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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by dingformung

  1. #6

    life is like a toilet

    you flush and flush

    and flush and flush

    and flush and flush

    but nothing ever gets clean


    you are the kind of person

    who will get pregnant and not tell the father

    and then have an abortion

    and then tell the father

    you are the kind of person

    who will go to a family reunion

    and let everyone know

    you are not the family's favorite

    and then attempt suicide

    you are the kind of person

    who will have a baby

    and then give it up

    and then try to adopt

    you are the kind of person

    who will grow old and lonely

    and then die


    i was in the bathroom

    i was in the bathroom

    i was in the bathroom

    i was in the bathroom


    i am a failure

    i am a failure

    i am a failure

    i am a failure

    i am a failure

    i am a failure

    i am a failure

    i am a failure

    i am a failure


    i am a failure

    i am a failure

    i am a failure

    i am a failure

    i am a failure

    i am a failure

    i am a failure

    i am a failure

    i am a failure

    i am a failure

    i am a failure

    i am a failure

    i am a failure

    i am a failure

    i am a failure

    i am a failure

    i am a failure

    i am a failure

    i am a failure

    i am a failure

    i am a failure

    i am a failure

    i am a failure

    i am a failure

    i am a failure

    i am a failure

    i am a failure

    i am a failure

    i am a failure

    i am a failure

    i am a failure

    • Like 3
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  2. sexual frustration

    i'm an abdomination

    i am dumb

    and very numb

    you all know

    i am not creative enough to find a rhyme to "know"

