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Posts posted by bendish



    never really understood the right-wing passion with opposing anything to do with accepting climate change or wanting to try to at least be kinder to our planet, (like its some left-wing conspiracy). I can lean (slightly) to the right (on occasions)  but this is one of those things that makes me scratch my head. 


    it just seems a bit weird imo.


    The right is at a stage that if it upsets the "libtards" then they are for it. It's simply spite.





    I'm not american, but this thread on twitter made a lot of sense to me. 



    Also with regard to climate change, I read a book where one guy analyzed how to fill the world's energy need with renewable stuff. It's free and it's really good, because usually there are no calculations when people are talking about renewable energy. So the take-away for me was that a) it's fucking difficult to replace all energy needs with renewables and b) life will probably be noticeably more uncomfortable, because there's so much stuff that comes from oil or is cheap because coal is cheap.

    I kind of assume that at least some global leaders/elites know this, and it kind of turns into the same thing as a psychological drug addiction. Like you're hooked hard on heroin, you *know* it's an unsustainable habit, but you keep doing it and hoping that a miracle happens and you survive, even though the objective reality is that you're barely making ends meet, your health is getting worse and you're having a hard time even maintaining your life. The difference with the drug addiction scenario is that there you usually have sober people around to notice that you're fucked, but with oil/coal/gas, *everyone* in your country is more or less stuck on the same needle, so there's almost no alternative perspective.

    And if you've ever had an addiction (computer games, booze, modular synths, etc.), you've probably had this existential dread feeling when you're told that "OK, you can't get your regular hit of dopamine this week". From experience I know stuff like this can make people very mad sometimes. Now imagine that the people in 1st world countries suddenly get told that they're not allowed to drive to work in their personal car or that the price of new clothes has just gone up 100x because plastics can't be used and shipping from China isn't dirt cheap anymore. I'm pretty sure people in general acknowledge this at some reptilian level, and that's why the easier response is to either ignore it and hope some scientist will make a breakthrough or (worse) start "believing" in whichever god says it's okay to kill other people so that you'll survive.



    Oh god yea. U.S (see North America in general) obsession with masculinity in its hyper form is hilarious. This whole Macron Trump handshake bullshit is pathetic. As if whoever has the harder handshake is superior or dominant. Plays right into the trad masculinity narrative. Man crisis fing things up as usual. 

  2. its fing existential

    who am i? does this mediocre music define my worth?

    Am i repeating myself? is that okay? 

    that period in 2013 was better than my tunes now? have i lost it? did i ever have it?

    do i have a limit and a curve?

    should i learn music theory?

    all that bs

    conclusion: just keep making music and stop worrying about nothings

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