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Posts posted by bendish



    Did anyone listen to yesterdays intercepted with Greenwald and Tucker Carlson? If so...thoughts?



    All I get is a 404, which is a little suspicious. But if you're still getting it, it must be a regional block.


    Link should be fixed now.

    Greenwald is becoming increasingly more frustrating - his basic premise in this article is that if one supports the claim that Russia interfered in the last election, one must by default be shilling for a new cold war. Obviously, his is not a tenable position to take.

    One can in fact believe that Russia interfered in the US election (after all, the US/China/any other nation that has the capability is doing the same, or at least attempting to) and yet not subscribe to the theory that another cold war is the way to go.


    Still, it panders very well to the "global elitist" conspiracy folk.



    It was a shame he let Carlson off the hook so easily and acted quite holier than thou buddy buddy with him. I accept his view that evidence is essential, I just don't like his rather self absorbed focus on his own journalistic role in the debate. Guess we have to wait for Mueller. Trumps finances will be key. 


    Surely this is enough to impeach. There's zero chance Donnie didn't know the treason little Donnie junior was involved in.


    Impeach now and let mueller prosecute them in good time

    they have had enough to impeach since day 1. the flagrant violations of the emoluments clause are solid grounds. impeachment is done by congress and the republicans are disinclined.


    perhaps he is taking the heat off of them. in 2008 the republicans were on the ropes, having lost the majorities and the presidency, and obama was poised to save the global economy from the looming depression their deregulation caused. they had 1 play: go all in on demonizing obama and stigmatizing the democrats like their lives depended on it. this strategy was explicitly arrived as a group decision after the '08 elections, as detailed in this pbs documentary. 8 years later, they are fucked in control because the light falls on their policies and they have no one to point at.


    the failure of repeal and replace is a plain example

    Absolutely. A bunch a of greedy evil old white men with no aim but more wealth for themselves. America has been bamboozled big league.

  3. the thing about collusion is that it is very hard to prove.


    if wapo thinks junior taking info from a russian is "breathtaking," that doesn't make it collusion.


    proving collusion means evidence that trump helped the russians fuck with the US. how are they going to prove that?


    as much as i think trump is in with the russians and a fucking traitor, i have doubts about whether collusion will proved.


    His behaviour is by definition, collusion. 

  4. http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow/watch/maddow-to-news-orgs-heads-up-for-hoaxes-985491523709?cid=sm_npd_ms_tw_lw


    Someone sent MSNBC a fake document about the collusion in hopes that they'd get excited and report on it, only to be discredited later. It seems implied that The Intercept sent it to them. Something to watch out for, but it also shows the desperation in trying to get the public to doubt Trump and the administration's guilt. 


    We're going to be hearing about this shit for the rest of our lives. Documentaries, movies, prestige cable dramas, analysis, college courses. There will be a pizza named for this shit, and it WILL have pineapple. 


    I would have thought since Greenwald is always on about how shite the Russia reporting is...that this wouldn't be associated with them. 



    the disarray is largely caused by people not paying close enough attention


    maybe you mean the media and people in general should pay attention to more substantial topics than trump's click-bait fodder?


    But they do all day everyday. There so many articles on a daily basis analysing his and the reps policies and their potential consequences. 



    sure, it's out there


    there's also the undeniable fact that the tv media companies are businesses getting revenue from advertisers, and they gravitate toward the click-bait, lowest-common-denominator stuff


    its why trump got elected. the media had all the ammo they needed and 1000% more to blow him out of the water last year. they declined to annihilate him because he is a controversy machine that drove their ratings through the roof.


    and continues to.


    i am seriously concerned about his prospects for reelection because it's largely in the tv media's hands, and they will have to decide to take an enormous hit in their revenue



    yea press briefings at wh crazy useless too

  6. the disarray is largely caused by people not paying close enough attention


    maybe you mean the media and people in general should pay attention to more substantial topics than trump's click-bait fodder?


    But they do all day everyday. There so many articles on a daily basis analysing his and the reps policies and their potential consequences. 

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