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Everything posted by keltoi

  1. soundcloud are cunts for taking this goldmine down.
  2. *drools* been off the booze for nearly 2 weeks.
  3. do you end up scooping it out with TP-wrapped index finger?
  4. but they taste so nasty, how did they hide it? also, what cunts!! + ok it should be treated with respect but i'd say it's equally important to remember to have fun and enjoy it. tripping doesn't have to be all enlightening and profound all the time.
  5. how'd'you get spiked with mushrooms? why not?
  6. speak for yourself i always do, thanks (apart from when i was speaking for bcm up there). i assume you're up on the implications of gen-modded weed so smoke away. I know for a fact there are some serious cases out there where trying something is not a bad idea. I do think the idea of overmedication is awful and shouldn't be an easy conclusion, but there are some people for whom simply being told to mow the lawn isn't a solution. Also, I disagree that young people are just itching to be diagnosed with a mental disorder. I think you've got a touch of get-off-my-lawn syndrome, grandpa. Why don't you ask someone specifically about their issues instead of publicly decrying them all? Can't be bothered to go outside your own conclusions? don't take it personally, there's a point in there behind the sledghammer... for instance, someone here was talking about feeling a bit lost after graduating/finishing school so had to go to the doctor and get counselling and meds... but everyone feels lost when they leave school, it's a big change, entering adult life and responsibility... without detracting from anyone in real need of help, jumping on meds when you're feeling a bit down or lost is extremely prevalent and acceptable these days... i think that's what bcm's getting at. maybe. what i find more alarming is people here with anxiety and depression issues self medicating with spurious stuff from unregulated online suppliers... it seems like some of you are taking unprescribed cocktails just to get through the day? doesn't seem like the right approach to me... and smoking copious amounts of strong weed is not going to help... that should be obvious. Alright, I've been following this thread, looking for advice and suggestions, I think you're referring to my post in the anxiety thread. Let's get somethings clear though. I'm 23, I've been dealing with anxiety and withthat, a level of depression for about 6 years or so.. I do recall having depressive episodes in highschool, specifically a depersonalized moment, where I felt self aware, but distanced from everything around me.. That was a first for me, that was when I sought treatment. I've been on/off meds since then, and to be honest, they never made me feel 100% again ok, so fast forward through college, where I still had some major out-lashes as a result of being emotionally unstable (alcohol has always been fickle, bringing me into some serious altercations with myself and others). Still, the problems persist. I've found better coping skills along the way, but I'm still on the lookout for what else may help. Drugs are not something that can help me in the long run, obviously, but I'd be lying to say they haven't made certain situations tolerable. But yeah, I realize there are some 30+ year old people on this board, and I respect that, but if you have something to say towards someone, perhaps it'd be best to say it to that person directly? instead of pussy footing around. no offense, but it just comes across as condescending >18 your brain is still developing. But I think at this point I need to deal with what I have. I'm hoping it's still malleable, otherwise how else am I to make improvements without long-term medication, which I prefer to avoid i wasn't pussy-footing... if anything i was being flippant cos i couldn't remember who said it, in which thread... sorry about that. i really hope you feel better soon. but i have to suggest not bothering with online chemicals for lucid dreaming or whatever else while your head isn't in a good place as it is. maybe you'll happen upon something that helps but like i said this doesn't strike me as a healthy way to address your issues... of course i'm no expert. on which note, i'll bow out and leave you to it. lots of good discussion and advice happening here and i don't want to ruin it coming over all judgemental.
  7. I know for a fact there are some serious cases out there where trying something is not a bad idea. I do think the idea of overmedication is awful and shouldn't be an easy conclusion, but there are some people for whom simply being told to mow the lawn isn't a solution. Also, I disagree that young people are just itching to be diagnosed with a mental disorder. I think you've got a touch of get-off-my-lawn syndrome, grandpa. Why don't you ask someone specifically about their issues instead of publicly decrying them all? Can't be bothered to go outside your own conclusions? don't take it personally, there's a point in there behind the sledghammer... for instance, someone here was talking about feeling a bit lost after graduating/finishing school so had to go to the doctor and get counselling and meds... but everyone feels lost when they leave school, it's a big change, entering adult life and responsibility... without detracting from anyone in real need of help, jumping on meds when you're feeling a bit down or lost is extremely prevalent and acceptable these days... i think that's what bcm's getting at. maybe. what i find more alarming is people here with anxiety and depression issues self medicating with spurious stuff from unregulated online suppliers... it seems like some of you are taking unprescribed cocktails just to get through the day? doesn't seem like the right approach to me... and smoking copious amounts of strong weed is not going to help... that should be obvious.
  8. not usually just mayo on its own... garlic and herb dip is pretty good, especially for those dry crust edges! dominos started it here i think.
  9. pics please. Me at the office. me at the office... and there's not even any tail here.
  10. I would have just thought you were in a ska band.
  11. Aye the red white and blue boots sound like they don't belong with the rest. Post a pic! And what are you trying to project? Just stand out/get noticed?
  12. And make sure you don't look like you just raided a charity shop. Sorry I've had truth serum.
  13. More than 1 rauchbier is like eating wurst til you're sick.
  14. income limit? what the hell? why the hell? who the hell? the hell? Exactly. The apartments are subsidized by another organization or something, so they have limits on how much can be made per person/ bedroom, and if we make a combined income of like $300 a month more than we make now, they'd force us to get the next step up. Turns out it's only if we make more than that before I get in, once I'm in, it'll be fine... so it shouldn't be a problem. I hope. wow! i've never heard the likes. surely all they should care about is that you pay your rent on time and don't wreck the place.
  15. worked out a solution - i just did it while she was in there.
  16. edit - my current FWP is that i really need to poop but the cleaner is cleaning the toilet so i will have to go in right after she's finished as if i was walking across a freshly hoovered carpet with muddy boots on... but then i also feel bad when she goes in to clean it after i've pooped cos she has to spend 10 minutes inhaling my bowel fumes.
  17. income limit? what the hell? why the hell? who the hell? the hell?
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