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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by dingformung

  1. 6 minutes ago, Zephyr_Nova said:

    Nope.  So far everyone's been understanding.

    I had one over before it got really bad.  She interviewed me while I was drunk, and noted that I didn't seem any different until I got up and stumbled around.  But as far as my actual conversation I stayed the same.  Anyway... my house mates got really paranoid about having people over outside our bubble after that, which is one reason I don't have anyone over.

    I don't get it. They got paranoid about you having people over because you stumbled around after getting drunk while you had a date over at your place? I can't comprehend how one thing leads to the other. What are they worried about?

  2. 17 minutes ago, ignatius said:

    mainstream culture is so different in america and often regional or differs by state even but yeah.. it's really easy to shit on USA culture in general. all the stuff that gets amplified to other countries isn't the good stuff usually. 

    when i was in paris in the 90s all these US tv shows had finally gotten dubbed into french and so some french people we met want to talk about Dallas and "who shot Jr" and also miami Vice. 

    i think the effect of suburbia on US culture is probably interesting in a "ugh why'd we do that?" kind oof way. once people fled cities culture became something different.. 

    I was of course being intentionally provocative. I prefer American pop culture to the German one. For some reason "King of Queens" is really popular in Germany. No idea why.

    Mainstream culture in general is usually bad, though. People all over the world lack good taste

    • Farnsworth 1
  3. Oh, I get it now! Maybe they can be merged

    Anyway, as said in the other thread it's good stuff. Well mixed and cool sound design. I also like how you start with a bunch of very short tracks and let them transition into that 18 min track


    Did you use Max/MSP as a sound source or did you process existing audio with your Max patches?

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  4. 12 minutes ago, Alcofribas said:

    in all seriousness just in case i'm coming across as a legit creep - i first started checking out tik tok when i moved to minneapolis bc ilhan omar and her kids are on it and some of the shit they were posting was legit lol to me. then came back to it during the first quarantine bc i was curious what young people were saying about it. the media don't run articles by teens or honestly even consistently interview them when they are the subject of stories. i think there's a lot more to learn from young people than we allow ourselves to think - there are a lot of regular teenagers on tik tok who are more interesting and insightful than 98% of serious people in the chattering class tbqh imho. i mean, states are legislating about trans rights in schools - short of walking into a high school and playing out the steve buscemi meme, you're not going to find a better view into the lives of trans kids than you get on tik tok. they're literally on there telling you what they're thinking and feeling. the majority of it is all very stupid and when not often falls into the category of none of my business, but nevertheless i've learned a thing or two from it and i've had several lmao moments.

    idk, i know it's supposed to be bad for an adult to take interest in teens but whatever man, i think they're cool. i think we should be more interested in them honestly. but in any case there's lots of other shit on tik tok too, it's just a lot more obvious when teens are on it imo. i know for sure that some of the people online getting into fierce arguments on twitter are arguing with teens, they just don't know it lol.

    I totally get you and agree. There is a lot to learn about society & humanity by looking what people of other age groups & in other bubbles do, by paying attention to society as a whole. Just thought it was pretty easy to paint you as a creep with that teen quote (it's a lot of fun to call others protentional pedophiles and worse)


    I blame porn.

  5. 6 hours ago, Zephyr_Nova said:

    Couldn't be bothered to master this... it's never been heard before outside those involved in its creation many years ago.  The ending is quite something.


    My ex and I used to bang off weird tracks like this in an evening, sometimes with guests.  Watmms very own Goiter Sanchez contributes vocals, as well as my ex, as well as myself.  I did the programming, but Goiter had a lot of the great musical ideas as I recall.


    The project is Moonzoomer.  I just uploaded it on my Zephyr Nova soundcloud.


  6. 3 hours ago, Silent Member said:

    I was talking about a fungus enthusiast*


    *I have been shamed, as I should. I will think about this.




    Damn mycophiles.


    Here, species- and genus richness of edible mushrooms in 21 European countries:



  7. 1 hour ago, brian trageskin said:

    showing off wasn't my intention btw lol 

    oh fuck


    Hint: It's not about you showing off too much, it's about you being a dork.


    The guitar solo you posted is - some would say "shameless", some would say "nauseating" - it's pretty bad however you put it (if you have any sense of taste that is, otherwise you might like it and think it's cool).

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