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Posts posted by ooqpoo

  1. On 5/27/2020 at 11:22 PM, Gocab said:

    Watched Advantages of traveling by train as well, it was decent. Didn't find it disturbing at all. Reminded me a lot of Wild Tales, which I think I liked more as far as black comedy Spanish anthology films go. Can't really remember it though. ??‍♂️

    Just watched Wild Tales and it was ace! My favourite was the city slicker vs. redneck one, but all the stories were good. 

  2. On 5/24/2020 at 6:11 PM, Tim_J said:

    this could have been really good... overall idea is pretty cool, neat sound fx plus soundtrack, simple yet effective psychedelic imagery, it's a shame it was so poorly executed, probably because of the main character's performance...
    Without Name Poster


    fuck, this shit was sick af, sicker than salò, and my threshold for sick stuff is pretty high... it's disguised as a comedy but it's definitely not for the faint-hearted...
    Advantages of Travelling by Train Poster

    Advantages of Travelling by Train. 

    Enjoyed this. Imaginative, weird and interesting story telling. I found the vulgarity/dark bits were nicely balanced out by the overall slapstick feel that seemed to run as a buffering undercurrent throughout.

    This guy should be an interesting director to follow. 

    Salo's much worse imo due to its realism and overall nasty/depressing feel. 

    • Like 1
  3. A Review of The Blackwell Ghost 2:

    "The Blackwell Ghost 2 aka The Chronicles of Useless Bloke"

    The drawing he receives in the mail, which most would immediately recognize as a blueprint rendition of a building, baffles him as he explains in all seriousness how he originally thought it was an image of "somekind of a vacuum cleaner." He then proudly announces his grand discovery: an obvious X in one corner of the picture which Useless Bloke took "forever to see."

    After an uneventful drive to the mysterious house, Useless Bloke brings forth a metal detector (to search for something that may well not be metal) and makes a song & dance of not being able to use it properly. When he finally finds the spot he proceeds to bludgeon the ground with a huge pickaxe, oblivious to the fact that the buried item may be fragile.

    Thinks there might be a time machine inside the shoebox sized box that he digs up.

    Has the foresight to mention how light may damage any unprocessed film, which may be inside the box. But leaves the light on while opening the box.

    Preparations for ghost hunting consist of setting up a record player and putting a ball on a table. The self proclaimed "not genius who CAN count" then proceeds to chill out and hardly notices the audible banging.

    Fret not for excitement is just round the corner: at 2:37 in the morning some chairs fall over. So riveting it prompts Useless Bloke to replay the recording as we once again watch the chairs uneventfully fall over. But the thrills are far from over as Useless Bloke discovers that the falling chairs can be heard on a recording device in an adjacent room. Cue several sound clips of - you guessed it- some chairs falling over.

    Useless Bloke has riveting dreams of doors opening and shutting.

    Ghostly activity in the kitchen passes Useless Bloke by while he just chills out on his laptop in the living room.

    Furthermore, Useless Bloke looks like a (possibly) non gay version of Brian the Mailman.

  4. On 3/13/2020 at 9:14 PM, Schlitze said:

    six of eight really clicking for me now...I've liked it for a while but now its all I want..when I don't have headphones or my wearable speaker (Sony) I crave it. I just want to hear this fucking track. Ae are manipulators of the ears who can take months or even to break down their listeners. The NTS seshs are daunting and I'm chipping away at them. But you know after this Four Tet will do nothing for me aurally unless I hit the rest button.

    NTS is indeed overwhelmingly vast, so far only a handful of tracks have become familiar enough to allow for immersion/enjoyment. These days it's been Shimripl casual, love it to bits and can't get enough of it. It's like the product of hi tech recording equipment left to run in the jungle of some marshy planet.   

  5. 3 hours ago, milkface said:

    Bloody hope so, I could be out with my friends skating, smoking and just generally making the most of the last bit of my last teenage year before I'm too old for my behaviour to be normal but noooooooo someone had to eat some dodgy bat ?

    Can't you just hang out in smaller groups? 

  6. 34 minutes ago, Soloman Tump said:

    Yep. I've avoided baskets and trolleys for a while now. Put stuff straight in my own bags then i know I have capacity to carry it out after I've paid.

    Same here (apart from the paying bit) ?

  7. 8 minutes ago, goDel said:

    @beer badgerShould call you wine, women and sodomy badger from now on 


    Anyways, this lockdown shit is going to annoy the F out of me. I can already tell.

    Tried to do some exercise today. The weather is fucking fantastic. Sunny and not much wind. I've got my own boat at the club, so I thought to spend some time on the water. Ideal conditions. Discovered the government ordered all clubs to be closed. Ffffff. I would have been completely alone on the water. Completely isolation proof. And there's a chance I already had Covid-19 and unable to transfer it to others now anyways. Damn. I need that water time. Good for a dose of vitamin D as well.



    This is annoying the hell out of me too. I wish they'd distinguish between crowds and just being outside in open spaces. With a smart enough populace this would come naturally; people wouldn't crowd together, but would still be able to move around outdoors at good distance from each other. Not that I'm gonna let these rules keep me from going out, biking etc. Just annoying that we're made to feel guilty/paranoid about doing something that's absolutely fine. But once again everyone is at the behest of the hoarding and panicking idiots. Lowest common denominator sets the agenda as usual. 

    • Like 1
  8. Pls Rob (&Sean) avoid getting infected by staying home and making musics with your wonderful equipment for the next couple of months. 

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, d-a-m-o said:

    Ok I’m at work and believe me, French lockdown is a fucking joke, there’s no lockdown everybody is at work., wasn’t joking about France aiming for the number one spot...

    I know it's always to possible to just stay home & call in sick or whatever, but are there any corona specific laws in place that allow people the right to self isolate, without repercussions from work, if they feel it's necessary?

  10. 1 hour ago, d-a-m-o said:

    Fuck! Look like I’m good to work until the end of this epidemic, my only hope is a total lockdown of the country tonight or tomorrow. What about Italy and Spain ? Are blue collars still working ? We’re like 200 employees at my work place, this is madness...

    Spain is in lockdown. Supermarkets, pharmacies etc are open and there's a building site nearby that's in full swing. My hotel closes from Wednesday at which point I've gotta find a way to the airport (they say buses are running with lowered service). This morning breakfast was served to us in our room to avoid restaurant contagion. Yesterday spent the entire day literally dossing around the hotel. Today the weather is looking fine and I'm going the fuck out for a bike ride after lunch. 

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