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Posts posted by bendish

  1. 1 minute ago, caze said:

    It depends what you mean by worst case models though, if you're just referring to the kind of thing the IPCC talks about, then yes, better safe than sorry. If you mean the kind of thing that predicts that human civilization will be gone if we don't do anything in 20 years, then no.



    Exactly. Who is saying that though? Tech to remove C02 doesn't exist so it has to be govts - energy companies. Perhaps more devastating drops in gdp as we have seen in the u.s will have a silver lining despite inflicting other devastating harm. 20190921_fbc007.png

  2. Doesn't Covid show that global action can be mobilized if there is enough of an immediate / felt threat? i.e. climate change impacts could be addressed overnight if there was the elusive political will? Whether models ultimately work or not - chances are that shit is going to get ugly and so we should prepare asap. Shouldn't we follow the worst case models as a better safe than sorry policy even if it's speculation? I think when people refer to MNCs and climate change they are generally referring to energy / fossil fuel companies. I really can't see the market fixing this issue - got to be government and global org effort. Just doesn't sit right listening to hair brained schemes of burying carbon, solar shades etc.

  3. 10 minutes ago, very honest said:

    Herman Cain on the post-civil rights struggle - CBS News

    Hermann Cain, GOP candidate for president in 2012, died from COVID-19, today. He came down with the virus after attending Trump's indoor Tulsa rally, which took place at a time while the coronavirus was prevalent in that area, and which was at odds with public health recommendations. 

    Jesus. Wanna see Trump responding to this. 

  4. 46 minutes ago, caze said:

    because he had the best platform of any of the serious candidates? and even if you wrongly preferred Bernie's platform, there's still plenty in Biden's which will pretty radically change a whole host of US social policies, and his climate change policies were far better to begin with; and as long as they also flip the senate they have a good chance of accomplishing far more than they did under Obama 2nd term, which was fucked because of republican intransigence.

    he's not suffering from dementia btw, he seems to be showing a pretty normal level of non-pathological age related cognitive decline (in addition to suffering from a stutter); in contrast to Trump who full-on displays numerous pathological psychological and neurological issues.


    I'll take those contributions. What will he do with foreign policy? More war? Obviously against medicare for all which I consider an inevitability at some point. How will he deal with inequalities and structural racism plus the cops? Will he continue the terrible immigration policies of Obama and Trump? Shame he destroyed any posirive legacy of metoo with his blanket dismissal of all his accusers setting yet more precedent for people like Trump and Kavanaugh. His voting history is terrible. His previous views on social security, the Clarence Thomas disaster...crime, welfare reform, glass-steagall, affirmative action, abortion, collective bargaining rights etc 

    I think you're too easy on him Caze.


    • Like 1
  5. 26 minutes ago, ignatius said:





    A co-chair of Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign vividly described how she feels about choosing between Biden and President Trump — likening it to only having to eat half a bowl of excrement.

    “It’s like saying to somebody, ‘You have a bowl of s–t in front of you, and all you’ve got to do is eat half of it instead of the whole thing.’ It’s still s–t’, ” Sanders co-chair Nina Turner told The Atlantic.

    Very difficult to be enthusiastic about an incoherent senile old man tied up completely with decades old dem establishment - the policies of which can be arguably blamed for the rise of another obviously far worse incoherent senile old man.

    • Like 3
    • Facepalm 2
  6. 56 minutes ago, very honest said:

    vladeck just argued cases at the supreme court, hennessey is a nat sec legal professional, and wittes has been covering nat sec legal nuances for decades. all very insightful analysts. maybe white, not sure how anglo saxon or protestant. beltway? yeah, lawfare is brookings dc thinktank. uppity? they are uppity about real issues.

    I dont argue with their experience, just their hyper conventional blob stance is quite predictable. The deep state radio one and real clear politics also quite similar. As far as this genre of politics IR pod goes cfr and csis ones are my favourite. 

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