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Posts posted by bendish

  1. or they're incompetent?

    perhaps if the trump hadn't made good on election promises they would have seen severe backlash from supporters

    bannon's leninist leanings have a mighty established bureaucracy to topple so that seems far fetched 

    ultimately trumps team just look dumber and dumber by the day

    i cant imagine spicer getting mays name wrong repeatedly, conway brazenly telling falsehoods, or spelling mistakes in the terrorist attack/media neglect thing out today to be intentional, or the botched muslim ban roll out or the inauguration picture bs, or the prayer breakfast farce, or the black history sit down whatever its called jokes or bannon being voted onto the security council without trump's knowledge etc etc etc etc etc 


    american exceptionalism 

  2. Siam5Oz.png


    Hidden by Siam: Roli Rise 25, SPL Crimson and iPad.

    Monitors soon to be replaced by a set of Amphion One15s

    Huge bass traps in the corners of the room (you can see a bit of one in the left part of the pic). The room sounds pretty good I must say.


    Hows Bazille working out for u?

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