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Posts posted by bendish

  1. May was ‘resilient’.

    Now Johnson is ‘charismatic’.

    The fucking news. 

    1 minute ago, cichlisuite said:

    It is so hard to believe there are people out there supporting these imbeciles

    and only imbeciles are coming to power

    what the hell

    my unpleasant theory is that uk wants to secure a sizeable share in the future imperialist expansion spearheaded by usa. and staying in EU makes this impossible. so... there. 

    i really hope this warmongering is just me overthinking on this

    Yea far too much thinking. Just repeated self-harm. Own goals galore. No plan. No idea. 

  2. 1 minute ago, marf said:

    Uk and USA are always mirroring each other like an alternate dimension where things are the same but slightly different. The hair, The hair, the hair the hair. He's going to win

    Have you been introduced to Michael Fabricant (genetically inferior Boris Johnson...yea it's possible)? Or Rory Stewart (Hugh Grant made a military gap year movie) even?

  3. Fiddling around with audio on a timeline is getting less and less attractive over the years....i find renoise so intuitive and 'physical' in terms of the process....it's actually fun which is becoming more and more important to me. The only thing i miss is better automation...i.e. press record, twiddle knobs on my vst and bang the movements are all recorded, with various modes i.e. touch latch etc probably will never happen by hey. 


    With regards to channels...you barely need them due to fx section on individual samples...each sample can be mixed uniquely....i barely go above 10 tracks

    kick, snares, hats, poly, lead, bass, sub, fx, perc etc

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