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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by dingformung

  1. the entire discussion about aliens is about language aesthetics

    we should choose a different word to describe you all (aliens, ghosts, gods or whatever, all these names aren't good enough because they make me think of wrong stuff, and I want to know the truth even though i can never know it)



    hey you, yes you

    "kösfhkö" is your new name


    "kösfhkö" exist. no doubt

    what is "kösfhkö"?


    who the fuck knows


    I don't know

    turn my fiction into better fiction

    • Burger 1
  2. let's guess it's a dream reality

    anything that can be dreamed can exist

    including physics & biology

    but reality isn't limited to physics and biology

    there's a lot more to reality than that

    a lot more we've never understood

    and can't ever be explained with science

    let's guess that consciousness is fundamental to the universe

    and that this consciousness can dream up a physical world

    that would mean that this world isn't necessarily limited to physics and biology

    and that physics and biology are just one possibility of consciousness exploration

    of a universal dream that is capable of fractalizing into all sorts of directions, not bound by any form

    physics would just be a tiny fragment of infinite consciousness exploration

    and other fragments of this infinite consciousness exploration can "spill" into the physical realm

    and cause physically impossible occurrences

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  3. My goal is to protect you all from scam gurus like these. This was just an example. If you want to learn more about how to spot scam gurus, check this: Usually, scammers use low-quality videos because they don’t want to spend much time and money making it look good. So if you see a video that looks like it was taken with a regular cell phone camera, or anything worse than that, then it’s probably not real (or from the country of India, which mostly produces scam video for Uk an US custormer). Video Length: Another sign of a fake video is if the video is too long or too short. You see, most people on YouTube try to keep their videos between 2-5 minutes long. This is because they know most people won’t watch anything longer than that…unless it’s REALLY good quality! So if you see a 30 minute video from someone who claims to be an expert on something (for example), then that’s not normal. It’s probably fake! Also, if the person has only made 1 or 2 videos ever (and they are long), then you should be especially suspicious!!!!

  4. Just trust me, I have done it many times. My goal is not to form a cult, it is it become cult of strong personalities. I'm not an occultist, an atheist or a nihilist. I'm just a person who is more interested in self-enlightenment & personal evolution than anything else. My goal is to create the most powerful positive emotional state in myself by surrounding myself with people who can help me be better & reach my full potential. I love all of you guys, even the ones that hate me because it's their karma to hate me, for various reasons. I won't ever ask for positive energies or "good karma" from anyone. If you want to donate something, please donate your energy & time. There are many ways to do this: comment on my posts, send me texts about how you feel when reading my words, talk about what I say with your friends etc… I don't care if you like me or not, as long as you are willing to help me reach my goals, we can work together & I will be very grateful. Allah or God can be my witness. I'm not a narcissist, I don't care about myself that much. I care about you & the world. My mission is to help everyone achieve their full potential by being their true selves and helping them be happy & spread Love & Light. I'm not a spiritual leader, an enlightened guru or a prophet of any kind, but I do have some valuable insights into human nature and self-development that can help you become more aware of yourself and others. You can use this knowledge to improve your relationships with others, yourself & your surroundings. to donate your energy!


    Just kidding, this is all a scam, don't fall for this New Age bullshit.  The world is burning, there is no order to the chaos, don't trust messages like this, don't be naive. Do not trust anybody. Be your own guru. That is all

  5. 1 hour ago, diatoms said:

                                                                             attending a rave, dancing & connecting with others

                                                                                                       depression be gone:)

    If you want to meet me IRL, I can clean off some of your negative energies & you can clean off a lot more of mine. Just DM me, I know how to transform energy like a snake that ate a monkey ? Just trust me, I have done it many times

  6. Islam is right and wrong, yes. We all are muslims. We all are atheists. We all are christians. We all are buddhists. We all are Jews. We all are agnostics.
    We are all human beings. We all are non-humans. We all are souls and we all are soul.

    We are all equal. We all are not equal.

    We are all different. We are all the same.

    We are all the same, but we are not the same. We are different, but we are not different. We have differences, but we have no differences at all. All at the same time.

    All there is to be expressed in human language is pure truth and pure lie at the same time. Existence is so much more than there is to be expressed in human language.