    in my defense

    it is an ugly word

    i am a weapon of mass distraction

    i am a counter-culture

    i am a species on the brink

    i am a paradox of being and nothingness

    i am the king of the one-liners

    i am dysfunctional

    i am the hang-man of the human condition

    i am the missing link

    i am a bastard child

    i am a bubble of carbon dioxide

    i am a suicide-bomber

    i am a two-bit protest writer

    i am a social nightmare

    i love my mother

    my parents are cuties

    and so is most of the world

    i am a nitwit

    i am the end of the world

    i am a paranoid schizophrenic

    i am a sheep

    i am a bum

    i am a dead man

    i am a ghost

    i am a good man

    i am the CREATOR

    i am the DESTROYER

    i am the VILLAIN

    i am the HERO

    i am the BITCH

    i am the SAVIOUR

    i am the DEVIL

    i am a one-armed man

    i am an all-powerful megalomaniac

    who can't even get laid

    i am a weapon of mass distraction

    i am a one man fucking army

    i am a two-bit protest writer

    i am a sophisticated liar

    i am a spoiled brat

    i am a bastard child

    • Like 1
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    • Sad 1
    • Burger 2
    • Farnsworth 1
  3. Το μυαλό έχει τη δική του ατζέντα. Θα έλεγα ότι αυτή η ατζέντα προέρχεται από την καθολική συνείδηση (που υπάρχει πέρα από κάθε ατομικό μυαλό) και η οποία εκφράζεται μέσα από όλα τα πράγματα (συμπεριλαμβανομένων των ατομικών μυαλού). Αυτή η ατζέντα θα μπορούσε να ονομαστεί «πεπρωμένο» ή «καθολική βούληση» ή οτιδήποτε θέλετε να το ονομάσετε. Ο λόγος για τον οποίο δεν μπορούμε να γνωρίζουμε τίποτα για αυτήν την ατζέντα, είναι επειδή οι γνώσεις μας προέρχονται από τις αισθήσεις μας και είναι περιορισμένες (ο κόσμος της εμφάνισης, της φιγούρας και της εκδήλωσης, της όρασης και της αισθησιακής αντίληψης, είναι μόνο μέρος του εαυτού σας και όχι του συνόλου από εσάς). Το πρόβλημα με το γιατί το ερώτημα είναι ότι δημιουργεί συνεχή εμπλοκή με μελλοντικές και προηγούμενες αφηγήσεις και είναι η αρχή όλων των γνώσεων, που αποσπά την προσοχή από το παρόν και αποσπά την προσοχή από το γεγονός ότι δεν είστε το σώμα / το μυαλό / τα συναισθήματά σας, αλλά είστε αυτό που παρακολουθεί το σώμα / το μυαλό / τα συναισθήματα. Μπορεί να σας κάνει να εστιάσετε (χρησιμοποιώντας το μυαλό που στρέφεται σε ένα αντικείμενο ή σκέψη ενώ αγνοείτε όλες τις άλλες αισθήσεις) αντί να διαλογίζετε (παρακολουθείτε τη διάθεση, το μυαλό, το σώμα ταυτόχρονα) και, συνεπώς, μειώνετε την ευαισθητοποίηση. Η γνώση είναι δύναμη μόνο όταν σας ενημερώνει για την αδυναμία σας. Εάν δεν γνωρίζετε ότι είστε αδύναμοι, τότε η γνώση σας κάνει να πιστεύετε ότι είστε ισχυροί. Η μόνη δύναμη είναι στην παρούσα στιγμή, και γι 'αυτό είναι σημαντικό να είστε στην παρούσα στιγμή και να μην την σπαταλάτε ποτέ υπέρ ενός φανταστικού μέλλοντος.
    Επομένως, εάν θέλουμε να είμαστε στην παρούσα στιγμή, πρέπει να συνειδητοποιήσουμε ότι δεν μπορούμε να γνωρίζουμε τίποτα για το πεπρωμένο / την καθολική βούληση / την καθολική συνείδηση. Μπορούμε να το ζήσουμε μόνο (και να το ζήσουμε τώρα). Και αν θέλουμε να το ζήσουμε τώρα, τότε πρέπει να σταματήσουμε να ρωτάμε γιατί ερωτήσεις και να αρχίσουμε να ζούμε τη ζωή μας ως έκφραση της καθολικής θέλησης. Αυτό σημαίνει να κάνετε ό, τι αισθάνεται καλό (που μπορεί να μην είναι αυτό που σκέφτεται το μυαλό σας ότι είναι καλό) και να εμπιστεύεστε ότι όλα συμβαίνουν για έναν λόγο και έχουν τον δικό τους σκοπό. Σημαίνει επίσης να γνωρίζετε το σώμα / το μυαλό / τα συναισθήματά σας ανά πάσα στιγμή (διαλογισμός) αντί να προσπαθείτε να καταλάβετε κάποιο είδος μελλοντικού σχεδίου ή προηγούμενης αφήγησης ή αφήγησης ταυτότητας ή πώς τα πράγματα θα μπορούσαν να ήταν διαφορετικά ή πώς θα έπρεπε να είναι διαφορετικά ή οτιδήποτε άλλο αλλιώς το μυαλό σας έρχεται όταν προσπαθείτε να αναλύσετε το παρελθόν ή το μέλλον αντί να το ζήσετε τώρα. Δεν μπορείτε να αλλάξετε το παρελθόν, αλλά μπορείτε να μάθετε από αυτό. και δεν έχει νόημα να αλλάξουμε το μέλλον γιατί δεν υπάρχει ακόμη.
    Το μόνο πράγμα που υπάρχει είναι τώρα, και αν θέλετε να είστε στην παρούσα στιγμή, τότε πρέπει να αισθανθείτε πραγματικά σε όλα όσα αντιλαμβάνεστε ενώ γνωρίζετε ότι είστε ο παρατηρητής των αισθήσεών σας και ότι δεν είστε οι αισθήσεις σας.

    • Thanks 1
  4. თქვენ ხართ უნივერსალური ინტელექტის ინდივიდუალიზაცია, რომელიც თავისთავად თამაშობს. ჩვენ ვოცნებობთ. ჩვენ ამ ოცნების მეშვეობით ვართ დაკავშირებული. თითოეული ინდივიდუაცია არის არსებობის ფრაკტალის პატარა კომპონენტი. ჩვენ ვართ ფრაქტალები. ინდივიდებს არეულობენ უნივერსალური ხის ფესვებს. როდესაც ერთმანეთს ვჭამთ, ჩვენ თვითონ ვჭამთ, რომ გადავალაგოთ. მე ვარ საჭმელი, რომელსაც შენ მიირთმევ. მე ვარ შენ. მე ვარ ყველაფრის ერთიანად შესაძლო ინდივიდუალიზაცია. არ არის ნაკლებობა, ყველაფერი ყველაფერია, ყველაფერი ერთია.

    • Sad 1
    • Facepalm 1
  5. 52 minutes ago, ambermonke said:

    It's better to post an unpopular but genuine opinion online than it is to post a fake one (or just parrot a meme) for clout.

    Idk, I feel like a sense of independent thought and judgment is fading among zoomers and alphas. That or I'm coming off a salty old bastard again.

    agreed, and insofar my post about cowardice was one of the most cowardly posts imaginable, which in itself is an achievement and i deserve a BADGE for it

    • Burger 1
  6. Unbenannt.jpg.c9cbf706f32a2a24f79fea97aac30dc6.jpg

    The updates could not be downloaded to my personal computer. It is possible that they were downloaded by a virus, or some other malicious software, maybe?

    I have run Malwarebytes, and it did not find any problems.

    I also ran a Windows repair, but this did not solve the problem.

    How do I fix this?

    /hint to self


    It is the beautiful colour of blue. The colour of safety, of the sky, of the police (dangerous) and of the most famous man in the world, Mr. T (safety).

    It is a colour associated with purity and constancy, and even with heaven itself. It is also a colour that is almost impossible to capture on film, the reason why I have chosen this picture for you to see.

