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Posts posted by Hk47

  1. i lurk on his channel sometimes, cheers to wonky for promoting autechre and other great music but not gonna watch, 36 minuts dear god, that's like 2 nts songs!

    ae review are stupid anyway. If you love someone sooner or later you gonna stuff that ae shit in their throat with or without shrooms

    ^^sthi xcaxtly

  2. It's not so bad. I have a different opinion on the music but he took the task seriously. It's far better than some written reviews we had.


    Could it be more in-depth? Sure, but that would be no review anymore but a musicologist thesis with full musical analisys. Somebody should do that.


    You're right. It's not so bad. 


    Maybe I'm just over reading/listening to AE 'reviews'.



    People fucking suck. And YouTube reviews are so ---- I'm at a loss for the correct word. 


    I guess it made him happy doing it. And so long as he's finding joy in something, and keeping with it. I can't really bash him. People deserve to experience happiness. However they can find it. 


    And judging by the comments, it looks like a few people will check out the album because of his review, and that's always a good thing. 


    Fuck it.

  3. =P

    I live 5 miles north of Louisville...

    There are some really bad areas, as shown...

    But I still love the area against the Ohio River. There's a few museums I really enjoy going to and a nice walking bridge and paths through old 'historic' areas that are really interesting.


    And to be clear... I'm not saying some major changes don't need to happen...

    But a lot of the scenery is what makes this area tolerable for me.

  4. I think I only would have bought the vinyl if I already had an AE lp collection started. As it is now, all of my old vinyl was stolen and I have 2 lps (not AE) and no record player.



    I also don't really have that much disposable income ATM... So... That factored into it as well.


    But damn that huge box would look pretty sitting out on display...



    I imagine most people who got the vinyl will only listen to it on special occasions.

  5. This entire debocale is fucking ridiculous. I couldn't imagine keeping a straight face being grilled about personal texts that I had sent years ago.

    Does anyone really think that FBI agents can't make friends with co-workers and speak candidly with them, while keeping that separate from their fucking job?

    I can't help but roll my eyes at the entire fiasco.


    Haven't been following this closely. Are these all unreleased tracks coming out on the warp discs? or just some of them?

    nts is all new, though one song appeared in '16 shows, and one song bears similarity to the end of bladelores.
    Shimripl Casual (from the onesix show)

    And all end is the bladelores outro extended and expanded...


    And G 1 e 1 is at the end of some AE_Live, is it not?

    And Debris_Funk is a 'remix' of spth...

    And carefree counter dronal is a layer of pendulu hv moda...



    And I'm sure there's more I'm missing...



    But yeah, all new!


  7. This has been in my head pretty constantly since I first listened to it. It's growing on me lol


    This is where I'm at currently...


    I've only listened to the song about 4 times, but I can't stop singing it in my head... 

    I wouldn't have found out about this album if not for the Autechre threads on reddit. Someone brought up an interview where she said she's into Autechre... 


    The last song on the album 'Whole New World' - totally blows my socks off though. If more pop music sounded like this - I'd probably be a fan... as it is now, there's only about 4 groups I like - and find it hard to click with anything else from the whole pop/indie-pop/dream-pop scene... 



    But Oil Of Every Pearl's Un-Insides has me excited about where this project will go in the future. 




    Ugh, this is the track that ruins the flow of every of these live sets, the only part that I don't like within these sets. If it wasn't for this track the sets would be perfection. I even made versions where this part it cut out so I can enjoy them
    Would you like it slowed down? :)


  9. Pretty obsessed with fLh at the moment. Both this and bqbqbq are tracks that start out all happy and jokey but then by the end you feel kinda weird and on edge.





    I think I've just come across best friend material...



    He's good at talking about Ae and music. It's not easy. Yeah, a fun listen, keeping up the hype level. I agree with him on tt1pd as maybe the not only best NTS track, but at least amongst the bestestest in their whole discography. NTS sent shockwaves. Nothing will never ever be the same. We still have to digest it. Will they ever create short tracks and albums again? Will life be the same? Is? Will? It's! Why R we? Is we? I guess NTS is the universal question to no answer.

    Yeah, he is good at talking about music but tt1pd their best track? Come on
    Subjective, yeah?


    It is one hell of a 'banger'.


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