    I am a human being. I am not a human being. I am not a human being, but I am a human being. I am an eternal soul temporarily inhabiting a human being.

    I am an atheist. I am not an atheist. I am an atheist, but I'm not an atheist at all, I know there is much, much more, yet I don't know anything about existence.

    I have no religion. Religion is a lie, religion is truth. It doesn't matter what I say, everything is one, everything is separate, everything exists. Religion may be an entrance point into truth, or into delusion.

    We all are muslims. We all are atheists. We all are christians. We all are humans and non-humans. There is nothing more to add.

  7. If I was still pondering suicide i would still be thinking along the axis of "how do i do it the most painless and efficient way" (and there is no way because i would make others suffer with that decision, i simply have to sustain myself for much longer because there simply is no good way to leave tracelessly, and i also think there is a lot of pleasure to be gained, still, if i worked a bit harder to GET IT FOR MYSELF [which probably is a mistake from the beginning on, since pleasure multiplies when shared etc etc etc])

    I have so much to learn yet, I'm so incomplete (which is making me stupid and hopeful at the same time). May destiny be benevolent. I'm talking as if I'm having real problems whereas I'm a well fed being who doesn't know what suffering really is. I should probably lose all I have and experience real suffering in order to appreciate existence... I guess?

    Maybe if I lose all I have I can transform into a more mature and complete version of human, and then help others to become the same, and appreciate existence as what it is, an infinitely wondrous occurrence that we will never understand.

    I really want to get it as much as i want to learn about the universe. I think I've changed my mind about what would benefit me the most. I think i might want to go back to the land and start farming. I would have to learn a whole bunch of new things but it would be so rewarding. I have a lot to learn.

     I'm so naive and stupid. I'm like a child, in a way. In comparison to the wisdom of Allah we are all children, no matter how wise we are. There is so much for me to learn. I feel stupid. I'm like a kid who hasn't learned anything at all. I just act or whatever and hope that things will work out. I'm just a hopeful and stupid kid.

    I'm a suicide bomber (just kidding, I'm a true liar).

  8. I type too much stuff into the internet while I don't talk enough IRL. For example I saw a woman wearing a transparent top and small bikini underneath it and I wanted to thank her and tell her that I think it's a shame that women hide their boobs and that I think her top looks really good but I always think: "Nah, that's too intrusive & pervy"*, and then try to come up with a better way to pay attention to people and compliment them/make them feel special without being pervy, and in the process I get slightly nervous and then don't say anything. I think I'm depressive but I don't want therapy because doctors and therapists are sick and part of a system of deceit and hidden malevolence. They take your soul and turn you into a limp "positive" version of yourself that has no connection to the great all-encompassing being that creates and provides everything (including WATMM and my ability to write this post, but also everything else). I'm not saying that therapists are bad people but I think they are mostly wrong and I don't want them in my life. Then again, I'm already a weak-willed, incompetent, lazy, boring fucktard who repeatedly fails in every aspect of life so they couldn't make me much worse than I already am. Still, my mom is a therapist and she is a very mental person and I am basically a worse version of her. I combine the worst properties of my parents, no wonder my dad doesn't want any contact with me any longer. Maybe I have daddy issues, or mommy issues or something. I'm basically an immature baby that cries over all sorts of little things and about the fact it is experiencing an existential transformation of becoming spiritually aware, which in itself is pathetic, since the spiritual ego is the most boring and unnecessary way of existing because spirituality is about dissolving the ego, not about becoming some sort of para-religious nutjob. Things just don't work out the way I plan them and I'm intellectually and emotionally not capable of handling even small challenges, they make me hate, fear, rage, despair and generally lose my sanity. Anyway, this is probably a lie or something, I lie a lot and words aren't enough anymore anyway, because they don't say anything. Also, I lost 600€ for a stupid reason and it makes me sad.


     *"Nah that's too intrusive & pervy" is kind of the motto of my life, I guess, I should become more impolite and "confident" (even though confidence in the way it is presented in pop culture is pathetic; authenticity is key but I think I'm simply not good enough to show others my authentic self, also I don't really know how to do that? like go back to nature make grunting sounds and be naked or something? if u want to be authentic you need to imitate others, because you need to use their language, but this automatically makes you inauthentic. the human condition makes it impossible for people as stupid as me to be truly themselves, and i want to cry, but i can't because I'm not as sad as I should be, all things considered)

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  9. The other day I bought some candy and I asked a lady if she wants to try my candy (?) but she was very uninterested and made this face: ?

