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Posts posted by thefxbip

  1. I can very well criticize all the faults of capitalism and the west without any problem. Including jail and homelessness. I have 0 problem with this. I can write and think about this without any problem at all. If you knew me you would know i am extremely critical of the west and capitalism.

    The difference between me and you is that youre willfully blind to any faults the Chinese Utopia may have. You dont make the intellectual effort to even try to question it.

    And in front of extreme demonstration of human rights violation you choose to close your eyes.

    Because its easier.

    Because if you do it means to fuck with your whole sense of belief and reality.

  2. Gotta love it when people that defend the destruction of human rights somehow believe themselves to be leftist...

    Youre pro authoritarianism mate.

    The book cover of the ideology of your torturer doesnt matter once youre being tortured in jail.

    Whether its Communist or Fascist doesnt change a single thing.

    Words matters but action matters even more. All the beautiful communist ideology, the CPC front doesnt mean a thing once they start putting people in jail for thinking differently than them and opening concentration camps for religious minority to be broken and tortured.

    No human rights, no legitimacy. Simple as that.

    It's all bullshit and fake.

    One day you will realize the extent of your naiveté. Ive been there, so i understand you actually, but one day you will realize and its gonna hurt. Your conscience will take the toll of your words.

  3. 2 hours ago, ilqx hermolia xpli said:

    absolute liberalism.  "at 'autocratic' levels, the doctrine of liberation of the proletariat through seizure of the means of production and the elimination of class, money, and the state, is exactly the same as the oppression of movements wishing to do that, the mass murder of communists, genocide of undesirable races, and doctrine of eternal bourgeois domination"

    what kind of enlightened centrist nonsense is that lol. 


    stop looking at words and graphics, come back to reality

    im talking about REAL HUMAN LIFES destroyed by ideologies

    people in jail and murdered


  4. When it reach autocratic level, fascism and communism are not so different. Death of freedom and human rights, no regard for basic humanity, suffering of its citizen, moral degeneration of every kind in its leaders, fanaticism, abuse of power, atrocities...

    Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. 

    To praise autocratic communism is the same as praising fascists in my book.


    • Thanks 2
  5. Someone really needs to get their head out of their little red book...

    Praising China for taking power over HK and removing every civil liberty HK had???


    It's easy to be a CPC enthusiast from a distance and be drunk on utopia.

    Go and try living there and write back to us, oh right you wont be able cause this site is gonna be blocked. People are literally rotting in jail for even speaking about democracy and human rights in HK right now. So much for benevolence...

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Silent Member said:

    I've seen all of them, and honestly the first Guardians and Thor Ragnarok are the only ones that stand out.

    I'm embarrassed to say I still was fairly entertained through most of them, but I wouldn't go back and rewatch, not really material that warrants further viewing, leaves the mind as soon as the credits roll.

    I feel basically the same about new Star Wars stuff in all fairness.

    I still watch em and somewhat enjoy them because you know, it defined my childhood, but when it's finished i get this aftertaste in my mouth.

    Like Disney kinda fucked me over nostalgia you know? hahaha

    • Like 2
  7. 20 hours ago, usagi said:

    manchildren in a tizzy after another decent filmmaker dares to criticise the mindless shit-factory that is the MCU.


    pretty funny coming from Blomkamp who is demonstrating an increasing incapability of making an even passable flick. I had some sympathy for his struggle but it seems undeserved now.

    lol dont get me started on Marvel

    Marvel movies are the equivalent of a cinematic big mac.

    They want your dollars and thats it.Sure some craft is involved in them but they are as low as you can get on the integrity spectrum of cinema. Cool for kids i guess, cool for some entertainment, but that cant be the only thing studios are making, it has become pathetic.

    The fact that guys like Denis Villeneuve and Scorcese almost have to apologize for criticizing the BS Marvel cinematic fastfood factory tells you a lot about the state of the artform in the USA...

    When Scorcese tells you something about movies you may want to at least pay some attention. He's masterpiece maker.

    • Like 2
  8. If Dune is boring like Blade Runner 2 then im sure looking forward to see it.

    I like slow movies personally. Blade Runner had a superb and constant build up. Strange to me to call it something with no connecting tissue, i thought it was the exact opposite, i felt it had fascinating rhythm and a great pulse through out. Hypnotic and intense.


  9. Living upstairs of a bar. it's full of unmasked people lots of the time...

    Taking distances from a friend who is now a radical anti-vaxx conspirationist and basically scares me.

    Cases in Québec oscillating between 500-1000 a day now. Shit is going down in Alberta. I was pretty optimistic at the start of summer but now....

    This aint over.

    This virus is still being underestimated. Going back to hermit/nohandshake/nohug/notevenafukenfistbump mode.



    • Like 2
  10. 35 minutes ago, _vow_of_silence_ said:



    Do i detect a Fellow Sion Sono fan? :P

    (he didnt write it tho, which often means possible disappointment in my case, the ones he writes are often masterpieces but his director only are quite uneven. but im still excited by the spicy combo of Sono/Cage)

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