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Everything posted by thefxbip

  1. How things have been for you being immunocompromised?
  3. Oh yeah that on top. Many believe vaccines dont wear off at all. Im pretty sure its not the case.
  4. Hong Kong is being destroyed and here we get politicians telling us the pandemic is basically over and mask will not be needed anymore. Normal is back for good. Man. What the hell. Is the lesson is gonna be learned one day? The wave might be over but it aint over till its over for everyone because of variant and extreme contagion of this thing. WHO has been repeating this for YEARS. Am i the only one getting vibes that some politicians are now deciding that whatever happens, happens, its not even worth trying, just let it roam through the population and that now people are expendable, that business needs to start again? If you die, you die. Youre contagious? go to work anyway. Kids get it at school? who cares? No mask in public settings? too bad if youre immunocompromised, youre outta luck buddy deal with it. And all of this when we are finally learning that even mild infection gets you brain damage lol When a wave subside, sure opens things up but for fuck sake, why removing masks, basic precautions measures and acting like nothing is happening? Say the WAVE is over, but pandemic over? With millions and millions of cases, its still very much going on it seems to me. Who knows whats in the next variant pandora's box. This kind of careless ''we're back to normal for good now'' talk seems dangerous. They did it a few times already in the past and it was mostly BS. Variants pop up and they go ''well i guess it wasnt over''.
  5. Wow absolute memory of scores at first reading. Quite the X-men power. Messiaen composing a quartet while in german captivity. Quite the history course. Thanks for this Brian.
  6. young living composer (on a cool channel to check out new stuff by up-and-coming contemporary composers)
  7. Let's have it: ''In an ever-changing, incomprehensible world the masses had reached the point where they would, at the same time, believe everything and nothing, think that everything was possible and nothing was true… The totalitarian mass leaders based their propaganda on the correct psychological assumption that, under such conditions, one could make people believe the most fantastic statements one day, and trust that if the next day they were given irrefutable proof of their falsehood, they would take refuge in cynicism; instead of deserting the leaders who had lied to them, they would protest that they had known all along that the statement was a lie and would admire the leaders for their superior tactical cleverness.'' '' “being made to repeat an obvious lie makes it clear that you’re powerless.” ''The result of a consistent and total substitution of lies for factual truth is not that the lie will now be accepted as truth and truth be defamed as a lie, but that the sense by which we take our bearings in the real world—and the category of truth versus falsehood is among the mental means to this end—is being destroyed.''-Hannah Arendt
  8. Seeing shit like this, and remembering the whole Trump admin debacle, i hope it remind us the importance of simply speaking the truth. When pure lies become the norm shit go south real quick.
  9. Tune music is superior to all arguing
  10. Man, the range of human activity is so vast and rich, there is literally so many things a human can do with its time and yet, people are still convinced by insane psychopaths that going into a foreign country to kill fellow human beings is a good thing to do with their time. It's just so fucking sad. So many lives pointlessly wasted.
  11. And before you mention it, fuck american imperialism as well. Fuck Irak war. Fuck Afghanistan war. Fuck the war-hungry military. Fuck the weapon manufacturers. Fuck the cowards leaders of all countries that sent people to their death while sitting in their office.
  12. Fuck Ukraine Neo-Nazis. There you go. No one in here likes Nazis mate. But also no one deserves to be brutally invaded and killed for imperialistic reasons because there is some fucking dumbass neo-nazis scums in their country. Ukrainian kids are dying right now for fuck sake. Heck there is neo-nazis in every fucking Europe country probably. Dont give you an excuse to bomb the shit out of hospitals and schools and just kill innocent people. War is hell.
  13. I mean if you're having part in this invasion as a russian soldier, you might not be pure fascist in thought, loads of them probably dont want to go, but you sure are fascist in action, by giving up your basic human responsabilities to the fascist thug Poutine and are participating in a imperialist fascist invasion. The fact that Poutine (he is fascist in my book) uses the de-nazification excuse to invade Ukraine is just so post truth i cant even.
  14. I might go to Mcdonalds today while listening to some degenerated western Ligeti music while wearing my paint soaked che guevara t shirt/rag just to piss off ilqx hermolia xpli i reckon.
  15. I was a marilyn manson fan when i was 16, i understand the mindset. You're not the first fanatic in history. It's just a thing people do, aint it ? Im at the stage i would miss the ''Hardcore Communist Devil Advocate'' take if you would go away. ''damn i wonder what ilqx hermolia xpli would answer to that''
  16. Im just messing with you mate. You're obviously some kind of political fanatic. Luckily not very dangerous, because only active on some IDM nerds forum. It's alright.
  17. Yeah right, you have to be pretty DESPERATE like in URSS WAS PRETTY BAD AND DESPERATE so bad EATING OUT AT MCDONALDS IS BLISS COMPARED TO IT now thats fucking desperation if you ask me
  18. Well, fuck. Brain damage. That's no good...makes you wonder what kind of damage and effects is gonna show up in people, a few years down the road, in 2-5-10 years from now.
  19. Kinda obvious but im mentioning it anyway. Psychedelic era Miles Davis and Herbie probably? Sun Ra can get quite synth heavy wild spacey smokey. (man that Sun Ra solo is crazy, found it while searching for stuff for this thread on youtube never heard it before)
  20. The filmography of David Liche: The Eraser Gave me Head The Elephallic Man Blue Balls Velvet Wild At Arse Twin Peekholes: Voyeur walk with me Mulholland Dyke Lust Highway The Gay Story Hand Empire
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