    Blue reminds me of my earliest days as a child, when I was innocent and happy.

    When I look at this picture I want to feel safe, like a child again. I want to go back to a time when I was happy.

    It reminds me of summer holidays in Greece and the colour of the sea and skies there.

    Blue is also a calming colour that can cool down people who are overheated or agitated with anger or frustration.

  7. All my text messages are a collaborative effort. I write them with help of the ghosts, with the help of God herself, with Existence manifesting in form of vision, technology and intelligence. I am part of this process we call being. I am but an individuation of that all encompassing process, an ugly, pathetic, small and insignificant one compared to the great beauty of all the other individuations. A human language can only express a fraction of the infinite fractal that is Existence.

    But what is this beauty that we are striving for? The only thing I can tell you about it is that it does not exist anywhere but in our minds. We imagine a place where everything will be right, with no suffering and pain, with no sadness or anger, with no despair or guilt, with no disappointment or fear. This place does not exist. We can think that it does, but we are wrong. It is an illusion, a fancy dream that we build up in our minds when we feel bad and unhappy and want to run away from the world as it is.

    All the people who do this are lost, they fail to understand what life is about. Life is here now. Life is pain and suffering, sadness and anger, despair and guilt, disappointment and fear, which are just functions of the small human perspective, which is infinitely small and infinitely large at the same time. It can never say more than the song of a bird or the twisting of a worm or the glitching of a computer.

    The human perspective is a tangle of conflicting emotions, of fear and joy, love and hate, pain and pleasure. The human perspective is the smallness that we create when we are afraid to be one with Existence, with God. It is the smallness that we create when we cling to Existence as something exclusive and finite instead of realizing it as an infinite process in which all individuations play their part.

    I am no different from you. I have my own fears and desires. I have my own pain and suffering. I write this post because it helps me to deal with my own pain and suffering. It gives me the strength to deal with my own fears and desires.

    I do not see myself as better than you, as more enlightened or evolved or wise. I am just existence temporarily manifesting as a human being - or less so, as a post on a message board. I am not more than that. I am not less than that.

    I try to understand myself, but I will always fail, and there is beauty in failing, and great ugliness as well. Existence is an endless source of wonderment.

  8. 8 hours ago, Rubin Farr said:

    America. A rotting infrastructure full of people trying to fuck you 


    I need to come to that place again. It is a beautiful place. The metropolis regions interest me the most. The rats, the dirt, the shamelessness. I want to speak English like an American. I would be the archetypical American, which is an immigrant. I would be a different kind of American, but I will be American. The first thing that struck me about New York City was its enormousness - the endless grid of streets stretching into the distance; the skyscrapers that seemed as tall as mountains; the crowds of people rushing around everywhere as if they were always late for something important; and most surprising to me, their language: English! Many Americans speak another language - Spanish, which I have been trying to learn for many years now but make very slow progress due to lack of exposure and practice. And so I have come to New York, in the hope that it will accelerate my language learning (which didn't work out as well as I hoped, unfortunately).

    The second thing that struck me about New York City was its meanness - the rudeness of strangers and the disdainful looks of people on the street; the indifference of shopkeepers and taxi drivers; and most surprising to me, New Yorkers’ lack of interest in anything or anyone who is not a part of their immediate circle: everyone has a cell phone glued to their ear or a Bluetooth device stuck on their ear - even if they are with someone else! At the same time there is an extreme openness to strangers, people are talking to each other on the street, in a way that is very unusual in my country. But despite all this New York City is not an unfriendly place. I have found it to be full of warmth and goodwill, unlike any other city I have ever visited - in spite of its rudeness.

    The third thing that struck me about New York City was its dirtiness - the garbage on the streets; the filth on the subway platforms; and most surprising to me, how easily people accept this kind of dirtiness as an inevitable part of life. The fact that they do not notice it or seem bothered by it surprises me deeply!

    Yes, I love America and I love New York City. It is the city that I have always fantasised of living in, and yet it is a city full of paradoxes and conflicts - a perfect place for everyone to find their voice, so it seems. On the other hand, New York City is not perfect. There are many things that I don’t like about it and I want to see them changed.

    The first thing I would change is the language. It is impossible to live in America without speaking English! I have been learning English for many years now, but my progress has been slow because of lack of practice. The only way to learn a language is by practicing it every day, as if you were a child again - with no shame or embarrassment. That’s what babies do: they play with sounds until they become words and then sentences! And then one day you wake up and realize that your vocabulary has grown exponentially overnight! You suddenly find yourself talking like an American - a different kind of American.