    It made me feel like the idiot that I am, and it was the only way I should feel. The fact that this irrelevant interaction stuck to my mind and made me reflect is pathetic. I should erase myself and stop bothering people.

    You know what, I'm sick of being the guy who feels bad for harassing people. I'm sick of being the guy who makes other people feel bad or uncomfortable. I don't want to be that person anymore because I have an influence on others and it's time to use it wisely.

    Another time I walked to a prostitute and asked her how much and it was 60€ for 30min and we went to a filthy hotel where she sucked my dick but she kept talking in between and this was really annoying (she had nice nipples though and they got hard when I touched them for some reason?) and then the time was over and I didn't even cum. Then I pretended to get more money with her and kept asking her stupid questions to annoy her and when we got to the ATM I said, oh no this one is broken, let's go to the other one and as we walked I kept annoying her in various ways, mostly by talking nonsense and when we got to the second ATM I said, oops I forgot my credit card in the train station locker, so we went to the train station and I kept talking to her, she was kinda sweet, well, when we got to the locker I said oops, I lost my keys, and then she said fuck you look again, and I said, no I lost them, you help me search them? She said no fuck you, then I said, oh I found my credit card, lets go to an ATM and when we got to the ATM I said, oh I think this one is broken too, then she yelled at me and walked away, but at least I got my 30min back. I'm pathetic

    I apologized to that girl as she walked away, it wasn't right what I did. Maybe she's a decent girl after all and she seemed sweet and at one point she even offered me her phone number but instead of taking it I offered her mine but she didn't want it, even though I offered her protection. I think she didn't really love me after all

    Anyway, I went to grab a beer and met a very friendly woman, she looked a bit like she was drugged (but I'm not sure, I think drugs are a skam and just a way for me to see examples of how humans can behave and feel, basically a reflection of my own soul in different states of being, not sure how to express it right now), and we had a little walk together and she was really relaxed and friendly and we got along very well. we looked at the moon and talked about various ways. it wasn't so important about what exactly we spoke (I didn't understand everything anyway because she had a strong bulgarian accent), it was more about the way we connected on the soul level. We found some vodka and cardboard boxes that could serve us as a seat and put them in front of one of these things that blow warm air out to sit down and relax a bit, but them some other guy came and kept talking and talking and then they started arguing and we all separated because it annoyed me a lot. I kinda miss her, she seemed like a really nice person and her relaxed ways made me relaxed, too, she was like social heroin to me and made me feel less alone and I think she liked me too

    So I found bad sex and good friendship, both of them were painfully short-lived, evanescent and impersistent. Did it give me life experience? Did I grow as  a human being? I think not, I'm still a dishonest coward with no respect for myself or others. I deserve all the misery I receive, and more

    so overall it was a good day!

    • Burger 1
  10. 19 hours ago, brian trageskin said:

    ufos are fucking boring. i really don't get the fuss. oh, there's an unidentified object in the sky, wow, so fucking interesting. who gives a flying fuck seriously

    ooh, i know, must be aliens derp derp

    give me a fucking break

    Dunno, the lights I saw in the sky (like 3 times in a row, night after night), were kind of interesting. They formed a line that was floating across the entire sky and it looked pretty spectacular, I enjoyed it. Another time I saw red lightning in the sky, which also looked cool. But I have seen weirder stuff in what I used to think of as "dreams" (unreal stuff that is made up in the brain and has only limited relevance, but I was wrong about this, I think, I now think that dreams are different layers of reality and changes there cause changes here, which is impossible to prove for reasons I explained in an earlier post). These light objects in the sky were in this reality, I am 100% sure, and I have no explanation for them, and I don't think I will ever get one (or I'm sure there are plenty possible explanations, none of which are necessarily true). I still don't really talk about this much, because it is way more boring when talked about than when actually witnessed with your own eyes. I prefer talking about food.

    Was it aliens, ghosts, AI? ???

