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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by dingformung

  1. 2 hours ago, chenGOD said:

    Do you think Putin is a rational individual?

    I think he acts within a different kind of rationality that isn’t in the best interest of anyone except himself but usually does do stuff that probably makes sense if you have his goals and values. He is approaching the end of his political life and can afford to risk things. He will get away with it

  2. 26 minutes ago, chenGOD said:

    Yes, I noted that above. It's still owned by Russia. 

    I thought you tried to suggest that this is as an argument that the Ukrainians had an interest in attacking the pipeline while in fact they have more of an interest in receiving weapons from EU countries, so they won’t attack pipelines that go to the EU and were built by EU countries. Maybe I misunderstand you.

    It is highly unlikely Ukraine did it.


    26 minutes ago, chenGOD said:

    The only insurance companies that would insure it were Russian.

    Do you suspect Russia is trying to scam their own insurance companies?


    26 minutes ago, chenGOD said:

    As has been said by many people, there is not enough information to make a determination one way or the other.

    It seems likely to be as I suspect, though, for a number of reasons. Of course we don’t know for sure

  3. 2 minutes ago, chenGOD said:

    The pipeline belongs to russia (nominally), and is used to send Russian gas to European countries. Russia will not send weapons to Ukraine to defend against Russia.

    As I noted earlier - Ukraine has called for a total embargo on Russian oil and gas.

    The pipelines were financed by Russian and European, mainly German, companies and lead directly to Germany (which also at least officially tries to minimise climate impacts, so wouldn’t be happy about anyone doing this). Germany is discussing to send tanks and other weapons to the Ukraine, which may have a significant impact on the course of the war. The Ukraine won’t risk damaging their relationship to Germany and the EU at this point as they depend on their help. It was most likely some American secret service.

  4. 5 hours ago, chenGOD said:

    Ukraine also has underwater drone capability (the UK delivered to them last month) and they have been calling for a complete embargo on Russian fuel purchases.

    Ukraine has no interest in attacking pipelines of countries that potentially will send them a lot of weapons to help them defend against Russia.

  5. On 9/29/2022 at 3:27 AM, GORDO said:

    The prospect of Russia supplying Europe with cheap gas was the only thing that could motivate European countries to promote some sort of negotiation.

    Ironically, Russia is benefiting from rising international oil and gas prices caused by the Ukraine crisis.

    Germany and other EU members now buy Russian raw materials via India, but more expensively.

    Germany and other EU members now purchase even more oil and gas from other countries that wage wars that violate international law and disregard human rights.  Examples: Saudi Arabia (Yemen war), Qatar (fascist-like Islamism), USA (can also be used as an example for a nation that has waged numerous wars that violate international law and sometimes attacks foreign countries with a Putin-like encroachment, Iraq is just an example), Azerbaijan (dictatorship, recent war with Armenia).

    This is not really about human rights, but about complex interests of nations and international actors such as secret services and business elites. If the humanitarian aspect were decisive, our media and governments would also address and react to other wars with similar intensity. This bigotry is related to the fact that capitalist interests are the actual motive for the actions of all actors involved, except for the Ukrainians who are being attacked.


    • Sad 1
  6. There is too much rain and it’s completely pointless and I’m alone. I’m so tired

    I just want to say thank you and I’m looking forward to touching you again soon 

    • Like 7
  7. The Russian war against the Ukraine is probably a CIA operation and so is the attack on the Nord Stream pipeline. The idea may be to destroy the economic bonds between Russia and Europe and seeding division in the region to increase American influence in Europe and maintain supremacy, weakening the EU, secure American economic influence and shift dependencies. It all serves the interests of a finance elite and war industry. Russian oligarchs and power elite don’t actually care about ideological reasoning and their domestic propaganda, their personal lives aren’t affected by such a war or the suffering of their population, so the economic sanctions on Russia European countries are now doing won’t have any effect other than attacking the wealth of European and Russian citizens, which again will not necessarily influence any decision made about the continuation of the war. It’s all orchestrated by a global elite of industry and mainly American controlled secret services that have their own interests and influence on the media coverage, not a conflict between nations or peoples. The fact that we pay so much attention to this particular war and ignore other wars and topics is a result of that. In the end it is impossible to know the real reasons for anything happening in the world without some historical distance but usually, when it comes down to it, the diagnosis is concentration of non-democratically legitimated power pursuing capitalistic interests. Any ideological differences are just a tool. I suspect that the Russian and the Western elites have planned the conflict in accordance with each other, ignoring the interests of their own nations and people, and maybe even governments. It’s usually really a war between classes, everything else that we are led to believe it is is the result of years of propaganda and indoctrination by an elite that controls every aspect of our information culture. That doesn’t necessarily mean that we are or aren’t directly lied to, it just means that the real incentives, reasons and agendas are completely hidden and impossible to see through for any of us.

