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Posts posted by Extralife

  1. uwe is one of the greats imo. i was just listening to the soffwecschel record the other night. this guy is such a unque and gifted mofo.


    liedgut is one of my fave records


    I tried looking up Soffwecschel and couldn't find it.  Which album is this?




    to be clear, not Max/MSP as such, I mean the giant network of coding that they've built WITHIN the program which seems to have locked them into a relatively limited palette of ideas/sounds, as they're using ONLY this custom programming/coding/setup within Max/MSP. something like 'draft 7.30' had so much more texture/variety/etc than all their work since 2012 imo.


    it's one thing to suggest that you think the music sucks but your limited palette argument runs against the grain of their work ethos as they've revealed it to the public over the years. autechre have always been about exploring limited palettes and much of their work is defined by this discipline.
    to be fair he still got a point. i mean let's just say this present phase of theirs started with AE_LIVE, that's 4 years of the same setup. now compare that to, say, the 4 years from 1994 to 1998, amber to lp5... each one was a quite a landslide with a very distinctive palette, limited as they might have been within themselves. but to expect anyone to keep this kinda pace up for a lifetime would be folly of course. also this is "just" a session we're talking about after all, i mean think more in context, like, were the peel sessions game changers back in the day? hardly. do they still rock? at least i do think so!


    tbh i'm wondering why there isn't more arguing about what of this is actually live or something lol.

    this whole notion of "new ground" is quaint. this music sounds extremely fresh and ground-breaking to me; i certainly don't know of other examples that sound anything like what they've been up to the past few years. if they are taking their time here refining and exploring a certain system, that's a perfectly valid and interesting artistic experiment. and if one insists it isn't different enough, well "new ground" isn't the only purpose of an artistic work. furthermore, there is plenty of precedent of artists producing work that is longer, deeper and more singular over time. i mentioned coltrane earlier, take a look at that dude's progression -- his solos grew far more lengthy, almost insanely so, while at the same time he often repeated themes, took up motifs and scales and ideas again and again, re-imagined them, reconfigured them (you can find "my favorite things" and "giant steps" all through his entire recorded career. but if you just skipped through his solos and listened to random 30 second bits you could definitely play this "ugh, this is just the same thing, not much new ground here."


    the new ae shit entails a different kind of listening than 94-98. if it's not some one's thing, cool whatever. i just hate this "oh they're only doing max there's no new ground" argument. the dudes are taking their time with this set-up and i for one think it's goddamn incredible.

    You said it better than I ever could. I also feel that the enjoyment of their “music” at this point can suffer from over analysis. To me, ignorance is bliss - I simply have the lights dimmed, high end set of headphones, and my thoughts.

    Got my cd today. This album is wild.

    oh wicked!!


    I won't have time to listen until Sunday I don't think. Comparable to any of their back catalogue? Sufficiently trippy? lol


    details details! edit: how long is it in total? Single LP.

    Very different. Almost motorik in some parts. Vocals blended to a T. Dirty language. Pure MFM.


    They can do no wrong tbh, I'll eat up anything they release.

    I'm glad someone in here has maintained their sanity

    This is what happens during a new Autechre release. Lot of love, lot of letdown, lot of love/letdown.

  5. Yeah, I wasn't sure if he could top Cro Magnox in my book... but this one is just track after track of twists and turns.  



    ...and has he been listening to Bruce Hornsby and the Range lately?  I mean this in the best way possible.  



    Just sayin.  I love Bruce Hornsby.

  6. He's been off the rails for quite a while now hasn't he? Definitely comes off as mentally ill / obsessive / paranoid in most of his online rants.

    Did his current patreon subscribers all lose their money? Not sure how these things work.

    Not sure. I wasn’t a patreon subscriber of his, but was on the list because I had signed up for his last Pledge music project (which never came to fruition.


    It’s all pretty sad, b/c he did have a bigger role in the orb than he gets credit for...and he is clearly suffering from mental illness.

  7. Umm anyone know him well enough to talk him off the ledge? Worried about him:



    Hi subscriber,


    some cunt still mailed me after i asked not to, unbelievable, complete disrespect for me and my illness. what saddened me tho was this guy: chromatest@azburners.org who mailed to taunt me that the project and my music making career has ended. He claimed to speak for all my fans in saying that he didn't believe that I was in the Orb, or that i didn't do much in it or something. that bit didnt make sense but he was pretty Butthurt and quite rude. what kind of man hangs out on a mailing list of someone he doesnt like to wait for him to fuck up and then taunt him. Its true i didnt do much in the Orb apart from write the music, produce and engineer it, design the live shows, call all the shots etc.


    he claimed i was holding back, refusing to write that music which was beneath me LOL! perhaps he doesnt understand the nature of music. music is expression you fucking yank retard cunt and i express myself very fucking well. in fact, i would go as far as to say, there arent many other people on the planet right now that are able to express their emotions in a way which is true to themselves and there arent any that can express them like me :) what i let other people hear is not everything i am about. its not important for other people to hear it. tonight i will delete it all. i have my own voice, something i am very proud of and something that nobody else even notices cos most people are deaf cunts.


    i was going to kill myself anyway but i would like to extend thanks to our american friends at azburners.org for reminding me why i want to stab myself in the face. i had forgotten then for a second.


    i turned this website back on just to call him a cunt. if any of you are bored and in arizona would you find this cocksucker and kick the shit out of him for me. shoot him if you want. now its going to be deleted again after which time i will die. good day to you all.




    May your armpits be blessed with the fleas of one thousand camels



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