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Everything posted by thefxbip

  1. And before anyone tells me about how unrealistic or unreasonable or not practical this is let me tell you this: Number of people killed in war by pacifists/war objectors: probably 0 Number of people killed in war and various events by military institutions and people in them: countless and still counting... It might not be easy but we need to disarm the fuck out of this planet.
  2. I challenge this way of thinking. The necessity is to strengthen democratic values and respect of human dignity. Neither of them will be achieved by military as the military as an institution, with its strict hierarchical and antagonistic way of seeing the world is precisely one of the very cause of the deep instabilities and atrocities in the world. Look around. How many coups do we need? how many invasions? how many genocides? how many colonial disasters? how many Generals turning into dictators? how many Dictators using the army and the police as his personal force to stay in power and crush democracy? how many military backed disasters before we learned that maybe the military IN ITSELF isn't a good idea? that it constantly throughout ALL of history, generates a very effective mean for destruction and atrocities? Military spending and culture is symptomatic of giving up the true democratic ideals and means to a stable society. Spend that money and energy elsewhere i say.
  3. I personally fear, that one of the side-effects of this conflict, on the global scale, is the glorification of militaristic culture and of nationalism. Investing time and energy in military instead of investing time and energy in the values that keep democracies healthy and directly prevent wars. War-like mentality spreading everywhere. Things like respect for human rights, diplomacy, equality, fair justice, good journalism, investment in culture, respect for the environment, a good, self-critical scientific community. Those will always be more helpful to prevent wars and political conflict than any big military, being build up out of paranoia. Call me an idealist but i am personally an absolute pacifist politically and always will. War is hell period. War is the failure of everything of value in humans and in democracy. It's symptomatic of a systematic neglect of democratic and humanist ideals and values over long period of time. This has been building up for a looooong time in Russia. If you don't like this war and you wonder what you can do, my humble suggestion is : keep your own damn country healthy democratically wise. When things slides down, speak up. Don't cooperate with authoritarians. Defend human dignity. Participate in activities that keeps democracies alive and healthy. In any way you can. Because Ukrainians probably wish Russians would have done more to prevent this shit from happening to them. And Russians themselves are probably starting to think the same with the dictatorial decrees Putin throws left and right these days. And they will be even more once the economy fucking crash.
  4. True. It's not that surprising to see Russians being in favor of the War. I am not surprised personally. Ultra-nationalism will do that to the mind of a population. You just have to remember the kind of nationalist military culture USA has and how easy the population was convinced into supporting the War in Afghanistan, in Irak. Russia and USA are enemies yet in some ways they are very much alike.
  5. http://www.worldsciencefestival.com/2014/07/long-shadow-manhattan-project-part-atom-bombs-mark-science/ http://www.worldsciencefestival.com/2014/07/long-shadow-manhattan-project-part-ii-ethics-atomic-age/
  6. I wish the science community would step up and stop building this shit... They need to introduce more self regulation and penalties on the science and engineering of war machines and other ultra-destructive technology... If the governments are corrupt they should step up and act. Shouldnt be a normal thing that your job is to build weapons capable of annihilating millions of lives in an instant. I don't know how the scientific community just let it happen. There is a tendency to just think all knowledge is neutral but it is not when it comes to weaponry. This is one of the biggest elephant in the room. There is a big lack of ethics in science when it comes to engineering these things. Building weaponry should be on the same list as using chemistry to make hard drug for money in my book.
  7. Didnt USA used depleted uranium weaponry in Irak? I remember reading about the absolute nightmarish effects they had on the population.
  8. Anyone knows what happened to Crimea once it got annexed?
  9. I have ignored him. But see how many replies are replies to his trolling? lol I guess i am free to leave. But i did get good info in here from other posters, that helped me understand the situation. I just think it sucks to let a troll completely hi-jack forums and threads without any moderation. Have you ever been on a discord where trolls are let loose and free to room around?
  10. But you see this is the internet. It's why some much BS has happened through internet and disinfo. Internet basically gives you a license to lie to infinity until someone moderates your ass.
  11. A man screaming like a madlad in a room will disrupt the room no matter if you shut your ears down. And if your neighbour does. And next guy. Even if we all block him every new person coming in here will get the troll bite.
  12. It's like in life. If you have a discussion with someone, you have to assume they have at minimal decent intention to be truthful and accept they are wrong when showed to be. If someone hasnt showed good will and humility in their attitude toward that, they are just some sort of social vampire feeding on others energy and getting a kick out of controlling situations. Contrarian are not there to discuss, they are there to fuck with you and get a kick out of you. They will not bulge but you will bulge and devolve into emotional reaction because that's their whole game.
  13. Wannabe internet communist spreading neo-fascist russian agenda and propaganda. You gotta see it to believe it. Cant even ignore them now everyone is answering them. You see this is what happens when trolls are tolerated for too long. They hijack the debate and the discussion and there is no discussion anymore. This is a hermolia thread now. They control the discussion with disinformation. It's easy when you give yourself a license to infinite lying you dont have to worry about truth or being decent, you have the upper hand of power for the simple reason you don't give a fuck. Attention seeking contrarian dont care about debate or information they just swallow all the air until there is nothing left to breath and everyone else leaves in disgust. Dcom is probably the most intelligent poster in here and gives interesting and pertinent info and he's not gonna post anymore because mods tolerate this fool. In a debate were the screaming madlad spreading disinfo is tolerated expect the level of conversation to go down the drain very quickly because you enable them to control the whole situation.
