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Posts posted by Hk47

  1. I recommend getting into Merzbow, Halfer Trio and Organum. Autechre are influenced by all of those guys.

    I am mildly triggered by the mention of Prurient, but only because I think he's derivative and a bit of a prick.


    bqbqbq is def very Quaristice-y. Has that aquatic vibe.


    I don't know anything about Prurient. Sorry for the trigger.



    I'll have to revisit the Hafler Trio collab, and check out some of his other material. I've only heard the HT/ae collabs and The Hymn of the 7th Illusion. But I wasn't... In the right place in my life to really appreciate any of it.

    Maybe now's a good time to try again. =D

    Thanks for bringing up Merzbow and Organum as well.

    Lots of music to check out!



    Perlence Subrange 6-36 totally snagged me.

    The thing with 6-36 is that its waaayyyyyy longer than anything they had ever released before.

    Alongside the short 3-4 minute cuts of the main album, it requires a totally different headspace to absorb and sits uncomfortably within

    the context of the rest of the album.


    BUT since the arrival of elseq / live / NTS we are growing accustomed to longer autechre tracks and it could be that it seems more




    You are not wrong, sir. 

    I use to have a hard time listening to most songs that were over 10 minutes... But elseq kind of changed that. Then Prurient's Rainbow Mirror - and now these NTS Sessions have definitely solidified that change. I love being completely sucked into a track and taken on a wild journey that doesn't end too soon... 

  3. Wooo!!! 9 chr0 LOVE!!!



    Why's it so special?

    It comes out of my speakers - enters my ears - hits my brain - and my brain's like... 'woah' - followed by 15 more minutes of... 'woah'. 

    Took my brain on a journey. That's all. A wonderful journey. =D


    And I am definitely loving these long tracks.

    It's like getting to read and become completely immersed in a book instead of watching a trimmed down film.



    The good thing is... you don't have to like or understand what I like about any music I might listen to and obsess over. 



    To all those resisting the supremacy of NTS 2. It's inevitable. Relax and enjoy it.

    *bobs head in a cultish manner





    Listening to 2 right now... such a great collection of tracks. 9 chr0 is currently kicking my ass. 


    ive noticed that all sessions so far are all 5-7 seconds short of 2 full hours

    Whatever you're using to play back the tracks clearly aint frame accurate:



    Yeah, all of mine say 2 hours exactly.

    All collected, foobar says 6:00:00.001


    and some are just plain stupid (bqbqbq).


    (...) and some are just plain stupid (fLh).

    You're both insane and quite, quite wromg


    Also, they've always been about a 'limited' sound palette. Not unlike SND. If you want to make things complicated, you have to keep the foundations relatively simple.

    I say 'limited' because it's really not, once you start hearing it on a subatomic level.

    QFT... ... Yo...




    I love both these tracks immensely (if my previous posts didn't already make clear)... And the range of sounds is frick'n incredible.

    Various tracks would fit very nicely alongside tracks from just about every single album from their past. I don't know how that is being considered a limited sound palette.



  7. =D

    Imbroglio just got a new expansion... so I've been obsessing over that for the last week or so... 


    Templar Battleforce, Heroes of Steel and Death Road to Canada also all got some great updates over this last week... I've only briefly checked out DRtC though... 

    Too many games... not enough free time...


  8. Been listening to the whole Quaristice collection today - trying to take a break from the NTS material... 

    Perlence Subrange 6-36 totally snagged me. I can't believe I've never fell into it before now, but I was taking a walk and it was cloudy and lightly sprinkling, and it was just... the perfect fit for the reality around me at that time. 


    The main album hit me hard today too... it went from being the sort of... outlier album that I didn't know when to listen to - to being the perfect fit for cloudy/rainy spring days (in my mind, anyway). 


    Great stuff... 


  9. Yeah, I've not had any issues with bass in these sessions.

    I'm wondering if it's just my headphones...


    Sennheiser 280pro-EQ settings off... And loud.


    Everything is clear, and the bass sometimes vibrates my headphones.