    • Like 3
    • Facepalm 2
  8. which one is better or worse?

    on one hand eating meat is like cannibalism because we are all brothers and sisters, no matter what species or gender or whatever.

    on the other hand it doesn't matter because nature doesn't know man made morals that are flawed from the beginning on because man is flawed.

    so which is better??

    today I ate some chicken coated in corn flakes and it was good but I think it's all a dream anyway so it doesn't matter.

    the world of epiphanies isn't to be confused with the real world, which is pure spirit, pure consciousness, pure oneness, possibly. so nothing we do here is really what it seems to be, including the consumption of others (presumably).

    but still, as a thought experiment, why is it okay to cannibalise animals (or not ok)?

    we all should take this question more serious than my way of asking this question in this topic makes it appear. it is a serious and important issue

    which is the correct answer to the question?

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
    • Big Brain 1
  9. The other day I was chasing rabbits with my bike but I would stop when the rabbit got exhausted and not get closer, so it was kind of a game and I was trying to keep the rabbit from the street so it won't get run over by a car. But the next day I went to the same area and I saw a rabbit completely smashed to a flat red-grey mass of bones and flesh at the bus station, probably run over by a bus. So I'm wondering if the rabbit got run over as a result of me thinking about rabbits getting knocked down by cars or if it was just a random and completely unrelated occurrence (which I doubt). A lot of the stuff I think seems to get manifested in this reality, in one form or the other. It's not that I can just wish for something and it happens, but all my thoughts seem to resonate into manifested reality in some weird way. So I'm wondering if what I was seeing was real or if it was something shown to me by a counterpart of existence that isn't me, as a response to my earlier thoughts.

    • Sad 2
    • Facepalm 1
  10. This place makes me sick and makes me revolve into old patterns and I simply can't do any good decision while I'm here. I need to move to a different place. Germany is boring and expensive, probably even more so than the US (except the US is more expensive). I'd be a good US citizen if I was rich but I'm not. I should move abroad, probably to South America because I only speak German and English and they have German breweries but even though I drink a lot of beer I don't like it because it tastes like piss. Asian beer is okay, Asians seem to have a better taste in everything compared to Western cultures so I should probably move there but I'm an unskilled motherfucker. I don't even particularly like my family, they are all assholes, including myself. It's all fake. Everything. This text is a parody of what I'm truly feeling. It's a joke. I don't want to be here anymore. I have to do something with my life, my time is running out...I'm 27 years old and this is the best I could come up with? This is not even funny anymore, it's sad. It's pathetic. I've wasted so much time and energy on being an asshole. I only make wrong decisions. I spend my money on silly things like expensive but low quality food. All I want is a lot of sex with beautiful people but I'm not attractive enough to get it and not rich enough to pay for it. And after all, it always leaves me with a feeling of lack and inadequacy when I'm lucky enough to get it. I only get successful when I start a new and exciting project and I'm not good at doing things. I'm not a good person, I don't have any friends. Nobody would even care if I died. That's how it is.

    I don't want to be here anymore.

    The only kind of love I seem to be able to get is God's love, but it sucks. It's the most unsatisfying and stupid kind of love imaginable. It doesn't even help me to develop a better life. I'm too angry and selfish to appreciate it anyway, but it's not my fault, nor can I change it. God isn't even a real God, he/she/it is some 5-dimensional being probably gaining satisfaction out of controlling my life and playing with my desires, fuck this demon/whatever he/she/it is. I'm being a bit too harsh, but I'm not a good person. I don't want to be a good person. I shouldn't have to care about what other people think about me. But if I don't care about what other people think about me then why should I care that nobody cares about me? I'm trapped in my own mind, all this meditation stuff about viewing the mind as an object without identifying with it is just a cruel joke and boring as fuck.