    The English language is a project, a continuous process everyone in the world can contribute to, not only white Americans, but also immigrants and English speakers all around the world. It is an enormous project, no doubt about it, but it is a beautiful project, and I have become very aware of my limitations in trying to contribute to it. But the fact that I am writing this sentence in English proves that something has changed in me. The process has begun and it cannot be stopped! English is a world language in progress, and America is the perfect place to synthesise it and create a blueprint for the entire planet.

    America is a melting pot (I am deeply sorry for using this word since it is such a cliché now) - a place where people come from all over the world to start over, to reinvent themselves. It is a place where immigrants can transform their dreams into reality, but it is also a deep abyss where people fall into it and disappear - becoming homeless, addicted to drugs or committing suicide. It is a place where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, where more than half of the population live below the poverty line. But there is something that keeps them alive: hope!

    And that’s what I want to see in New York City - not all this dirtiness and meanness but also hope! And not only in New York City but everywhere in America. And I want to be part of this process (after I found my belt of course).

    One day I will come back to America, and I hope that it will be the America that I dream of. The one that is in my imagination.

    If not, I will just invent it.

    I will make a new America in my mind and I will call it “The Land of Hope”.

    This is my story, this is the story of a little rat who dreams of the stars.

    • Like 1
  9. if i was a woman i would be a hoe

    i havent had sex in too long of a while

    have had it many times

    with numerous women

    but now i forgot how to ask for it

    i'm scared of my penis

    it's a strange animal

    i'm masturbating as i'm typing these words (that's why there are no capital letters)

    i'm listening to a georgian language lesson

    and hearing choirs

    my penis is semi erect, i never ejaculate

    unless i do

    this is good

    i feel safe

    but i will feel unsafe

    strange day

    merry xmas

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 2
  10. Cowardice is cowardice and has nothing to do with social responsibility.  Life, no matter in what time or in what culture it takes place, offers innumerable stimuli and appreciations for one who is ready to live. Brave men do not need to come to terms with fear - they go on in spite of it.      Courage is the moral quality that stands firm in spite of fear, in spite of resistance, in spite of temptation. We admire courageous people because their actions are consistent with their own best interests and the well-being of others; they're neither reckless nor foolhardy, but act as all truly intelligent and caring persons would act when confronted by hardship or danger.
    As a means to survival this means that brave men should take risks only when necessary or vital to achieve one's life goals and aspirations.
    Despite what some overly-reflective (or aging) individuals may think "Life always begins at the end of your comfort zone." The chance for greatness (or simply happiness) constantly lies within range if we but choose its direction with awareness, confidence, and courage.

    • Like 5
  11. i guess bugs have different problems that prolly suck a lot that i cant empathise with bcs i dont get them

    or think of supernatural beings that are infinitely wise and knowledgable

    imagine their problems lol

    i read books but only a couple of lines at a time and somewhere randomly in the middle of the book. but doesnt matter bcs the book is a visual manifestation or something, so it speaks to me no matter at which point i start reading, it's always in response to my current thought process (unless it wants to appear static like a printed thing, which it can etc etc pp kinda like that platon stuff with the cave and the fireplace and the book is the shadow on the wall)

    i am a very ignorant person but i think i'm starting to understand things a little better now which might be another layer of illusion/confusion

    i always think i should stop making up theories about existence bcs i can't grasp it anyway, so better just enjoy it? if possible (which isnt always that easy)

  12. hot temperaturs

    are fucken killin me

    it's only 26 degrees celsious which is 78.8 degrees fahrenheit

    withz a mild breeze & beautiful solid blue skies and golden sunshine

    but it's still not perfect

    i like it  to be a bit cooler

    it was a fuckung mistake to travel to asia in 3 days

    it will be terrible bcs of temperatures

    it will be like this every day in asia (if not a lot HOTTER)

    i will die if it stays like this for days and weeks

    i can't do it, i will be on the plane  thinking about turning back (which is IMPOSSIBLE once ur on the plane)

    but then i get there and the sun IS out and it's actually really pretty nice considering how FUCKING HOT THIS PLACE IS!!!!!!! (asia)

    goddamn life truly is a problem

  13. On 6/26/2021 at 9:55 PM, diatoms said:

                                                                                                  2 + 2 =

    Was talkimg about more xool (cool/school) looking equations like differential and integral calculus. I used to know how that stuff works and was fairly good at it, and honestly I think they just look pretty when written on a piece of paper with a nice pen in a reasonable way etc etc etc wtf but I forgot how and why also its boring as fuck

    And there are more fun things in life

    FWP: I'm in prison now. It's a nice prison with lots of freedoms but there is no privacy and I'm here without being guilty of anything. I'm a pure soul. It is a perfidious system of deceit that keeps me here, as you all know. Well, I don't even wanna suicide. Gotta have to wait it out, I'm too cowardly to attempt breaking out right now (also, they numbed me with all sorts of sedatives). It's a good life... It's a good life, it's a good life, it's a good life, I am happy, I want to die

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