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Posts posted by tbf

  1. Immortals sure has impressive CGI, but I remember watching it on TV and not being captivated. so much so that I hadn't even made the connection up until now. maybe I'll watch it again, but it seems like one of those big studio ostentatious blockbusters where the director, more frequently than not, lo$es a bit of his touch due to thinking about target audience

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  2.  just saving all of this to my watch list ? 

    from what I saw I'd like to second Aki Kaurismaki, Enter The Void, and also City of God - I used to skate with some of those kids back then, they were severely underpaid.
    I'd add Anihilation, The Limits of Control (it's got this amazing lysergic pace) and I also love the aesthetics of the Ocean's Eleven trilogy both as Eye and Ear candy, it's pretty slick. same with Fight Club. Paprika, Ghost In The Shell for anime and, to me, the most stunning movie of all, Stalker by Tarkovski.

    8 hours ago, Tim_J said:




    ALSO THIS! this movie is incredible. same amazing aesthetics as The Cell with Jenny from the block, which I remember being pretty good, actually

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  3. 3 hours ago, beerwolf said:

    It would be true to say, most people I know who have been toking heavily for 20 years do seem very invested in the conspiracy theory stuff. I noticed this about 5 years ago happening to friends and folks I know. All of a similar age bracket and all were the types who would have green almost as soon as they got out of bed.

    maybe because the whole tabu around weed is a conspiracy in itself? let's face it, strings are pulled behind the curtains all of the time, not in a conspiratory manner, but to an extent where it severely affects people's lives. *got oil?* and like dcsux said, nothing wrong with asking questions, but what seems to get most people riled up - besides the blatant tinfoil hatters - is the realization that maybe something as big and damaging as this year-long (and counting) crisis may be an effect of string-pulling

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