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Posts posted by dingformung

  1. On 11/21/2020 at 7:18 AM, toaoaoad said:

    Didn't climate scientists only give us 20 more years about ten years ago?

    What a bunch of idiots. They should better stick to what they know. Fucking scientist eggheads

    • Confused 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, rhmilo said:

    Right, but but what you’re talking about is physical attractiveness. “Manliness”, on the other hand, is a social construct - and an outdated one at that.

    And trying to conform to it, or at least to the outward trappings of it, makes you look extremely silly these days and, yes, a loser.

    I don't know, "manliness" is a very broad term and I don't think it just refers to some outdated stereotypical idea of a certain fixed role men should conform to in society. It's broader than that and refers to everything related to belonging to the male gender (willingly or unwillingly).

    The concept of "loser" is a social construct in itself and is rooted in a thinking that life is a competitive game where you can either win or lose. Identity is formed solely along the axis of "winning" and "losing", and so is a human's worth. A very dehumanising ideology

    • Like 2
  3. 12 minutes ago, rhmilo said:

    How many women do you know that find Jordan Peterson quoting incels attractive?

    I don't know, I never asked a woman if she thinks Jordan Peterson quoting incels are attractive to her. But being an incel and quoting Jordan Peterson isn't necessarily what I'd refer to as "manliness". Without trying to further define manliness, I can tell that I personally find manly women unattractive and most women don't like too feminine men. In some way it's the gender differences that make the genders attractive to each other (regardless whether they're socially constructed or biologically determined or both).

    Overthinking manliness makes you look like you have issues/insecurities in that department, though. These self-identifying "alpha male" types who do everything to appear more masculine, including intentionally speaking at a lower pitch than naturally and acting rougher than they are, are the male equivalent of the all-pink/too much perfume wearing Hello Kitty collecting peroxide blonde girly type. Just seems obnoxious but maybe that's classism

    • Like 3
  4. Just now, rhmilo said:

    That the concept of "manliness" is completely irrelevant except to losers with a severe lack of imagination.

    Are women who feel attracted to manliness in the wrong? Should they ignore gender differences more?

  5. 9 minutes ago, jaderpansen said:


    "We must rediscover our manliness. Because only if we rediscover our manliness we will become manful and only if we become manful we will become able-bodied and we must become able-bodied, my dear friends."


    • Thanks 1
    • Confused 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, xox said:

    Ok, he’s not interesting to you or you don’t agree with some of his views or all of them but the level of this hate puzzles me! What am i missing?

    36 minutes ago, perunamuusi said:

    He's a fucking gimp.



    I've made like 20 posts in the Jordan Peterson thread over the course of the day. What am I doing with my life? Maybe I should clean my room

    • Haha 2
    • Farnsworth 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, xox said:

    Oh no... I believe it’s justified! This is why I think so:

    Ppl apparently love him around the world! Especially young ppl seeking for a meaning in their lives in this fakt up world and he brings some sense to them; I believe he helps them more than not! Some ppl see him as promoting some radical beliefs but they just project their own feelings of insecurity and narcissism, don’t worry about them. 
    He became famous when he stood up against that funny almost-law in Canada which was meant to force ppl to use special pronouns for transgender persons. Law!!! If it were about anything else, he wouldn’t be so famous today bc, understandably, transgender groups felt attacked by him and they were loud with calling names and labeling, even with words like “nazi”. I say understandably bc, it matters to them (and they are really quite marginalized and heavily stigmatized) and not bc they were attacked directly by him but consequently. He stood against that law as should any other sane person but ppl were afraid to talk about it just bc consequently you go against some stigmatized minority group, which makes you automatically a first order nazi. Isn’t that sick! Not be able to say anything about such an influential law? Even if it’s a total nonsense?! Dangerous nonsense at that! That’s the word we’re living today! Nazi big brother world! He almost lost his job at the uni! Can you imagine that?! That’s not a world where everybody is welcomed and safe, but a world of fear and sick narcissistic projections and separation of ppl and groups, not about unification! Proper nazi world! Let’s just label you with “filthy jew” (as he was also called) and you with “mr nazi”!
    And he was brave enough to say something about the law but everybody just continued talking about him against the trans ppl, about women rights.... And he realized that it’s a bigger problem than he thought it was so he continued to talk about what ever ppl wanted to talk about and even after saying repeatedly that it’s about the law and freedom of speech and how it would eventually just do more harm than good to the minority group and everyone else, all left extremists opposed him even harder bc finally, someone we can attack on a tv! Personal chaos and simplified world is not how a healthy world should look like!

    So... If ppl want to go to his meetings and listen to his lectures about ‘cleaning their rooms’ and to buy his book, i see no prob i that. I’m glad he stood up bc he somehow managed to slowed down the totalitarian machine that’s been waiting around the corner. So, he’s probably still relevant bc he still represents that fight against oppression and against silent totalitarian tricks in a modern democracies. He still represents freedom of speech, that we need more than ever today! And we now talk more openly than ever about stigmatizations of minorities and related problems in our societies. We need more of that! Not less! 

    Sounds lame and I zoned out while reading this midway so I'm not sure if I grasped it all

    No offence, by the way, but there are more fun things to engage with, I think, than Jordan Peterson. I'm more sure about that now than ever before


    48 minutes ago, Cryptowen said:

    literally every marxist i know irl hates foucault's guts, because they view him as a prime of example of that french bullshit the CIA used to distract the left back in the 60s

    If Canadian Marxists are anything like your presumed far-right intellectuals that doesn't surprise me

  8. 5 minutes ago, xox said:

    I assume he knows psychology well enough to be a uni professor (worked at Harvard for 7 yes) and he’s good at giving lectures about psychology related topics. he’s also an experienced psychotherapist.
    What makes him special? I don’t know... i guess if you need some knowledge about psychology or if you need psychotherapy, he can probably
     provide both

    I don't doubt his competence in his field (I can't evaluate that) but I doubt that his influence as a public figure is justified and more some odd media phenomenon

  9. 10 minutes ago, xox said:

    I haven’t read the book, well I doubt i will... but his uni lectures are top notch imo

    Any particular lecture you can recommend?

    I like the idea of getting into Jordan Peterson as a direct result of this thread getting bumped.


    • Haha 1
    • Sad 1
  10. 4 minutes ago, xox said:

    He’s a psychologist tho

    Oops, lol. I can freely admit that I don't know many facts about Jordan Peterson

    But really, what makes him especially qualified in anything other than having a popular YouTube channel?

  11. None of the psychiatrists I've asked knew who Jordan Peterson was. Seems he is more a YouTube celebrity than anything, and not necessarily widely known for any achievements or contributions in the field of psychiatry. Not sure why he even gets the amount of attentions he gets.

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