  14. Yeah the mythology is strong. I dont think many people realize nationalism is really all fairy tales myths passed down from generation to generation. You look around, all nations think they are so special and unique for no other reason they repeat it to themselves. '' We Russians, are not like the other nations, we are special and proud to be'' Switch ''russians'' for any other country. It's all BS. Einstein was right, nationalism is an infantile disease. It's all based in self-aggrandizing delusions and myths. Nationalism acts like a fucked up cult. Once you get delusional enough you give yourself the right to burn as many as necessary to your flag altar.
  15. Read somewhere that it was speculated that Putin basically wants Ukraine to be under his power and use it as buffer state (like Belarus) to act as a shield against any invasion, or influence, so that Russia remains impossible to directly invade and conquer and it's so far the best explanation for his actions and his views of the world that i've came across.
  16. Yea! the artifiacts! good way to say it! And thank you! Yeah feeling in music is very important when i am making it, my goal is always to reach a kind of goosebumps experience while making it hahaha For me the way to put emotion in your music is total identification and merging with the process. When i am not feeling a tune, and it's not progressing, i know i havent gone deep enough and merged with sound enough so every nuance gets a direct response from me and i am playing with an artificial process that don't truly interest me so i can't really go 100%. You need to get into this very tense flow state or get very excited by sound or else its just mechanical and it wont resonate as much. BUT i think some people get this wrong, it's not so much a comfortable, pleasurable, chill state of mind, tho, like when you are watching netflix or eating ice cream, it is not passive, it's more a tense, excitable, ecstatic, uncomfortable state of mind. I think the more you progress the more uncomfortable but also the more ecstatic it becomes. So it becomes quite addictive because of the kind of rush you get. I think the very great geniuses of art are those who can both withstand extreme mental tension while keeping things flowing and ecstatic. Their work is born out of this mental tension. Anyway im glad you vibe to my trx, and its probable because i had a blast making them.
  17. The most interesting things said about music are rarely being said by critics, philosophers, historians, writers or theorists. It's often nonsense. Usually the philosophical mindset, aesthetics and psychology of the musicians themselves and their vision of what their music is and what motivates them is highly interesting tho.
  18. All (pseudo or not) scientific-philosophical theory goes out the windows once you hear certain frequencies/sound and they make your brain go ''wow''. It's interesting to see what everyone has to say about aesthetics/theory of music or philosophical theory but at the end of the day, it's sound and it's effect on us. It's direct experience. Clusters were forbidden for a long time but once you hear one in a good context and it hits you. You just think all this theory to forbide them was kinda dumb and that it was arbitrary to have this rule.
  19. Found the ultimate cluster piano piece the other day by the way. Shows you there is no such thing has wrong chord. (Others would probably say it shows you what nonsense you get if you abandon normal harmony hahaha)
  20. Wot??? Sorry but cluster in basses are amazing imo. Give me a low a+bflat minor second or stack of diatonic/chromatic cluster in the lowest register on the piano any time. One of my favorite chord of all is the first 5 notes of minor stacked in a cluster. Played left hand. Massive on bass. Gives you a thick, dark, dramatic rumble. These days im a big fan of microtonal bass clusters even. It is super expressive and gives you mad oscillation. Can be super cool for drone and atmosphere.
  21. ''Alexander Serdyuk has stopped talking to his mother. He is nervously watching war edge ever closer to his home in Lviv. She is 1,500 miles (2,400km) to the east in Russia, denying that any of it is actually happening. “I can’t speak with her,” says the 34-year-old Russian who moved to Ukraine 10 years ago. “She doesn’t understand me. She says it’s just Nazis killing each other, and that we are responsible for all this.” “She just doesn’t believe me,” he adds. “We used to speak with each other a lot, but now there’s just no point.” It’s the same for Natasha Henova. She has already fled her home near Kharkiv with her young sons and husband, as the bombs crept ever closer to their village. When she called a cousin who lives near Moscow to update her, however, the conversation was almost as upsetting as the war itself. “She is sympathetic but says that we are being lied to,” says Henova, a 35-year-old English language tutor. “She says it’s all America’s doing. I say OK, but why are Russians hitting us if it’s all about America? She says Ukrainians have been so cruel to people in the Donbas. “She said Ukrainian soldiers must surrender. She even invited me to come to Russia to be with her. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. I’m desperately struggling here to keep Ukraine independent and she invites me to go to Russia.” https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/mar/18/ukraine-russia-families-divided-over-war Propaganda is a hell of a drug
  22. One restaurant had a Poutine called ''the Vladimir''. They changed it.
  23. Suggestion for new Poutine name: The Resistance Gravy The Tsar Blood (for the italian Poutine)
  24. lol there is debates in Canada about changing the name of the dish because of Mad Vlad
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