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Satans Little Helper

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Posts posted by Satans Little Helper

  1. 15 minutes ago, dingformung said:

    How about a maybe-government that can transform from existing to not existing depending on necessity? A silent agent that acts through the citizens of its kingdom, through their minds, without control. It appears like a chromatic pattern beneath the surface of your vision (but it's invisible). It's part of your brain and thoughts but it can't hurt you or anyone. It's not national, regional, or global, or even universal, it's suprauniversal. It is a silent agent that acts on our subjective perceptions of reality, and it can be anything we want, but not something we don't want (even if it's different than what we wanted). Just like the laws of physics are the same for us all. This way everyone who lives in this kingdom would have their own government according to their own individual desires and needs

    Seems the side effects of the covid vaccines are working well on this one. ?

  2. Just had my first shot of pfizers. And must say, it's good my phone can finally pick up the 5G network. Feels a bit snappier! Quick connection. Better connection. Must be my new magnetic powers. Happy. ?

    Ian McKellan magneto GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment

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  3. Kids these days. They've seemed to miss a couple of good tales with a moral lesson. Like the one about the ant and the grasshopper. Doesn't take too much mental gymnastics to see the ants as the people getting vaccinated. What's missing, is that the grasshopper, and animals like him, threaten the safety of all. In a childs mind this bigger picture is an acquired taste, I guess. And some may never acquire it. (this will probably trigger a bunch of people hehe)


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  4. now, what would be the odds this has "shopped" written all over it.

    since trump lost i rarely read twitter anymore. thank god. it's just like 4chan. but with the commercial stakes and reach of a facebook. although i have to admit i enjoyed a bit of 4chan right around 2011. nowadays, the cancer is too much. it's everywhere. the entire cloud has turned into a giant cesspool. the bad outweighs the good. it has become a (mental) health risk.

  5. 1 hour ago, auxien said:

    so like, did the country collapse or anything? was a lot of shouty people saying doom was coming if Brexit happened and it kinda did, yeah? or is the full thing not in effect yet or what?

    wikipedia says

    so like

    i haven't seen Bandcamp/juno.co.uk $ > £ conversion rates skyrocket or plummet...all you brits on here aren't crying, so i'm guessing it wasn't so bad at all? i've seen minimal news about this over the last few months...mostly just hearing about Boris Johnson minor scandals and maybe losing his spot...curious what y'all are seeing if anything.

    Difficult to tell with a COVID-19 pandemic, I'd think. The whole world is going down the shitter. But for multiple reasons.

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  6. Meanwhile in capitalistic society...



    “It is the first time a judge has ordered a large polluting corporation to comply with the Paris climate agreement.”

    Tom Cummins at the UK law firm Ashurst said: “This is arguably the most significant climate change-related judgment yet,” and Joana Setzer at the London School of Economics called it “mind-blowing, basically changing what Shell is at the core”. Scott Addison of the communications firm Infinite Global said: “Today’s ruling puts into stark relief just how high the commercial and reputational costs can get for inaction on climate change.”


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  7. 4 minutes ago, Rubin Farr said:

    Jesus, this lady. Talk about a Karen driving the boat, her only strategy seems to be - gaslight anyone that ever confronts you about anything.


    Reminds me of that flat earth logic from a youtube posted in the ufo's thread. There's a group of people which seem to insist in only believing stuff they can directly perceive. Like the earth being flat. It's an inability to conceptualise reality beyond perception.

  8. Must say I'm getting a ton of red flags about her from just reading the way you described her. (overly friendly, especially to the opposite sex? completely full of herself? i bet she's one of those toxic types who can be incredibly charming at first, but tend to a complete waste of time. sounds to me like you're being used as a piece of furniture in her personal produced movie about herself)

    Obviously, nobody's perfect, but if you happen to wonder whether or not she's worth your time, I'd consider the question whether you think you can see each other grow together. If you do, go right ahead.

    If you suspect it's always going to be like it is now, without any form of personal and mutual growth in the relationship. And I mean something positive which you two can share. That's when I would opt out. But it's up to you.

    6 months though. It probably won't get any better than it currently is. 

    Also important whether or not you've had experience with other relationships (longer than 6 months) in the past. If you have, trust your own experience. Don't listen to me. If you haven't, be very wary. This is not the best first kind of gf to learn about relationships, imo.

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  9. 1 hour ago, Claudius t Ansuulim said:

    But I very well do, so that’s why I listen to heterodox views.

    I do too. And I take them with a healthy grain of salt. I believe you've been pouring a bit of sugar on dear Bret.

    What kind of science-field is your expertise/profession? If you want to have an honest conversation, start there instead of putting Bret in front of you like a safety shield. (and bitch about people not agreeing with you)

    personal disclaimer: i work for a government institute responsible for deciding whether or not to allow new treatments into the healthcare system, amongst other things.

