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Posts posted by ooqpoo

  1. I'm down with a combo of the two being the way to go. Playlist in progress. 

    I'm enjoying the sentimental ambienty tracks over the more beaty ones, though the long form tracks that combine both are p ace. 

     We've been blessed with our sean pls albums, is a double whammy of 'rob pls' on the horizon? 

  2. 1 hour ago, Roo said:

    An interesting comparison is that this month is the 20th anniversary of Kid A, which itself had a sister sessions album follow 8 months later. Those were both a new era departure for RH, and in the context of ae it was a key shout-out which nurtured a new audience. Kid A & SIGN both with the 4 letters.

    Kid A brings back memories. The anticipation of where they were gonna go after Ok Computer and the sobering suprise that was Kid A. Such an autumny album, warm yet distant and subdued. SIGN also seems to have that wistful autumny feel to it. 

    It's also ten years since Oversteps, which was similarly a relatively short release with more focus on chill than bangers. 

  3. Enjoyed my first listen. Track 3 and 4 got me into a cosily ominous trance. Track 6 felt like I was looking at a sprawling city at night from a skyscraper terrace. Closing track is lush on lush. It's nice to have a little mellow gem like this following NTS. In a way feels like their Tomorrow's Harvest. 

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  4. On 7/8/2020 at 5:56 PM, Blir said:

    Yeah man there's a lot more depth to all end then a lot of people give it credit for. Fine it's really long but why is that a problem? You don't always want to listen to a long ambient piece sure, but sometimes there's an occasion when you want to get lost in a vast bit of music. It's the perfect after party, late night come down session track as well. Right before it starts to get light, if you've had a spliff and a bit of k this track can really take you places. You don't need drugs to enjoy it obviously, but it's a really euphoric and trippy track if you're in that headspace.


    It gives me an odd but pleasing sensation of simultaneously moving fast and slow, but kind of fucks me up if I fall asleep to it ^^

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  5. On 9/6/2020 at 6:10 AM, Hugh Mughnus said:

    what is this weird infatuation with album art? In my relatively short 25ish years of listening to electronic music I’ve not given two shits about the album art unless I’m on hallucinogens. Who cares honestly if the album cover is the one ring that rules them all as long as the music is good? ?

    When do you ever care if a book cover is good? Just discard the story if the cover doesn’t meet some autistic criteria etc?

    going by post Oversteps album art, I think Rob&Sean probably agree with you on that

  6. 1 hour ago, cyanobacteria said:

    they want to herd us into behavioral patterns which meet the needs of their capital

    they want to eliminate extendable microSD storage slots from their phones and keep the internal storage space intentionally low so that we rely on their cloud platforms which allows them data analysis over our data and data consumption habits

    they want to then convert their hosting of our data, a service with limited utility which is easily replaced by extendable storage slots which cost next to nothing for them, into a direct stream of income for themselves

    it should be no surprise that as long as capitalism exists, everything that can be done to make a profit will be done, no matter who it hurts, as long as it's not hurting those with the capital most capable of inserting itself between the producer and purchaser of a commodity

    nothing is sacred, nothing is sacrosanct, they happily inject invisible, inaudible, resilient watermarks into all data streams in order to identify re-distributors and copiers

    Yes. The whole cloud thing always rubbed me the wrong way. It's nice to have your stuff on a gadget that isn't linked to anything other than when you link it by USB to fill it up with tunes.

  7. Spotify was terrible to begin with, now it's big, greedy AND crap. 

    I don't understand why anyone would use Spotify when there's so many better options available; good old Piratebay, Bandcamp etc. or the artists very own website are way better. And listening to music from a phone is odd in the first place too unless it's YouTube or something which can't always be readily converted to mp3 and put on an mp3 player.   


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  8. The only cure for corona is more Autechre. Sean "pen" expers and Rabbi Brown, pls empty the bowels of your magic sound machines upon us. PlOx. 

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  9. 'The Stranger' a possibly lesbian girl who looks like a sexy troll runs around all sneaky in a baseball cap, revealing family secrets to people and sometimes blackmailing them. Setting is upper middleclass southern England - lots of strained facial expressions and pent up frustration. 

    Some of the situations seemed a little far fetched and a very low budget car chase  scene which will bring a smile to the face of American viewers (limeys can't do car chases) the same goes for an on foot chase scene that went on for way too long.

    All in all good though. Morishly suspenseful in that  British thriller way and short enough in length so as not too drag on too much. Perfect for a Saturday down with the flu. 

  10. On 6/29/2020 at 2:25 AM, luke viia said:

    these dudes were like 17. there are a lot of families that hang out here, and it's not a big place. my main motivation for stopping people is that this place is pretty remote, and drunk driving can fuck right off

    i don't actively go after people unless they do their crap in plain sight. kinda forces my hand. most of the time it's idiots lighting fires wherever they please, that really grinds my goat

    Camping out in nature and having a bonfire is Grandfather Law. 

    I think it's Sweden and/or Norway that do it right by being cool with camps as long as it's a couple hundred meters or so from a road. Nice to see a country that puts some trust in its citizens. 

    Elsewhere it's a shame a few gotta ruin it for the rest. 

  11. No doubt it is, but that number has not suddenly skyrocketed to where it is now, actually had been floating around the 1000 mark for the last few years at least. I don't think it's unrealistic to surmise that the coronavirus situation and the general worldwide malaise and confusion caused by Trump's escalating madness have had a large impact on the scale and spread of these riots. 


    • Facepalm 1
  12. Good explanation! 

    I still hope they come up with a better slogan though. I know folks of all colours n' creeds are coming together on this, but 'Black Lives Matter' is pretty condescending no? Like that should be a given, and those who for whatever backward reasons disagree won't change their minds just like that. 

    These fascist pigs and their supporters need all the pummeling they can get. 

  13. Is police brutality really so widespread? I mean I know it's a thing and all but the sheer size and amount of violence of the protests seems somehow disproportionate and counterproductive. Has it turned into a kind of general protest against whatever, for everyone and their mothers to partake in to vent various frustrations? 

    • Like 1
    • Facepalm 1
  14. On 5/27/2020 at 11:22 PM, Gocab said:

    Watched Advantages of traveling by train as well, it was decent. Didn't find it disturbing at all. Reminded me a lot of Wild Tales, which I think I liked more as far as black comedy Spanish anthology films go. Can't really remember it though. ??‍♂️

    Just watched Wild Tales and it was ace! My favourite was the city slicker vs. redneck one, but all the stories were good. 

  15. On 5/24/2020 at 6:11 PM, Tim_J said:

    this could have been really good... overall idea is pretty cool, neat sound fx plus soundtrack, simple yet effective psychedelic imagery, it's a shame it was so poorly executed, probably because of the main character's performance...
    Without Name Poster


    fuck, this shit was sick af, sicker than salò, and my threshold for sick stuff is pretty high... it's disguised as a comedy but it's definitely not for the faint-hearted...
    Advantages of Travelling by Train Poster

    Advantages of Travelling by Train. 

    Enjoyed this. Imaginative, weird and interesting story telling. I found the vulgarity/dark bits were nicely balanced out by the overall slapstick feel that seemed to run as a buffering undercurrent throughout.

    This guy should be an interesting director to follow. 

    Salo's much worse imo due to its realism and overall nasty/depressing feel. 

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