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Posts posted by thefxbip

  1. 48 minutes ago, zero said:

    rents & housing prices in just about every urban area in N. America are insane right now. I keep hearing about an exodus from larger metros to smaller towns further away. but that's like for the crowd that is already established work wise, can do the 100% remote thing. for those just starting out, work in service industry, etc., I just have no clue how they are supposed to live when housing is this unaffordable. don't know where this is all headed. can't see it all going back to prices from 10 years ago, may dip a bit, but still gonna be more than it should be.

    Homelessness is gonna increase probably.

    Shit is insane.

    ''nothing to see here the market is gonna regulate itself''

    lol yeah right


  2. 2 hours ago, toaoaoad said:

    Tripled?!  Goddamn. Yeah it's really disgusting what landlords have been allowed to do.  I always thought of Montreal as a city I could potentially afford to live, although it's just a vague idea for me, actually getting out there. I can't even speak French lol.  Vancouver is still the most likely next big move for me, just have no idea how I'll afford it, or how long I'll be able to stand the people there lol.  For climate BC is the best place to be, but culturally it's a bit of a wasteland tbh. Not sure how I'd tolerate the extreme seasons out east.  Anyway it's fucked how the housing crisis can taint a person's perspective on what is even possible in life. If it wasn't an issue I would have just moved to Toronto a few years ago probably.  But now it's like, I have a home, I better stay here and make the most of it.

    Yeah anything between doubled and tripled and its becoming a big problem even in shitty areas.

    Apartment that could have gone for 600 , ten years ago are now 1400,1800 etc

    Whole families not being able to find places.

    The city is being eaten alive by a few ultra predatory real estate sharks. Disgusting thing to witness.

    • Sad 2
  3. 2 minutes ago, Zephyr_Nova said:

    There's this woman from the dating apps that I'm very attracted to.  We matched maybe a couple months ago... (checks tinder account) scratch that - we matched in fucking May.  So I guess we've been friends for a while.  Every time we hang out the conversation's really good, we'll listen to music together for a couple hours, it's always a fun time.  But I don't get the sense that the attraction aspect is mutual.  I've been thinking about broaching the subject for a while... several months apparently hahaha.  She obviously likes me quite a bit, as we've hung out at least once every couple weeks.  And usually she's the one to initiate the hang out plans.  I attribute that mostly to her being fucking awful at returning texts.  Typically, we'll hang out, it seems like we really connect.  Then I'll message her afterward and she'll just ignore it.  A week or more passes and then I'll get a random message from her.  Last night it was asking me if I've been to this specific pub she discovered.  I have not.  Anyway... we'll probably go there soon.  Problem is, there are always these long gaps between hang outs, and while it's always great when we're together in person, it's difficult to really build upon that with the cold shoulder treatment I get afterward.  Been dealing with this stupid infatuation for a while now, and still find her behaviour just as confounding as I did at the start.  I really value our friendship and don't want to fuck that up.  But I think if she ends up finding someone I'll always be left wondering if I ever had a chance that I simply failed to take.  Rationally, I know there are many reasons why it's a bad idea.  She's not into monogamy, she wants a partner she only sees occasionally, she's way younger, and she kind of intimidates me.  But for this whole time, she's the only woman I've met that I'm actually into romantically.  (To be fair, I haven't had many options.) God damn it.  Anyway, since i don't have a blog, this is going here.  Cringe with me.

    This sounds like the proper romantic mindfuck alright hahaha

    Hate these kind of blurry situations so much.

    • Like 1
  4. 20 minutes ago, toaoaoad said:

    Sucks to hear MTL is in a housing crisis too. I thought it was better there than Toronto/Vancouver/Victoria which of course are all notoriously inflated beyond fuck. I'm in vic myself and feel like I have to cling to what I have... wanna move to vancouver but f man, it's just not realistic anymore, even living with multiple roommates would cost more than what I pay now for my own place (and I only have this because I got lucky). It's rough out there man, hope you can find something decent.

    Getting worse each year in MTL.

    Rent tripled in like 7 years. Toronto 2.0 in the making. Still not as bad but its gonna become like this eventually.

    All artists are gonna leave and its gonna die culturally if it continues. And its gonna become another empty shell of a city.

