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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by eczem

  1. Might as well get it all out there. By all I mean everything I can think of at the moment.


    Ace of Base video   //guess they're nazi, my bad


    Also, Coldplay: Parachutes


    Tons of the source material for vaporwave: Smooth jazz, elevator music, new age, etc...

    Also, vaporwave

  2. Really appreciate the feedback auxien, thank you.


    Yeah, Pep, is a couple years old, always intended it to be longer; was targeting an ep with Pr0gramma at the time,  never came to fruition. But yeah, i like it for what it is now.


    re:A.007, I think you're right about the big chord and it's presence. With the noise modulation stuff, there's definitely a lot of room for me to play around with it. Story telling is definitely the toughest thing for me, easier for me to work on the sound design and mircostructural level, really hard to sculpt a big picture. Just to clarify, you're saying it should change from A>B>C>D to BCBACB>D right? Or was it the other way around?


    Obviously it's kind of a mess structurally to me as well at the moment lol

  3. I can't believe I'm still  DRIVER IRQL_LESS_OR_NOT_EQUAL "blue-screen of death"-ing in 2018.


    Can't even open my Reaper projects now. Was right in the middle of working on something good.


    Might be time for a Mac.


    edit: At least I can open my current project with FX offline/ Recovery mode, which is a start.


    edit2: foookin' aether reverb that filthy slut.

  4. What Creams May Come

    Womb Raider


    Southland Kales

    You've Got Bail



    'What Creams May Come'


    Edit:  When I first saw this thread title, I was gonna say 'Howard the Cuck', but I've learned to search these kind of threads first and almost always have to say "dammit" after seeing the results.


    'My Stepmother is an Allen'



    Yeah, I had my own "damnit" moment not long ago


    im sure there are plenty of people who the Catholics have left a bad taste in their mouth





    Yeah, figuring out what's best for bass levels in mixes is always the greatest challenge since systems vary so much.  But if there is a wide degree of variance in your systems that's useful - if you can get a mix to sound good in all of them, it's a hella solid mix.



    Re: monitoring ... how does other music u listen to change on all of those setups ?


    Yeah, that's the funny thing. Autechre bass, for example, always sounds balanced across all of those setups, whereas I'll have tracks that simultaneously sound weak on one set, and overpowered on another



  6. I wonder how the public would answer this

    Would u rather leave ur 10 year old boy alone with a catholic priest or an atheist for 3 hours ?

    Yeah, i'd like to see that myself. I'm sure it varies by country. In the US it's interesting, cause many of the Protestant majority have a moderate distaste for Catholicism.


    Fwp: the differences in bass representation between my monitors, headphones, car stereo, and home theater system are driving me insane. Time for a monitoring overhaul.



    Just played a show, drunk, 3:20 AM, and I need to be at a church for my nephew's Christening by 9:45am.  A goddamn church, hungover af, 4 and a half hours sleep if I'm lucky.  Ffffffffffffuuuuuuuu  :wtf:

    Good luck dude, I literally had the same scenario earlier this year. My brother even asked me to hold my nephew during the baptism. He knows I'm not religious too so not sure what was going through his mind.


    Wow yeah, that would've been super awkward.  Thankfully they didn't get me to participate in anyway beyond being present.  There was a part where the priest asked all parents whether they entrusted jesus to care for my nephew. I was mortified he was going to pose the question to me after.  No idea how I would have responded.  Possibly they instructed him not to in advance.  I did my part by taking a lot of pictures.  Afterward my bro's wife thanked me for enduring church (we had to sit through the typical Sunday sermons/hymns for about 3 hours in addition to the baptism). 


    I had similar anxiety, as I wasn't sure exactly what my role as the Godfather was supposed to be going in; was worried about having to lie about something like that. And yeah, an additional 3 hours of sermon would have been pure brutality. The mass baptisms are long enough of an affair.


    Did this all for my brother really, if it were up to me I would never interact with organized religion.


    One of my close cousins made the comment later: "Pretty sure if E held him during the baptism then it doesn't count." lol. I like to think that I brought some balance to the scenario. Yes, my nephew was baptized in the Catholic church, but his atheist uncle was holding him as he got anointed, so... he's got a fighting chance.

  8. I remember it as Tikes.


    For some reason the Little Tikes logo made me remember Playmobil. I think the first toy I remember was a yellow Playmobil firetruck. Not even sure a yellow one existed, Google does not reveal one.


    What do you remember Diatoms?

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