    I'm going to die out in the lonely wilderness soon and nobody will ever find my corpse or even notice that I'm gone. It's like, what the fuck am I doing with my life? Do you know how sad it makes me when someone says "Oh, you're so funny!" If you think so, why don't we go for a walk on the beach together? Why do people make such stupid statements all the time?? People are stupid, they say things that don't help anyone at all and they ignore reality. There probably aren't even real humans except of myself anyway, they are all illusionary epiphanies or manifestations orchestrated by this being that won't reveal his/her/its real identity to me no matter what I do. Death seems to be the only escape but I don't want to die.

    Everything is fake and the only thing that matters is money, even though it doesn't have to be like that. And sex of course. I don't want to be here anymore. Existence could be completely paradisaic but greater forces prevent it from being so, for no reason at all.

    If existence emerged from non-existence, why didn't it choose to be perfect?

    I'm going to go for a walk in the forest.

    I wish I had never been born!

    • Like 2
    • Burger 1
  11. On 2/6/2021 at 11:06 PM, eassae said:

    Chloe sat at the table smoking when Tom walked through the door that evening. She wore white cotton underwear and a tight white t-shirt. Tom noticed the faint outline of her nipples. She turned to face him, suddenly, and for a moment he felt like a caught schoolboy. Her eyes were a bit red and streaked with black underneath. Her hair fell in thick waves past the center of her back.

    Tom flipped on the light. Placing his hands flat on the counter, he rested the weight of his head between his shoulders. After a brief pause, he removed his damp clothes, laying them flat on the floor to dry. He put on a fresh pair of boxers, and joined her at the table. Chloe pushed a package of cigarettes toward him. He waved his hand to decline. Her air didn’t change at his refusal; she cocked her head to the side and blew smoke out the window, keeping her eyes on Tom.

    If someone would have looked at the two of them sitting there at that moment through the window, framed in a pane of brick, they would have thought that there sat two beings enveloped by providence. They would have missed the marks from the years of struggle it took for them to reach their current state. They would have missed the traces of pain, shame, ignorance, misunderstanding and elation of these two organisms out of the other billions, struggling to find a way to give credence to their individual experiences of the world. They appeared as if nothing could be added or taken away. They settled on opposite sides of the balance and were able to sit eye to eye without fear.

    Chloe didn’t ask why he had signed the contract. Tom didn’t ask her about the future. She didn’t ask how he planned to liberate humanity. He didn’t ask if she could forgive. She didn’t ask if he could forgive. They just sat there, not asking, and above all, not asking how long their present condition could last. Tom took in the flux of her sensuality; Chloe was entranced by his presence. That was enough. That was their perfection.

    Blood ran through the streets and bugles sounded, accompanied by an orchestra of syncopated drums that accented births, bottles of wine being drunk, shots being fired, fruit picked, clean air and water being dirtied by tear gas. In circuses, actors who didn’t know for what reason they were playing their parts exchanged costumes. Clowns became lion tamers and the ringmaster replaced the young boy taking money and giving out prizes at the shooting gallery. The tent was ripped away and everything was out in the open. The animals broke their chains and took up whips in their mouths; they were finally free to eat and trample everything in sight, while angels and dead celebrities came down from the heavens for some fun. Some threw lightning bolts while others played cards and speculated about the horses. Diseases were cured and the population grew and grew and grew until it outgrew the wheat, so assassins set their sights on the benefactors of humanity, and the beat changed again. The xylophones, bells and timpani lost all sense of rhythm; the horns were all blown out, so the conductor looked to the strings to take the front guard. Their melody was complementary and sweet; it accompanied the construction of great buildings and the manufacturing and purchase of gewgaws, all made by those who went home each night to talk to their families and friends or to commit suicide. The speed of the act was dictated by the refrain, which increased its velocity and vigor a little each day, fueled by money, achievement and status, regulated by pharmaceuticals and nice, young, well-spoken boys in pressed shirts and shiny boots. And do they know how to make a bed! You’ll never see hospital corners so neat; so neat that dreams and tranquility would become uninviting, even for the weary conductor. He strives and strives to shape everyone up; he brings all the instruments back into harmony. The oboe provides a break for the violins, and the percussions are in time once again, shaking the earth and bringing the rain; the buildings fall and crops rise, but the need for your neighbor’s labor never goes away; doctors haven’t learned how to eliminate the stomach and life keeps multiplying. Sitting near an open window in the middle of all this was Tom and Chloe, looking into one another’s eyes, fully aware and accepting of what was happening.