  10. 3 hours ago, Claudius t Ansuulim said:

    Again, misunderstood my point. The point I was attempting to make was that you CANNOT get sufficient longterm data from the human phase of the clinical trials ALONE, thats why we use animals with similar genetics and shorter lifespans as models from which to extrapolate longterm data.  Bret’s point was that those animal trials are inherently flawed because of the way the animals are bred. Fuck man, you all are determined to disagree with everything I say, even if you’d otherwise agree with it.

    You CANNOT get sufficient longterm data from non-human data like mice or whatever. Even bred with the special Bret formula. (pun intended :p) 

    Reason is: you need A LOT of data from A BIG population collected OUTSIDE the lab over LONG amount of time. You need phase iv studies by NECESSITY. You CANNOT breed some special animals to compensate this. 

    Ok, I'll stop with the caps now. Hopefully, it annoyed the F out of you. (If you want to keep it civil, just stay away from the caps please)

    Although there might be very specific situations where these improved lab-rats might help, those are very specific and far from comprehensive. You just need to study the effects on people in the real world, outside of a specific research protocol. And in terms of science, this "real-world evidence" is on of the most difficult to do properly and get good or even conclusive results. Consider it a fact of life.

    Bret is also well aware of this, btw. But this discussion is actually not about what Bret knows or doesn't know. It's about people looking for information on the internet which align with their intuitions. Why do I say this? Well, because you've already admitted you're not well versed in all the specifics and therefore - imo - has no personal opinion other than to believe what a couple of specific sources say. In other words, you're copy pasting other peoples arguments. (and in the process run the risk of making bad copies of what was originally said or intended)

    Also note that you currently following Brets comments with respect to his personal research activities. What are the odds that Bret is a little bit biased about his own results? I'm not saying he's wrong. I'm saying he might be overstating his case. Because if his science was solid and conclusive, it would have had implications on the way animals are being used in research. That either may or not have happened. If it hasn't, than that's science and not a conspiracy doing it's work.

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  11. 27 minutes ago, Claudius t Ansuulim said:

    The bias I was speaking of regarding Bret’s thesis work was dealing with the way we breed animals for clinical drug trials. In this case it was referencing a bias towards animals with very healthy robust immune systems early in life, a phenomenon observed in individuals whose parents conceived of them early in their respective lives. This could potentially explain why so many drug side effects go unnoticed in animal trials and are only discovered after patients have taken the drug. I’m probably not fully characterizing the phenomenon as I only learned of it a week or so ago and haven’t had a chance to fully dive into it, but what I’ve seen of it so far seems highly plausible.

    I'm sorry, but although interesting, I don't consider this earth shattering.

    I mean, even without his research it is rather obvious that other species tend to be imperfect "models" for humans. That's not news. Although I can understand there's valid novelty in the details of his study.

    It's important though to put these in the right perspective however. Which, imo, is something for the scientific community. As an average Joe, I wouldn't try to bend my head around it. Too much information, knowledge, experience and expertise missing. Before you know it, I'd start to believe in my own ability to think critically. Even in subjects I have no clue about. The worst thing, I can still pretend to be woke. Thanks Dunning Kruger! I think I'm a genius, because I have no clue!

    Also note, that there's a couple of phases before drugs are brought to the market. Amongst the reasons for multiple phases of research is that rats/mice/monkeys/pigs/etc are imperfect models for humans. We didn't need Bret to figure that out.


    Also notice how these phases are intended to cope with the imperfections of research in general. And it's still not perfect. It never is. And never will be. Think again about your earlier complaints about the lack of long term results. Willing to repeat it. But since you've been so grateful, I'm sure you don't need to hear that again. (if you're smart, and only if, focus on what's phase iv is about - monitoring of long term effects. ergo: it's standard practice to monitor drugs *after* they've been brought to the market to monitor for long term (side) effects. that's all drugs on the market. not just these new vaccines. please tell me Bret mentioned this regularly in his critical videos. because if he doesn't, well, he might just be very selective in the information he's putting out there)

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  12. 1 hour ago, Nebraska said:

    to paraphrase this guy: there is so little good done that it's not worth mentioning. hopefully, by highlighting the bad, i can help people stop accepting their situation as normal. 

    hope that makes sense. 

    it makes no sense. although i can understand the intention.

    repetition of garbage does not stop people from accepting it being normal. it might be the opposite. especially in the context of social media. repeating false narratives tends to make them grow bigger because the algorithms tend to push these even further.

    even if it's done with sarcasm or irony. or rather, intended to be sarcastic or ironical. sarcasm and irony tends to fly over people's heads. and get to be taken seriously. i'm thinking about Q-Anon, for instance.

    in a way, you're supporting this negative feedback loop, imo. similar to liking or reposting tweets from Trump in the vain hope that people will understand how ridiculous his tweets are. it only makes it bigger.

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