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Posts posted by kokoon

  1. reverb is really a major composition tool on this record, and it's very well done.


    otherwise, i still think afx is THE master of reverb. was quite surprised to hear spring reverb on an autechre album though. nice one.

  2. though they do note a lack of progression.


    Hmmm.. it would be interesting to read this. Although I gotta ask.. 'progression' towards what?


    I don't mean to put a ceiling on what's possible, but I think I'm just wondering what in the world 'progression' means in the electronic world anymore, especially with folks like Autechre.

    mister, are you sean booth?

  3. 38 User(s) are reading this topic (24 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users)

    14 Members: kokoon, pry buddigs, beavis14996, Brian Tregaskin, salvaKPO, azatoth, mrx, beNito, Obelisong, Goum Le Chat, gl0tch, Fredd-E, o00o, Earth

  4. haha, i kinda like rewinds, except if there are like 4 rewinds on the same track. that's stupid. skream did this when i saw him.


    a few days ago i saw mala with sgt. pokes. i was really afraid that pokes will ruin everything, i always hated MCs, not only in dubstep but also in dnb. well, sgt. pokes ended up being the highlight of the night, despite mala dropping an incredible mix. i really really liked him. too bad the soundsystem wasn't adequate :(

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