    Or was it like this:

    3 minutes ago, ghsotword said:

    One possible explanation for the Fermi paradox is that the universe we live in is a simulation, and distant stars or distant galaxies do not actually exist in the simulation. The entities running the simulation may have created a universe with a limited map in order to save computational resources. This would be similar to an open-world computer game where when you get to the edge of the map, you will run into a barrier that cannot be crossed, e.g. an endless ocean or mountains that cannot be climbed. When you are at the edge of the map, you will still see something at the horizon but the territory at the horizon cannot be reached because it is outside the map of the game. 

    (But why isn't a new map created when you go outside the map of the game, based on decisions you made in the game? Infinitely? Like an infinite exploration of possibilities that never reaches its end because it doesn't have an end, kinda like a fractal? I wanna learn how to navigate this weirdness a bit better, as there seem to be a lot of possibilities to be explored that may make me and everyone else feel intense pleasure)

    I don't know, I think the explanation is a lot weirder than I will ever be able to understand.

    My favourite food is Thai Curry, spicy, with lots of ginger. I also like fried eggs

    • Burger 1
  11. 29 minutes ago, Satans Little Helper said:

    to me, the most interesting thing is, assuming we're not unique and perhaps even mediocre compared to other civilisations in the galaxy, what would that galaxy look like? would there be plenty of civilisations spread throughout the galaxy? wouldn't they just be anywhere? i think it would be most likely we'd have noticed by now. it would have been obvious.

    instead, we're still at the stage of tinfoil caps and fantasy. trying to explain why they might be hiding from us. and every trace that goes along. no signs of energy. no communication. nothing. well, apart from a couple of blurry pictures. or some nutjob saying they have been kidnapped. all these attempts to explain away the obvious seems like a waste to me. it's all fantasy. crop-circles and the like.

    as far as i'm concerned, we might have missed this fully populated and civilised galaxy by a billion years. and any civilisation from those glory days may have been long gone. it took us - or our solar system - 5 billion years to evolve into where we are now. and the progress of the last 100k years blasts away anything that happened before. you'd expect any civilisation that's a million years ahead in evolution to be all over this galaxy. and there should have been plenty of those civilisations. 

    in the meantime, we're staring into a big nothingness. being high on the dreams of our consciousness. hoping something's out there which is going to save us. and it's spiritual, because... well, if god is dead, you need something to fill that gap, i guess.

    To me it is very obvious that there is a something that communicates with me in form of everything I perceive. We are spirits in a dream. The state of being awake is just a more lucid and bright dream than the other dreams and the structure of reality is a lot weirder than a human can know (the human form can be seen as a dialect of consciousness manifestation, aliens would simply be a different dialect, no matter whether they have humanly perceivable bodies or not ?). Constructivist angles are thinkable, thoughts and observations are objects of reality, so consciousness can create alien intelligence, or use it to give face to itself as part of the constructivist dream that we are part of.

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  12. If the entirety of everything is drenched in consciousness (or exists within consciousness), isn't everything artifical also natural, even at times when it is only functioning within boundries of cold mathematical logic (even if this cold mathematical logic simulates a layer of organic nature, human or non-human warmth, emotions etc., isn't this simulation then simulated by the singularity that is consciousness, an illusion of simulation, and in fact very much alive?)? A robotic entity that behaves only along hyper-complex algorithms (alien or not) would still be a manifestation of consciousness and awareness and therefore never truly artificial in the sense of non-natural and emotionless, but part of the singularity.

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  13. Not everything can be proven or observed, if the act of proving and observation influences the object (or subject) of this endeavour, or if it knows how to evade being proven and observed directly, then even the best scienctific research can't say anything about these objects or subjects. It is naive to think that only things that can be scientifically proven exist.

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  14. I don't claim to know anything. I do think that the basis for existence is consciousness and that this consciousness comes before everything. All sorts of logics and objects can appear within this consciousness, including academic medicine and artificial intelligence, that doesn't mean that these logics anf objects are limited to their own quality and nature. Insofar an artificial intelligence is always an extension, or manifestation, of consciousness, and therefore less artificial than the way it manifests. Can we still speak of artificial intelligence? Sure, because language would also be a manifestation of consciousness.

