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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by dingformung

  1. 2 hours ago, cyanobacteria said:

    let's just defend the US instead in their quest to destabilize China and maintain world dominance surely things will work out better

     Maybe someone should have told the CIA to not destroy Yugoslawia. Yugoslawia already had plans to fully democratise the country. They had a plan to make the country transition from the necessary dictatorship (necessary to fight off the facist Italians in the partisan wars) into a democratic socialism. They have had free healthcare and education for a long time, and a welfare state and their economy didn't rely on outsourced slave labour, something modern Americans can only dream of. Yet they were too dangerous as an embodiment of a third way between full-on fascist/capitalist imperialism and authoritarian fake communism, so the American government preferred a bloody war to happen there, with thousands of dead children. China, on the other hand, is a fascist regime with no interest in democracy. Sure, the total death count and amount of violence is still less than that of the US, but they are catching up. No need to be an apologist of a fascist regime only because it's in rivalry with US imperialism.


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  2. It immediately helps because it stimulates your metabolism. It also helps long-term because it activates your endocrine glands which are responsible for muscle growth. They are also responsible for producing happiness hormones.


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  3. 19 hours ago, Alcofribas said:

    please do not attempt to own me for this post

    A sad, lonely, middle-aged man who is disillusioned by relationships suddenly starts finding teenagers more and more interesting and with increasing frequency catches himself obsessively browsing their social media profiles. The FBI AI just flagged you for further investigation. Who knows what else they will find?



    19 hours ago, Alcofribas said:

    the teens fascinate me. and so much of what i see is a combination of "just want to get my pussy railed by spongebob" with "i am the most depressed person in existence." this is dating, to me.





    • Haha 1
  4. He has a great way of talking and it's fun to follow his lectures even if I don't understand shit. I like how his students sometimes ask him questions just by playing their instruments, not by words, and he understands and replies. They are truly fluent with their instruments

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  5. 7 minutes ago, xox said:

    This is much better ding-man! You finally allowed your emotional side to come to the foreground! 

    You can't spell analyse without eyes, and it is my eyes which I laid on you since the first time we met here on WATMM. I cherish this moment ❤️


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  6. 11 hours ago, xox said:

    Good! That means that you’ve became (emotionally) mature enough to understand that intellectualism cant help you understand yourself, your loved ones or the world in general so you stopped investing your energy into it.

    That's both assumptive and prescriptive. You don't know anything about his motifs and yet your health care worker ego causes you to ascribe attributes to him that you just pulled out of your ass, such as "maturity". 

  7. 3 minutes ago, Cryptowen said:

    this is very true. often i feel like i'm living at this awkward in between stage of human evolution - we've gotten too brainy to just be able to live purely as animals/sensual beings any more, but we're also nowhere near the point of existing as wholly decorporealized beings of pure consciousness or whatever. a lot of life feels like an attempt to approximate one pole or the other. You exercise, you spend time in nature, you have sex, you eat a nice meal - always trying to forge some kind of total connection with your own physicality/the physical as such. or you're trying to reach this higher plane of enlightenment through meditation, spirituality, philosophy, art, media, etc. - trying to inhabit as much as possible some kind of abstract idea realm where the thing you're thinking about becomes more "you" than the decaying physical body generating the thought. The difficulty is that often attempting to actively move towards one pole seems to involve neglecting the other, and too rarely does it feel like that little "a ha" lightbulb moment where everything clicks together nicely

     I really should continue reading "Self Comes To Mind" by Antonio Damasio. If I remember correctly he basically says that the intuitive distinction between physical and mental/cognitive world may be illusionary. Reality is counter-intuitive sometimes and the same way the earth intuitively appears to be flat but is in fact round, mind & subjective experience may be a strictly physical phenomenon (not in that it just has physical correlates but in that it is part of the physical world). Something like that, I might recollect it wrongly. That aside, the body you are experiencing as your own is in fact just a map of your body created in your mind. We already live inside our minds in that way, and in them only. Subjective physicality is just a model of objective physicality that does or does not function until reproduction. A product of evolutionary logic. So is our mind and as such it may be a pretty useless tool for actually understanding the world as it is.



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  8. I almost compulsively create narratives about life, existence, the self, others, the world, society etc. in my head. My mind almost automatically produces them 24/7, often in language form (I've always felt drawn to text & speech). They easily distract me from the here & now / the reality in front of me, sometimes they tempt to be confused with reality. Modern life is much less physical than the kind of life people lived for the most part of human evolution. It's sensory deprivation compared to that. Too little physical activity means more mind activity, something the modern human has to live with. Too much intelligence. We are doomed to produce too much thought, often not very productive or healthy thought at that. You can stop thinking, like you can hold your breath, but not indefinitely, thought comes back automatically pretty soon but there are ways to modulate your mind's output of text/ideas/narratives. Physical activity, music, drugs and relationships/being around other humans change your world of thought. Not necessarily in a positive way, mind you. It's partly why I start hating everyone I am with for too long (without them deserving any of my hate). They break my concentration by constant verbal communication. Very annoying. It's sad that a lot of people seem to have lost the ability to just vibe and not talk all the time. 

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