    Ugh. Landlords man. They just have to fuck everyone up eh?

    Thx mate.Its gonna be a rough few months ahead but im confident ill find a way, if only temporary.

  5. (third world first world problem sorry)

    turns out my whole building is a fire hazard

    electrician came by today for a small repair

    the whole electricity is old as fuck, ungrounded, unsafe and a total fire hazard

    oh AND mtl housing is in crisis, i have no money, no credit, it will be extremely difficult to move and find a place

    AND the landlord is an old senile lady that dont give a fuck

    AND as the system is rigged we still have to pay rent to live in a place where we could die burned alive


    probably gonna move back to my dad place or something but he's also an alcoholic


    pray for my ass Watmm, shit is about to go down

    i am just stunned by this shit

    • Sad 8
  6. I remember when covid went down and i was still on facebook and random people would just appear out of no where with the craziest shit imaginable. I wondered wth was happening.

    For some of them it was quick, like in one month they completely changed and went with it. 

    Very efficient internet Cult. Scary shit.

    • Like 3
  7. On 9/29/2021 at 2:56 PM, zero said:

    yes, and which is why I stayed away from FB from day 1. back around 2007, whenever it started its rise to the top, I remember discussing with a friend about how unrealistic it all seemed. nothing but people posting about how much fun they're having, how life is such a blast, yadda yadda, when in reality it's a staged photo op. it made me feel like a loser looking at that shit, like I'm not included in some magical party that is happening somewhere. 

    On facebook/insta everyone it seems the thing is to make everyone part of their own little Reality TV show.

    Your life becomes a spectacle for your followers. Its kind of really fucked when you think about it.

    • Like 2
  8. I will say this, as a hot take not often mentioned: people might have a façade about caring about the poor in theory or in principle but if you tell someone youre unemployed or homeless see the disgust look on their face.

    I have had such look from working class, middle class, higher class people. 

    Most people consider people with no job as worthless human beings that is the hard truth. And the worst ones are sometimes hustle worshippers, hard working, working class people. They hate anyone that does not live for working/work 40/50 hours a week and live the absolute slave wage life like them. And not only right wing ones. Left wing, centrist, communist, students. name it, the whole social-political range.

    If you tell someone you're jobless one of two people from any class will look at you like youre shit.

    The whole fucking continent is a Work Hustle Money Cult im telling you.

    • Like 4
  9. Am i wrong to think that if it was about actual poor people tho, comments by Fox/CNN or whatever news channel would be:

    ''get a fkin job/better job lazy bastard''

    ''poor people think milk is owe to them, this is what socialism propaganda did to this country''


    In America your right to exist is often proportional with your bank account sadly. Poverty/homelessness/unemployement is looked at nearly as a mortal sin. Even by some working class and middle class people, so strong is the brainwashing.

    Not of lot of things as sad as a working class person completely bashing a homeless person or unemployed person for example. (happens quite a lot in fact) That always just baffles me.


    • Like 2
  10. 27 minutes ago, nikisoko said:

    i’m not saying autechre sounds like phish.  in case i’m being misunderstood, autechre is one of my favorite groups, and i was never particularly in to phish. i’m just saying it invites a similar kind of obsessive ethos that i saw during the short lived time i spent with some serious phish-heads in high school. i feel like going over all the differences in autechre’s live sets is very similar to the tape swapping culture that was around phish and the grateful dead tours back in the day.  the other part of that was phish not making any sense to anyone else who wasn’t really invested in their music. 

    A good friend once told me AFX fans were like Frank Zappa fans.


  11. One thing ive noticed tho

    Musicians dont have the same relationship to music. I think most musicians are a bit like scavengers or something haha . We look out to things to eat out and to recycle and feed us creatively. It's a different attitude than just consumption.

    When you are in that mind frame you are naturally on the look out for challenges and new things to scavenger. Ideas that can feed your own ideas or destroy you aesthetically for renewal.

    Its not just ''do i like this'' but i also ''how can i use this, does this gives me ideas/new musical challenge to try out'' so sometimes even if you dont like it right away but one element jump as you as new and possibly useful to you, you keep on listening.

