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Posts posted by Hk47

  1. If I recall correctly, Untilted and Bitches Brew both 'unlocked' for me around the same time at the start of 2011. I was also getting more into hip hop and other Warps Records artists around that time. Funny how the brain unconsciously draws together unconscious semantic relations and comprehension experiences to process something.

    I have a thesaurus too...



    No, I totally connect with this. The Untilted/Quaristice tours didn't click with me until right before Oversteps was released...

    Funny how AE's music makes so much more sense after they've put out another album.


  2. im like



    Listening to NTS Season 2 does feel like self-punching in the face, it’s not exactly pleasant and not sure I wanna keep doing it...


    Could really use some relax-o season 3 pls, Roberto and Samuel.

    edit: urkkkkkkkkk

    Ha... like punching yourself in the face, but in just the right spot - the spot that makes you smile uncontrollably, giggle a bit, and then want to punch yourself again and again?

    Because that's where I'm at...


  3. this topic is not about oversteps

    please guys stick to the rules

    Lmao, sorry.


    SO... NTS, right?!

    Like WTF?!


    I've had Trubile Epic Casual on repeat since I got home from work...

    This track... HOLY fuck.

    The reverb adds so much depth to it... Like hearing the sounds can make you picture thousands of feet below you as you soar through the atmosphere of this sparse landscape.


    I thought Confield imbedded images of worlds into your brain like nothing else ever could, but this...

    Hell... The whole 4 hours of this release is...




    just tuned in to session 2 I have no idea what track dis is but is sounding way more interesting than anythin from the 1st one imo


    edit: nvm what the fuck is all dis bleep bloop shit where is my reverb fix


    edit2: I think I'm gonna stick to the new caretaker release for a while.. is way more compelling to my brain atm



    yea? the last 4 tracks on there came out 10 days ago and are absolute bliss n mind bend if you have been following the release


    not interested in derailing this thread, carry on..

    (I do hope the release doesnt get lost under the ae hype tho! it's something else..)


    edit: for reference


    Right on, was just checking to see I had the correct release.

    Seems there's a few artists with the name 'Caretaker'



  5. heh I was a little harsh last night, after a few wobbly pops. Boring is not a fair word to describe any of this.


    apologies fair thread-goers.


    I stand by the rest of what I said but take back the word boring. that was just rude.

    No worries... I think we've all posted things we don't agree with the day after.



    Even if you did find it boring, you're allowed to think and feel what you think and feel.



    *support group mode off*


    If you ever do it again...!!!




  6. I dunno, I'm kind of partial to Oberman Knocks... And Purient is pretty fuckn amazing too... That sound design... *drool*

    But... There's very few artists that reach AE level.

    Maybe in another 20 years. =P

    If we're lucky.

    One can dream, да?



    diffent stokes fo diffent fokes, ey?

    Yeh meng. Doesn't seem too alien a concept.


    Some people like getting shit on for their sexual giggles, after all. Not too hard to imagine some liking diff erectronic muziks. :^)

    Whatever makes the gew in your brain splurt out.



    We should all feel very lucky if we're able to find something that makes our brains skurplat all over the place.




  8. nts is so much bigger than elseq. elseq is mostly very claustrophobic to me. I preferred 5 by a long shot and so far nts is 4 hours of that in an exploded view. i like this style way more. it also feels almost infinite somehow. like they could just keep cranking like this.

    Alraedy raedy for NTS Sessions:;: Outtakes - Ren&Shempy PLZ!!


    None of the tracks seem as mind-bendingly complex as Exai, L-Event or (parts of) Elseq. Nor is any of it anywhere near as brutal, abrasive and uncompromising as the live shows (or again, parts of Elseq, I still find acdwn2 un-listenable). They all seem to have a pretty laid-back, easy to follow hip-hop groove, the overall sound is quite sparse. It's good background/working music that you can nod your head to.


  10. Do you guys think this is just the new way they're going to do things from now on - not much marketing and pre-announcement and instead just drop a bunch of music all of a sudden through a live radio show. Or is this a sort of side-piece to their properly Warp-marketed releases? It seems too secret to be the only thing that's going to happen from now on, it's not even listed on bleep.com when normally a new AE release would be on the front page right there

    I really hope so... It's awesome having this little online listening party with all you awesome people on this awesome forum.


  11. I was already super psyched for Janelle Monae and Arctic Monkeys returning after a half-decade wait (once again within a fortnight of one another), not to mention the John Maus releases, but new Autechre (and 8 hours of it) has a way of eliminating all else.


    As I said earlier, I might save NTS3 or 4 for discovery on the CD/vinyl, just so my digestion isn't overloaded. Maybe a cursory sample. I'm the type that likes to initially immerse myself in an album for 1-3 weeks after all.

    I'm thinking of doing this too...

    'Cept I got the CD pack...



    8 hours of new 'techer is just...


    I think my brain will still be processing this first 4 hours when they finally ship the orders out...




    And this is awesome. A whole thread where the majority of us get to hear new AE at the same time. It's like an online listening party. So cool.

    I hope they do the same thing with their future releases as well...

  12. Oh holy shit what a fucking head trip that was.




    I can't believe we have 4 more hours of this psychedelic audio insanity!!!


    I thought I was going to be obsessed with session 1, but HOLY FUCKING HAEL - Session 2 is seriously completely mental. I love it!!!



  13. Holy shit what is happening inside of my skull?!?!


    And I didn't think the digitals would be available this soon after the stream!! Fucking awesome...




    This session is completely mental and I'm only 15 minutes in... =O

  14. :beer:


    Yeah I can't wait to get home from work tomorrow... Bust through the front door - head straight for the computer and load up the stream. 

    I get off right as a replay should be starting, so I'll have to listen to the first 10 minutes in the car... but SO FREAK'N PSYCHED. 



    Might just take an extra careful drive through the country for a few hours... 



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