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Posts posted by Nenlow66

  1. I'm in the US and ordered 1 of the cd and 1 of the vinyl. Just says 'boxset' for both of them tho. Haven't recieved any tracking info yet and nothing on the ae store.

    I have tracking info for both of mine (ordered separately). I’m in the states.
  2. If they can produce so much material They should make a subscription service on the store


    Like a certain amount per year to get all tracks by booth and brown


    Pretty sick

    I’d buy in the nano second

    I’d buy that. But you’d get a few puritaens on here complaining that the tracks weren’t polished or “proper releases”
  3. For years I've decided to get rid of fetishes. Vinyl is a fetish. The fetish, with its liturgy, serves to instill a frivolous sense of security. The fetish is near the Horror Vacui. Yet, like a real jerk, this time I bought the vinyl box. The god of the vacuo possessed me. Substance and form intersected and I put myself prone. I have not turned on the record player for at least 7 years. Sometimes it's good, feeling assholes. :datboi:

    ? CD is also a fetish=no players anymore. I freely indulge. Say “yes”...and don’t open it.
  4. Imagine them 'performing' all end live.. Would people be asking for their money back or just proclaiming it's genius because it's ae?

    I would be beyond disappointed. I’ve only gotten through maybe 5 or 10 minutes of All End before it wears out its welcome. It’s not for me, I guess...
  5. six of eight (midst) is so immensely beautiful in the second half.


    Oh yeah




    shimripl casual is just sublime. It's pretty much exactly the direction I was hoping they'd go in in terms of beatless stuff. It all sounds so natural and fluid, but completely alien. Beautiful, scary, kinda melancholic, just straight away puts me in such a specific place every time I listen. So glad they let this one run on as well, would've loved an hour of it continually morphing but i'll take 25 mins.


    Also I absolutely loved the fft soup with tumbling beats bit that lead into what was turned into shrimp casual from the onesix tour. Hoping that'll pop up in a release at some point. 




    It's the sound of a party in a beehive and some shit keeps knocking on their roof.

    haha shit this is too accurate, will never be able 2 unhear


    this bit blew me away live, so glad to have caught them on that tour

    It is a good descriptor yes :)


    I still want them to release the AENA dates so I can have a copy of the one I attended plus also compare those sets to the Euro-brothers.

    Me too...I was at Orlando and I’m not a fan of the sound system at the venue; plus I was really tired, so I’d get more out of the recording.
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