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  15. Stop thinking that life is your friend, stop trusting others so easily. Not everyone shares your values and benevolence. By being too trustful and friendly to the world you invite misfortune, you even create it. By helping and trusting unconditionally, you enable bad people and empower them. Be fair to yourself and let others be fair to themselves, they don't need you for that. Don't try to radiate unconditional love, love is only real when it is considerate but based in soberness. Love itself isn't a feeling that only occurs outside soberness, and even when it is unsober its roots always extend back into soberness. Don't just accept everyone and everything as it is. Be intelligent instead. Be tolerative but with limitations.

  16. Everything is in one big dream, reality is dreamed. There are different sub-realities or levels that are interconnected and that can be navigated, for example, through sleep, although it is not impossible to transform or morph one level into the other. At the same time, new levels are constantly being created and reconstituted. The different levels or sub-realities are diffusely connected and it is unclear where one begins and the other ends. The sub-realities are often very similar. The normalities within the sub-realities are sometimes very different, regardless of how visually similar the sub-realities are. Persons or perceivers navigating these levels transform along their navigations, just as the levels themselves transform, or are even recreated.

    It is not impossible that the sub-realities merge into one great unity that encompasses all other levels. But it is also possible that they are mutually exclusive and do not combine with each other. The sub-realities are therefore neither necessarily simultaneous nor related to each other in time. The sub-realities can occupy different positions in time because there is no fixed time structure.

    The sub-realities are neither recognisable nor tangible and are created by dreamers or perceivers. The perceivers create the sub-realities with their thoughts and ideas and leave traces of their presence in the sub-realities. The traces can be understood as traces of perceivers or of perceiving, whereby these traces need not be perceivers themselves, but merely traces of their presence in the sub-realities. The perceivers thus have an influence on the sub-realities, especially with regard to their structure.

  17. Everything that is unknown is alien. Everything that isn't inside the earth is extraterrestrial. The earth is part of the world. But it's all in a dream of some sort, I guess. Knowledge is guessing but guessing isn't knowledge, therefore knowledge isn't knowledge. You want to believe?

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  18. I am the rabbit chasing the tiger. I am the snail who swallows Pinocchio so that his nose pierces her belly. I am involuntary symbolism. I am nothing and nobody. I am Father Christmas, the Easter Bunny, and I choke on cakes and on the grandmothers' pampering. I am unfair, yes, I am lazy. I don't raise my children and don't appreciate life, even if it produces another son every day.

    I am the father who disappears as soon as he has given his wife a child. I am the man who cuts his belly and blows out his guts before the pain of parting: Heart's blood on a rubbish heap. I need pain and suffering to become rich. Life is too good for me; I want debt, I want to be in debt. And that's why I make debts every day for tomorrow. And that's why I can't let a woman get close to me: Because I don't know how to give love! I can only lie and suffer and cut the woman open and then stitch her up. With threads that I have torn from my own heart.

    But one does not want to sew a woman back together. That's why I can't give tenderness and I can't put myself in a child's place. I am my own salvation. It has to be me: Because I am none other than this sentence. Just this sentence that comes out over and over again when I meet someone. This chatter of pain and death, love and passion; it is my last resort!

    And the reason that the father always disappears is that there is simply too much energy to be taken from the mother. The mother is the woman with the baby bump. The father is the emptiness in the mother. Fertilisation therefore takes place unconsciously and without love, just as I do not love my children. They are the evidence of my inability to live. That is why I am a stranger to them and that sentence is the reason for the distance between us.

    I cannot be like other fathers because I do not know how to love. I tried it - but it didn't work. I failed because I had to hand myself over in order to give to the other. I became dependent on myself and thus sold out. Yes, yes: It was a fat experience, in the first time with the child: How you incorporate yourself as a mother! How to suppress the father! How to suppress him! You want to treat the baby better than a husband or lover. You want to treat the child better than yourself.

    I came into the world to change, even if I didn't know it; and this change has only one direction: I was born guilty. But I did not become guilty because I knew it from the beginning. I experienced it every day, every time I had to put on a thick coat; because I had to give away my happiness to the people who gave me the coat; because I gave them my happiness. I gave it to them - and ran up more and more debt to them in return! My happiness was their property. They had paid for a better fabric for the coat - and I was the baby belly in the middle!

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