot of interest etc.
  4. not from a game but it's like aphex chiptune :D
  5. maybe I'll write all my posts like that so you can easily bypass them :C
  6. Delzoid says at 1:30:would love an afx lp with piano pieces only ! Posted 2 days ago2 daysReply user18081971 says at 1:30:@delzoid: yeah its kinda planned ive got hundreds of them finished.
  7. so sweet old school rave like all the tracks he's been posting in uchoobtraz
  8. designers republic on the cover
  9. happy halloweeeeeen! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMP7a3nbuKk
  10. Aphex linked it on his soundcloud too, kek yeah that's the link from his soundpuke i posted I mean, hi Ivan
  11. some spooky halloween themed music
  12. Im reading Doraemon I got these english-translation copies from kinokuniya, they are for Japanese learning english, so they are in both english and japanese, so a learning tool also, but this is the only in-print Doraemon comics in English that I know of, and they are really amazing! It's kind of like Calvin and Hobbes Japanese style :D Great characters, drawings and humor. http://www.abebooks.com/products/isbn/9784092270114?cm_sp=rec-_-bdp-_-plp
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