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Everything posted by keltoi

  1. i'm tired and in a bad mood and everyone is idiots
  2. dying at work on a saturday with a hung over
  3. exactly same here. give or take a year. i nearly got some silly burroughs quote i can't quite recall now. thank fuck i didn't. it's almost rarer to find someone without. everyone seems to have a tattoo these days. the prissy woman in her late 40's i work with got her first last year after her divorce - a butterfly for freedom.
  4. you thought your new tat was an original idea?
  5. hilarious. talk about first world shit... children are starving in africa and we(not me) are getting tattoos of hearty breakfasts on our(not me) heads.
  6. shit. i didn't want to come across as a dick cos six is good peoples. guess i failed? Nah, it's just funny how offended you are by the idea of tattoos, i didn't think you were being a dick. i'm not offended by the idea of tattoos at all. i've definately seen nice ones on people but i still wouldn't get one, especially now i'm old. i think world's most johnson's skam logo is cool as fuck. some work, some don't... his works imo.
  7. shit. i didn't want to come across as a dick cos six is good peoples. guess i failed?
  8. sorry man but i'd struggle to put the 2 images together if you hadn't said. ^looks 3D on account of variation in tone. (not meaning to be a cunt)
  9. Now they aren't as rebellious. as in not rebellious at all.
  10. lol those sound terrible. the more people say this, the more it seems like a good idea. what i reckon is terrible is when people go on and on about tattoos that "mean" something. like people who'd only get a tattoo to record some big meaningful/spiritual/personal event that happened to them. that's lame as hell. keep a diary, fuckwads. just imagine youself as a sophisticated older gent with a stupid worm cartoon on your body... if you just like the picture, get a scrap book!
  11. lol those sound terrible.
  12. + 1 ounce of weeeed + 2 kilos of charlie
  13. just a little temporary tribute.

    mugwump will return, i'm sure.

  14. i've been pretty bummed about this all weekend and been finding the newer stuff more touching to listen to for some reason. it just seemed like he'd found a new path, musically at least. i saw him play a couple of times and met him briefly in '07. he smelt of whisky at 11am and signed my "the revolution..." vinyl and "the vulture & nigger factory" book. even more treasured possessions now. RIP
  15. aaah shit! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eV_astp3BjM
  16. This was good. The surveillance footage wasn't as interesting as I thought it might be but a lot of the other shots were really well done. I found it a bit strange that the police seemed surprised to find that drug dealers are ‘ordinary people’. The grandma who raised one of them was amazing, and I felt for that Bradford guy who was on the phone to his son and whose hands got mashed ‘like hamburger’. It couldn’t seem to come to any decision about whether their childhoods destined them for crime or not. yeah it was good but too long and felt padded out too much. you think maybe 'the wire' borrowed alot from it? the set-up and police surveillance post was very similar. anyway i got really fucking cheesed off watching it - 2 hour documentary with ad breaks every 10 minutes!! never noticed it as bad as with this doc, and i've watched loads of them on more4 lately. i just couldn't stay interested so i flicked between it and 'the scheme' on bbc1.
  17. LOVE nick drake but fuckit i'm going to post a cover... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vxVT8h5aEE&feature=related
  18. yeah i watched it. i had no issue with how the story was told at all and enjoyed it. the father's perseverence, undying love and sacrifice for his broken son was really touching. although not as entertaining as morwencol, it explores similar themes - how the human mind can shut down or rewire itself in order to cope with severe trauma. had a nice happy ending too.
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