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Everything posted by keltoi

  1. My cousin runs a gourmet burger van that goes around festivals and whatnot. I think he said Bestival cost them in the region of 20k for the plot. Apparantly they fucking smashed it though so it really is worth doing if you've got an appealing product. *deflates furiously*
  2. i've pondered the idea before jules but on more of a weekend only basis... festivals, food markets, private party hire. cos i make a fuckin mean burger! and chilli. so i'd have a gourmet burger and chilli van or something. this peckham meatwagon guy seems to just do it part time but it looks helluva costly to set up if you're not working it full time. a decent, well equipped van doesn't come for less than £20K. less for a trailer though... and good pitches can cost thousands, even tens of thousands!
  3. wonder how much it costs to run a burger van for a year inc. licenses, pitch costs, etc.
  4. i'd be more than happy to pay £5-6 for a high quality, high beef content burger. you pay that at festivals for the lowest quality ever and only slightly more in shitty pubs. what would you reckon it costs to make a burger of this calibre with all quality trimmings? £2 maybe?
  5. as in... fucking hell that's good value?
  6. i'm just reading about the meatwagon in peckham. my god these look like good fuckin burgers! http://hungryincamden.blogspot.co.uk/2011/06/meatwagon-peckham-rye-se22.html http://willeatformoney.blogspot.co.uk/2010/04/meatwagon-peckham.html *salivates furiously*
  7. i respect the carefree arrangement of that burger
  8. this made me wince as if kicked in the nuts. What part? My use of the word 'scene'? Or the fact that I'm trying to get in with a bunch of people who regularly gather? Like I said earlier, I just want something to do with my spare time other than sitting alone in my apartment working on music that nobody is going to hear or getting depressed about being single. Socialising helps to take my mind off whatever stupid shit might be happening in my life, so if that makes me some kind of hipster, then so be it. sorry if maybe i misunderstood you but i guess it kind of came across as a bit desperate to me, you going out of your way, exasperated as you seem to be, trying to become part of this scene and that. i just think the best music is made without 'scene' in mind and then it finds its place. maybe i miss the point or i'm out of touch or both? maybe you need to promote yourself more so these guys take notice? maybe they don't like your stuff or don't think it fits in with their nights? maybe putting on your own night might be the best approach, then you can invite the guys you want to get in with? i'm certainly not putting you down for getting out and socialising cos that's to be commended rather than sitting around moping... but are you being a bit free and easy with the 'F' word? i mean this guy doesn't sound like much of a friend if he puts you down every time you see him. fuck him. friends don't do that (unless it's light hearted, piss-ripping, established norm accepted by all parties) especially when you're feeling somewhat low or insecure about yourself.
  9. this made me wince as if kicked in the nuts.
  10. i'm not into tats, piercings or largeness either but i'm partial to curves in all the right places on an almost translucent, porcelain complexion... and nipple tassles... oh and the beastie boys of course... oh oh and a beer or 10 with taubs and delet.
  11. egg in a burger is the food of kings!
  12. lol. my dad was having a heart attack (albeit a mild one) on the golf course with his mates so he excused himself and drove 30 miles to the hospital whilst struggling for breath and almost passing out. he didn't want to ruin their game!
  13. probably. think we just came up with what you should do with the pate. glad he was in a vehicle... i was thinking otherwise at first.
  14. i always thought the best use for pate is cat food. or i read something the other day about how eunuchs(sp?) in china (or somewhere else) used to smear pate on their genitals and set wild dogs on them to chew them off. i mean that's how they became eunuchs. i might have imagined this whole thing now i think about it.
  15. ironically, these look like cattle feed.
  16. lol were you holding the potato masher in your ass? that tickled me.
  17. my work shirts are gaping when i sit down. i've always been slim also. i don't like having chub. i'm cutting down on food instead. i often eat too much at lunchtime anyway... maybe try and have more sex too, like really ramp it up to twice a month.
  18. i'm getting a beer and wine belly but i'll be damned if i'm going to stop drinking beer and wine.
  19. sweating my balls off in a stuffy office with no AC
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