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Posts posted by kokoon

  1. just read game of thrones.


    i don't really read books, i used to read them when i was in high school.

    but still - i can't say i consider this quality literature. why is everybody so into this? comparing this to tolkien is a crime!

    i did kinda enjoy reading it though and it kinda makes me want to read the pt2... but i can't get over how shallow and artificial it feels. like it was written to be reworked into a screenplay.


    and no, i haven't watched the show. yet. i'll watch it tonight :)

  2. I haven't listened to metal for some years. Last thing I was into was Opeth, not sure how I feel about them anymore.



    But not too long ago, I stumbled upon Drudkh. And I fucking love them.



    I also discovered Walknut.



    Fuck yeah.


    Also this band called Ygg:




    I also like some Austere:



    (starting from the part the part where it kicks off at 2:30.. i also like those distant howlings)


    Also stumbled upon Negura Bunget. Not bad, but I'm having doubts. I also like Wolves In The Throne Room, but it seems you can't say that or even mention them because of some h-word that people like to throw around.



    So I'm looking for bands that sounds similair. Last.fm tags these bands as "atmospheric black metal" but that leads to stuff like Alcest. Yikes.

    If you don't know any, you can just recommend me any good black metal or whatever.

    (i haven't checked the thread out much because of youtube clusterfucks (to which i may have contributed to))


    I'm appreciating metal again, wooh!



    I also would like to say that I distance myself from any retarded views/philosophies some of these bands may have :facepalm: it's just music bro

    Have you heard any Fauna? Echtra? Fearthainne? It's all US black metal with specific flavor. Also see Fell Voices, Ash Borer, Panopticon, The Sun Came Up Upon The Left more doomy stuff like Seidr and Blood Of The Black Owl.


    Other than that, at the moment I'm totally in love with Horseback - The Invisible Mountain. Can't wait for their collab with Locrian (out now!)


    Horseback ftw!



  3. is doom metal slower stone metal???

    not so far from truth - a lot of it is (sleep, om, ...), but there are some other flavors of doom metal. like more depressive stuff (khanate, monarch, ...), and even more depressive/morbid subgenre of funeral doom metal.

  4. been in my new place for 2 years and just been adding stuff to the pile, seriously need to rebuild soon










    nice! i have that same mixer, how are you satisfied with yours?


    also, would you recommend that behringer tube compressor? mainly for noisy/drony stuff, doesn't need to be really clean.

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