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Posts posted by bendish

  1. 1 hour ago, sweepstakes said:

    What you have too much faith in is Democrats' ability to get their shit together. They're on the right side of history but rallying the votes is like herding cats.

    If it were a Warren Sanders ticket I’d have faith. The rest and especially Biden have shitty records and will tank it. 

  2. You hear a lot of stat analysis, electoral college predictions and doubt as to whether the dems have it in them...but I have a feeling this tumor is going to be destroyed in 2020.

    Maybe I have too much faith in humanity. He’s sabotaging the ‘glowing’ economy with his self inflicted trade war and I would guess shame and self conscience in the general norms populous that threw him a vote is greater than the stubborn childishness of his idiotic base.  

  3. Started Euphoria

    my god teenagers suck...at least if real life is anything like this. 

    Druggy trap killed music

    when they cut some shitty auto tune kick snare ambient gash next to classic soul the contrast shows how low we have sunk 

    narcissism depression general meanness dicks and boobs 

    fun though  

  4. 4 hours ago, eugene said:

    the boys is shit for deadppol fans. a hackneyed, tryhard and self aware take on the superhero thing that thinks itself as original but is actually much worse than any of the films/tvs it takes on, mainly due to incompetent direction and dumb writing.

    lorna turned out to be a pretty tragic, cassavetestian, character in this last season, made me wanna look up what yael stone did besides this trash show.


    too old to die young is def a headscratcher and a mixed bag, from dull and dumb and boring as fuck to fascinating and hypnotic and unpredictable. shit acting from the mexican duo and great acting by jena malone who invigorates every scene. same with cliff martinez score, some really bad cheese synth fart wankery to some really inspired moments and cool licensed music choices (like that jamaican(?) stuff). even the last episode is exactly half good, the jena malona part is great but then we get another drawn out, diminishing returns, `tute liberator scene. really dunno where #nwr (lol) is going with this. this is reminiscent of the twin peaks:return quite a bit, kinda of a wide scale, anything goes, epic with complete director's control, but nwr ain't david lynch, the highs aren't as high. he isn't von trier either when it comes to fucking with the audience, just isn't as clever. so i dunno, it's definitely more interesting than the typical A.I. scripted netflix trash, and there is some kind of own rhythm to it you can sometimes tune into, but i'm not so sure it's all worth the effort tbh.



    I’d say it was worth the effort. How about Baldwin’s sniffing and growling? He’s an unsung genius.

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  5. 7 hours ago, azatoth said:

    amazon dropped it. i see that cliff martinez was behind the music, the soundtrack any good?


    to be on topic...i've been binging through mad men, i get the acclaim it got...jon hamm is one handsome man too.

    also the last season of legion is shaping up to be a great one. easily my favourite superhero series. wonderfully surreal with some neat choices.

    Music was over the top synth noodling...was great. Yea humor areas were great - especially police dept...!!!

    shame to be dropped 

  6. Beautiful crisp lush album.

    Only thing that nags is the occasional awareness of randomized generative sequences that get a little annoying. When there’s more form, repetition and structure it really works. 

    Nobody else doing anything like this so well right now for sure.  



  7. 1 minute ago, caze said:

    Boris has said there will be no extension, it's out on the 31st one way or another. Which is why I mentioned a 180. The EU can't unilaterally grant an extension, he has to ask for one. Having said that, even if the EU agreed to go back to the negotiating table and get rid of the backstop, and managed to thrash out a new deal, which then managed to pass a vote in parliament, there almost certainly wouldn't be time to pass the legislation to implement it before the deadline. So an extension would be required either way really. Maybe Boris would be able to sell a "technical" extension to implement an agreement, as long as there was legal certainty about leaving, but he's not going to be able to keep his hard-brexit crew onside with any other kind of extension.

    I think it's pretty unlikely he'll do a 180 though, because betraying the brexiteers will just bring the brexit party back into the equation which would split the conservative vote in a GE and leave him as an embarrassing side-note in British history (he may have no choice about that regardless). I only see it happening if he can somehow get an agreed exit sorted which would prevent a GE until 2022, but that would have to be done over the heads of the DUP and the hard core brexit nutters, and so would require Labour support, so not very likely either. 

    The more scenarios I run through in my head, the more inevitable no-deal starts to look.


    I’m referring to Ireland’s issues probably being the most sensitive and dangerous aspect of this. Throwing the backstop out as Raab suggests is going to be hotspot number one way beyond any economics issues for the rest of the UK.

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