    They stood and moved to the bed in unison, without any prompting. More shots were fired, and they could hear troops outside their door in the hallway, slipping on blood running down the stairs, while trying to reach the second floor. Chloe removed Tom’s boxers. Tom removed Chloe’s shirt and underwear. They lay down parallel on the bed, and pressed against each other; nose, nipples and knees became points of contact. They heard a man shout from the street that water was on sale, followed by the sound of thousands of people running in his direction. Tom felt dismembered, but he still maintained a psychic control over his limbs. He directed them to wrap around Chloe to protect her from the growing fire. The Devil just laughed at the pair as he continued to stoke coals with a long-handled trident. Chloe laughed back; she was immune to the rising heat, she was safe there with Tom. Together they existed in all realities simultaneously. They built and destroyed thousands upon thousands of worlds, and kept detailed records of the achievements and failures of each. Tom entered Chloe and everything stopped. Planes, birds and space stations fell from the sky like feathers, resting softly on the ground and rooftops, hanging in trees; people sat down where they were; raindrops froze in the air; then the great magnet sent a wave rippling out across the universe to inform other planets and galaxies to observe a moment of silence, before it ceased to give orders.

    The consummate couple lay there, immobile in accordance. Until they attempted to inhale, but their mouths were aligned and the opposing forces of their breath canceled the other’s. They tried to breathe again, but their rhythm was identical. They attempted to change tempo, but that was of no use either; their thoughts were synchronized. There was nothing for them to do but lie there and slowly asphyxiate. Their eyelids became heavy and fluttered, fighting for one last look into the other’s consciousness. Finally they became unconditionally still.

    The cosmos remained calm for a single second to honor their passing, and then with little fanfare the conductor stood on his podium and tapped his baton before waving his arms wildly in familiar rhythms, and the core recommenced its spinning with full accompaniment, tearing up the pages of their history. The ringmaster erected the tent once more, and the animals, now placated, went back to their chains and relinquished the whip. Clowns amused the audience, the rain fell and new viruses dominated the planet. Planes, birds and cosmonauts retook the skies, earthquakes ceased and the rubble fell upward into accustomed forms, assassins carefully packed away their rifles, and doors were broken down, eradicating the last bastions of privacy. Angels folded and tore up losing tickets. The Devil had others to stoke his fire once again, so he went back to his armchair. And blood — blood flowed through the streets in a torrent with nothing to stop it until it finally reached the city limits, where soil still existed, where it could soak deep into hallowed ground.


  12. give up giving up
    start to fail
    get tired
    dreams of failure
    wake up
    give up

    give up
    open me up

    I am happy

    open me up

    get scared

    give up
    open me up

    get weak

    give up



    fall asleep

    wake up exhausted

    wake up exhausted

    wake up exhausted




























































  13. it is sunday my dude n*iggerz i want sex hoes imma marry a roach, how can i help u infinitely? fist grandma, she likes it! me irl I'm just a guy that plays games and streams them, too. I'm mostly playing FPS and racing games, like CS:GO, Rocket League and Need For Speed: Most Wanted. I've been on Twitch since 2013 and I build my own PC's. I hope you don't judge my selfhood but i don't give a fuck. I have a thing for Asian women. Fuck yeah, let's get married. I'm a married man. I have a wife named Ashley. She's pretty cool. My favorite color is purple. I play games for a living. I'm a pretty chill dude. I'm nice to everyone and I hope you are, too. Don't be an asshole. I like it when others are nice to me, I'll be nice to you. ? tl:dr? Fuck yeah, baby. Informerino: I'm a married man. I have a wife named Ashley. She's pretty cool. My favorite name is frederik. My favorite color is green. I play games for a living. I'm a pretty chill dude. I'm nice to everyone and I hope you are, too. Don't be an asshole. I like it when others are nice to me, I'll be nice to you. ? tl;dr? Good

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