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Posts posted by WeAreOceans


    I haven't listened to them yet, but in any case you should take it to the debunkery thread instead of insisting in this thread, that's just going to piss people off eventually.


    Oh wait, looks like it has already while I was typing this post. :smile:


    u wanna piece o me too? :catrage:



    sorry, sorry, im still in alpha male mode




    its great to just walk around with headphones listening to these


    I was blaring them out of my speakers at first but quickly went back to headphones to appreciate them a little more, most of his output has always seemed more suited for cans imo. I think SAW 85-92 is the only album I play mostly from my speakers.


    when the fist few tracks appeared on soundcloud I was convinced at first but then... same with this Im pretty sure it is happy either way its really nice stuff



    yeah, but, probably same old story of pretty nice stuff hindered by cowardly tactics. Been happening since at least the old Kazaa days, nothing new. Like atypic said, really good imitation of style but just missing that something, it's kinda too "box ticking"? I'm really bad at articulating this sort of thing.



    Certainly a fake, but I agree with some others in that it's an impressive fake in its dedication to early RDJ style


    guarantee this is the person who was asking about his handwriting earlier.




    Certainly a fake, but I agree with some others in that it's an impressive fake in its dedication to early RDJ style


    guarantee this is the person who was asking about his handwriting earlier.



    oh no it fucking isn't !


    In fact I reckon it could be genuine, a change of tactics



    wouldn't really say I've got "good ears" but it just doesn't sound quite right, maybe my suspicion is skewing my judgement though.


    Did a reverse image search of the kid, only thing that came up was http://www.calendartracking.com/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=925635#p11770543

  4. I'm confident he just got busy with other things and isn't done. It wouldn't make sense for him to get up yesterday morning to upload a handful of songs he could've just uploaded the night before.


    I also think he's dropping these sequentially from oldest to new, and I'm still anticipating Drukgs/Analord/Syro??? era tracks.


    Just wishful thinking on my part, also I wouldn't call this a 'normal' week for my brain.


    who knows, like RDJ keeps saying he hates the whole distribution side of things, he just wants to make music. guess he's torn between hating all that but also feeling good about folks hearing all this stuff. Depends on how he feels.

  5. Despite being 99% sure he's done uploading, I'm still refreshing the page every now and then, but I feel a little more greedy every time I do.


    I think there's a pretty high chance of him doing another "proper" release at some point this year, and these 100+ tracks will do just fine to stop me getting tempted to listen to Taylor Swift in the meantime.


    just follow the account on Soundcloud, you'll be emailed when new tracks are uploaded.


    looks like it's over, definitely going to spend the coming weeks really digging into this stuff, especially RDJ/ICBYD era stuff, really great work. I just wish I could give something back for such a gift.


    I'd really love to know what the vocal sample from 35 Japan is, very lovely contrast to the industrial clanks and clonks.


    it's a remix of the track 'sand lowe' from here but all i can find of it anywhere online is a live performance



    I can't find a digital copy of the original song or album, but yeah looks like 35 Japan is an old Polygon Window remix for them


  7. Whoever it is did a good job nailing some of the mid 90s RDJ sounds. Doesn't sound like softsynths to me. Assuming it's fake, it's a shame they decided to hide behind an established name. It's really not bad at all.


    yeah it's kinda sad when people feel they need to resort to that kind of thing. I agree it's not bad at all, but AFX it ain't.

  8. Now that the news is in The Guardian it would be a good time to stop. Bearing in mind the playful nature of AT I wouldn't be surprised if he takes a break and comes back at a later date, creating further buzz and draws it all out longer. Either that or he's gone to the shops or sommat.


    love how the guardian has to take the "what does it all mean???" approach.


    shit man it's just lush tunes.



    So, what's the consensus on Rich being finished with the generosity?


    Give it some time. If you see nothing in the next twelve hours I'd say that might be it.



    Either way. I'll be listening to 28 organ & 14 make a baby for a long, long time to come. That's my shiz right there.



    Oh yeah, I'm head over heels with this stuff, I'll be gushing over it for months, if not the rest of the year. I'm just picking up on the pattern of uploads from the past few days, but we can only guess.


    111 including girl/boy dark v.

    what's that?



    Nice alt. version of Girl/Boy, lacking the drums, and the strings dipping into uh minor scales I think. Got deleted pretty quickly though.


    edit: also yeah you guys need to relax, general pattern past few days is some stuff uploaded late morning to mid afternoon, a break, then evening to about midnight (GMT).

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