    Once you start thinking like this it never really switch off. 

    I didnt really try to keep on listening as much if something was not instantly 100% my taste before becoming a musician. But its something you learn along the way that it can be greatly to your advantage if you do.

    Sometime i will not even listen to a whole piece for the whole thing but just for a single element i want to immerse myself in and digest if i think i can use it somehow.

    • Like 2
  12. 3 hours ago, ilqx hermolia xpli said:

    i dont care about being adventurous or openminded with music, i dont put effort into liking things just because they are avant garde or weird, i like what i like and i dont like what i dont like, and i like ae because it's likeable, it doesn't take effort.  rather it invokes effort, it's so good that you want to keep listening, and that makes it get better over time

    Well i would say its more like acclimatizing one self to a new language than just mind numbing effort.

    Sure you can just say, i dont give a fuck i wont learn this language, i dont understand but its nice to know different languages.

    Usually there is something in there that catch the interest to keep going its not just conscious intellectual effort. But it may take time to acclimatize.

    Music is language, if youve never heard some things in musical vocabulary that a piece use it might take time to appreciate the full extent of what is expressed.

    I dont like to consider my subjective taste as perfect and finished. It's a work in progress and that leaves the door open to new discoveries in music. Things that have value do not necessarily give instant gratification, i could list some of my top favorite music that took at least 5 full listening before i truly got the feel of it.

    Anyway, yeah. Patience can be rewarding when you seek new art. Not necessarily with avant garde or weird music it can be anything. Something as simple as a folk song or something from another country.


    • Like 1
  13. Also you can basically see how far someone is willing to go musically by how many time they say : ''this is not music'' ''this is just noise''

    If someone says this often probably means they are not very aedventurous music wise.

    Every step i took toward exploration in music has precisely been to go against the reflex of calling it just noise or nonsense. At first lots of good music shocks you, or confuse you and challenge your expectations.

    Half of my favorite music right now was not my favorite at first. Sometimes the first emotion might be confusion or disgust. But if youre really interested in music after a few times you know there might be something in there and that if you stick with it maybe its gonna bear fruits.

    But not everyone truly care about music enough to question first impression and stick around.

    For some its just something secondary that have the importance of ice cream or something lol


  14. 3 hours ago, EXTRASUPER81 said:

    Yeah that's a good point, tbf doesn't even have to be Avant Garde. I mean Opera isn't necessarily avant garde but it sure ain't for everyone.

    I bet there's Opera forums where they're like "Why is Opera so difficult to like?"

    I love classical and classical contemporary with passion but (except for a few isolated things) i fucking hate opera so much. Never more than 15 min. Fucking disgusting vibrato everywhere.

    I love acapella polyphony that has less vibrato tho.

    I should make a shirt written ''Kill Vibrato in Opera'' on it.

    (Kill Vibrato as new moniker maybe? mmm hahaha)

  15. On 11/2/2021 at 8:35 AM, Shimon_Shimon said:

    Familiar with the name, and that he released albums on Rephlex, but I don't think I've ever listened to any of his music, or if I did, it was just in passing. Think I'll pick up both of these albums later today. 

    Any recommends on his other albums to check out - there appears to be a shit load - would be greatly appreciated. 

    My fav from the colundi (from what ive checked lolz) 

    I have a preference for the bangin or hypnotic type of trx and the dark colundi. Not so much in the chillzone ones.

    Starlight serie is super tight. Lots of super energic break trx in them. Proper.

    Unknown and Resonance are also superb and full of bangin hypnotic stuff.


    also this


    • Like 1


    By far my favorite David Bowie. Brian Eno and David Bowie is a combo to be reckoned with indeed.

    Menacing, strange, jazzy, melodic, atmospheric, heavy hitting. An experimental,spacey, Neo-Noir soundtrack. Always LOVED the Lost Highway intro with I'm Deranged and the full album did not disappoint.

    The mixing/production is densely layered, rich and wide. Sounds glorious.


    Even the album cover is fucking lush.


    • Like 4
  17. Blasted elseq 1, been a while. On elseq 2 now.

    Ever better than i remembered.

    Some of the best music ive had the pleasure of listening to. Just glorious. Ecstatic, electric.

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