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Posts posted by Hk47


    Any WATMM'ers want to recommend some good story-driven sci-fi/futuristic/alternative history FPS's to me? There's a lot I haven't played, f knows where to start.


    FPS I've finished in the last year & enjoyed include Wolf 2, both Wolf 1's, Prey, Fallout 4, Doom, Unreal (the original - but finally finished it), Deus Ex: MD and HR, Borderlands 2.


    FPS's I started and didn't finish: Watch Dogs 2 (super irritated by characters/story so far), Bioshock Infinite (seemed decent but I probably should finish Bioshock 1 and play Bioshock 2 first).

    Mass Effect is a p cool space opera RPG. A bit janky by today's standard but the story and writing are pretty solid, and a fleshed out universe/lore if that's your bag. Probably only worth playing the first two.

    LOVE ME:1+2.

    I have 3, but I never finished it. Got about 10 hours in and said fuck it.


    But 1 and 2 are two of my favorite games. In any genre, on any console... ect...


  2. I love every song on both discs.

    This was the album that got me back into AE after Untilted. I didn't really click with Quaristice or Oversteps until about a year after EXAI was released.

    It made me fall in love with them all over again.

    For a few years this was my favorite Autechre album, and I have great memories with every single track.


  3. Still my most favourite ae release.


    This mother fucker has his balls safely secured in a nice, loving, nurturing environment...

    Ready to explode everywhere with the power of Thor and Zeus and Jesus and the FSM and Buddah - all rolled into one - all over the face of some cum loving CD case... While EXAI is playing in the background.

    And I'm right behind him, egging him on... Just hoping he'll whip it out, stick it in and hit 'play'...




    I love this album.

  4. The comments are :facepalm:

    Reading comments on Twitter, FB + YouTube is like getting inside the brain of the shittiest person you've ever met and hearing all their dumbass insane fleeting thoughts...


    It is not recommended. Unless stupidity, ignorance and hatred makes you laugh. The by all means... Have at it.


    I wonder what went on when they decided to place bbq as the second track of this whole series. In general i start from debris funk :)

    About 60% of the time when I listen to NTS1 I do the same thing

    The other 40% I put on t1a1, then skip to debris funk

    t1a1 is amazing.

    And bqbqbq... I'm still obsessed with those pads.

    But t1a1... The whole last half of that track is fucking outstanding. Even as a standalone track, that piece kicks so much ass.

    I can't imagine the whole thing starting with debris_funk.




    I thought the security company they hired was certified by the DOJ...

    If anything... I hope this makes them recheck their certification standards.

    I don't think we can hope for more than that.

    Not here...



    yeah.. they can pass the buck off to the DOJ and wipe their hands. i think it still means that someone has to actually perform the duty of security... but who knows. i'm sure there's a lot of fine print. 




    That security was for the festival, not the casino.

    Casinos don't really have much security. Y'know cuz all of em have gunns and that meakes you safe



    Ah, thank you for that!

    The few articles I read did not specify that. Or I completely missed it. It happens. 


    Anyway... thank you for this clarification. 


    c16 deep tread followed by eastre were always my elseq standouts, but I do need to revisit following NTS.


    previously for me it was;

    Elseq1 - adore

    Elseq 2 - remove elcy6 (for flow reasons)

    Elseq 3 - keep eastre

    Elseq 4 - good

    Elseq 5 - needs further listening

    I apologise, gone back to elcy6 0nset a couple times this week, and my god that takes me places, it does feel like an elseq centerpiece. As a result, Elseq 2 is pretty great as a whole, top 3 for me.


    Elseq1-4 to me now is a case of "bangers & mesh" (meme alert!). Still searching for that mesh moment of clarity.

    You SHOULD be apologizing!!

    elseq 2 is the most amazing part of this set!!

    And Elcy6 0nset is one of the most amazing pieces of music ever constructed.





    Welcome to the 'lovin' it' club.



    **to be clear, all of these parts are equally amazing in my mind. 4 is just as great as 2, and 1 is just as amazing as 4 and 5 is completely mind-blowing while 3 is an endless abyss that your mind can just get sucked in to, emerging a changed blob of organic material each and every time those last notes hit... Right before acdwn2 comes blasting through the speakers...

    And all pieced together they present this indescribable mass of unstoppable sounds that, once in its grasp, no one can ever escape from.



    And I'm off to listen to this album from start to finish yet again.


  8. =D

    I got a new job where I can listen to music with headphones in for the whole 8 hours I'm there.

    I've played this almost every night.


    And then I'll get home, plop down into bed and listen to 4 again while falling asleep.



    I'm slightly addicted to this release. All of it.

    Though, as usual, my favorite tracks have changed a bit.


    T1A1 is magnificent. What an opener.

    Then gonk tuf hi and dummy casual pt.2... These two tracks together are so fucking sick.

    Glos ceramic-G 1 e 1-nineFly is completely mind blowing...

    And then shimripl casual and all end finishing it up... Such a release of emotion after this massive collection of tracks.


    I know I'll only throw the official CDs into my large stereo (as it doesn't read burnt CDs properly for some reason - it's old, whatchoogonnado?!) a time or two, but I can't wait for that package to arrive in the mail.

    O have an empty spot on my shelf above my computer desk ready to receive this magnificent little box set.



    Outside from EXAI, it'll be the only physical copy of an AE album that I still have.

    Someone stole everything else around 2011. Fuckers.

    I wouldn't be upset about it except I know they didn't enjoy my music selection, and these CDs probably wound up tossed away on the side of the road somewhere...

    If only someone with my taste in music would have stolen all my CDs...



    Maybe I should be happy they broke into my apartment, wasted time carrying out a huge box of albums out of the place and didn't enjoy one thing in there...


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