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Posts posted by bendish

  1. Just humans gone would be fine. Any achievements from humans have been in the context of human failure and for our own selfish benefit. We divide and destroy. It's all we do. Trump is the nail in the coffin of humanity. Americans deserve this President. Humanity deserves the U.S. If anyone believes anything from his speech yesterday and it fills them with one iota of hope...they are delusional. Education is pointless. History has been forgotten. Up is down. 


    I'm asking CHARTNOK, he champions breitbart and infowars all the time but why do they lie so much about minorities, why so many fake negative headlines about immigrants


    They lie about many things, how are you so sure they are not lying to you about everything else ?


    This alt-right culture comes straight out of stormfront, all the racist shit you see on social media was being said on white supremacists forums in the 90's 


    I can smell Neo nazis from miles away, they don't fool me


    I totaly understand where you're coming from. It's a reactionary thing from my side, I try to remain neutral (right nor left) in all of this but from what I've seen from videos posted on Youtube refugees are causing trouble and harassing innocent people on the street, not taken from any right wing given news sites. Those refugees that are detrimental to society are not welcome and those who wish to contribute and make something of themselves are very welcome to stay. 



    Youtube? Go read something of use. Be more selective in where you get your news. What about all those 'Americans' that are detrimental to society like all the Presidents and congressmen and businessmen who repeatedly f over the populace? Why do people focus so hard on refugees? Straight othering. American fear to the core....salem shit ad infinitum...It is absurd that the term SJW is pejorative. 

  3. Whats the point in racism? Good question....


    By 2060 whites will be majority minority in U.S








    I have faith in the youth and faith in demographic change....Trump etc is a reaction...there will be a reaction to him for the better....im naive but progress cannot be stopped....





    I don't dispute his business brain but I'm sceptical of his overall intelligence, to me he sounds like a moron


    Also he doesn't have a healthy ego


    I'm scare of the people think he is fit to rule, it feels like they are living in another universe



    dispute it



  5. The most recent talking politics podcast suggests that all this executive order muslim ban fiasco is actually a set up for the 'event' that is yet to occur...presidents need a defining event and in this case trump reaaaaaaalllllly wants to say i told u so...then the bannons etc can put the smack down on the populace with carte blanche no problems...his main issue right now is the fact that he is a laughing stock globally and locally and has very low gallup ratings (ironic given his obsession with the apprentice ratings)...the question is how much lying will the trump supporters accept...it surely reduces their own integrity to nil eventually....on a side note seeing obama kite surfing with branson really does tell the story of what the u.s system is all about...billionaires and politics intertwined....people even talk about the democrats like they are the party closest to the left which is just laughable

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