    I think i read somewhere that the 280's are kind of bass heavy... =/

    Maybe that's it? No clue...


    I am WAAAAY late to the BOC fan club... But over the last two months, I've really started clicking with their music.

    I don't know why I ever thought it was (please don't hate me) cheesy, but listening now, Tomorrow's Harvest, Live in Sussex @ ATP, MHTRTC and especially Geogaddi are all able to take me on incredible journeys through wonderful sonic territory.

    These are the only albums / live shows that I have so far, but I am, now (finally?), quickly becoming a fan of their work. I'm definitely excited to dive into more of their work & live shows.


    listen to the old tunes



    Great stuff! Thank you for pointing it out...

    I just snagged Twoism and Campfire Headphase off Amazon. Should be here in a couple weeks... Can't believe how cheap they were (for the CDs).

    Hoping for a repress of Boc Maxima sometime in the near future... =X

    I've only listened on YT, but WOWZERS (yeah, good enough to make me pull out THAT word...) - love the crunchy-ness.



    And the 'Few Old Tunes' collections...


    It was quite jarring. Especially V2...

  11. Yeah 3 is having the classic aeffect© on me. Found a lot of the tracks inscrutable and now they're slowly showing themselves to me after a few listens.


    Today glos ceramic clicked hard and I started to make progress with nineFLY and clustro casual. Loving it!

    glos ceramic is so badass, especially after the 4 minute mark.

    Entire thing just takes such a drastic turn into something really special all the way through to the end.

    Great stuff.



    I kind of clicked with splesh last night, and I've been digging it more and more throughout the day. But fLh hit me earlier today while I was cooking, that track is so crazy good, I'm crushin on it pretty hard.


  12. I'm on my third pass of this stuff now, so here's some initial thoughts.


    This is fucking weird. Like even by Autechre standards this session is WEIRD AF. But then also there are some bits that are kind of normal (?).


    There are some excellent tracks on here, and there are some supreme head scratchers as well. I'm not sure what it's going to take for me to wrap my head around nineFLY. Same goes for acid mwan idle.


    On first impressions it may be my least favorite of the 3 sessions thus far, but also I expect I'll be chewing on it's mysteries for longer than the prior two.

    Splesh did my head in...

    The bass is INSANE... But I'm going to have to get my funk on before I click with it, I think...

    Just so weird hearing these type of sounds coming from AE...

    They never cease to surprise, and once it's clicks - I'm sure I'll be amazed.



    Use the equalizer if certain frequencies seem too loud

    That's like watering down whiskey...



    No, I totally agree. However you can best digest AE... So long as you're digesting AE, right?


    So is it yes or is it no?

    If you make a statement be clear

    stick to the rules please

    It's not something I would personally do, no.

    But if it's such an issue that you can't enjoy the music, by all means... Go for it.


    I'm sorry I broke the rules...

    Time to smash me with a banhammer, I guess...

  14. =X

    I wear ear plugs when listening through speakers too...

    If it's coming from the outside of my plugs, it's music, if it's coming from the inside. I'm just hearing shit...

    Psychiatric evaluation X 2 here I come....


    On another note... The 3D modeling of these tracks is crazy... I keep turning around thinking I'm hearing something that's not there...


    AE makes my schizophrenia act up...

  15. I'm doing a fair bit of driving this week in regional Australia for 2 hour lots at a time. No reception in these areas so I can't even be productive in any way whilst on the road. Being paid to listen to Autechre has never been better


    Lucky fuck!

  16. If 9 chr0 is pronounced “nine crow” is this a mutation of Nancarrow, as in Conlon Nancarrow?


    Fuck it’s such a good track. Not many cat sounds in this one....more like singing growling dogs.


    Having trouble cohesively expressing thoughts and feelings about the music so far.. I enjoy reading all the discussion and silliness here. Freaking out as we all hear it for the first time together *in real time* is some fun shit. Come on Thursday!


    <cuddle up to all of you making one big ball of AUTECHRE LOVE!!!>



    A few seconds before bqbqbq starts playing:




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