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Posts posted by thefxbip

  1. I sometime wonder about a future where the pandemic is over, in 5-10-15 years from now, and i talk with my now ultra hardcore conspiracist friends and we just have a laugh about these wild times and not give a fuck anymore as its a thing of the past.

    ''man remember the time in 2020 when i thought that 5g was giving covid and that the vaccine was Bill Gates plan to dominate the world? man what was i thinking''

    ''lol right mate? crazy times''




    - play some music -

    • Like 1
  2. Vaccination being going pretty well in Montreal. Cases are going down and down.I'm getting (prudently) optimistic for real, for the first time since the start of the pandemic towards easing of restrictions and what's next. We are having real improvement, things are starting to look promising.The mRNA vaccine is said to be effective against variants too. Which is excellent news.

  3. 3 minutes ago, brian trageskin said:

    i'll tell you right away what the problem is here: for some reason, you've decided that periods were the only punctuation marks that didn't require a space afterwards. why? why the selective discrimination? what childhood trauma led to this abomination? 

    You can call me:









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  4. 5 hours ago, Claudius t Ansuulim said:

    A metric fuckton of projection going on here. First of all, I’ve spent the majority of my life studying and working in the sciences. And I think it’s bullshit that no matter how well versed in the sciences you are, no matter what your field, people will tell you that you aren’t qualified enough to have an opinion on it (other than “shut up and take your shot”). And if you are somehow qualified enough to have an opinion, and that opinion runs contrary to yours, that person must be a ‘lone idiot’.  I get it, I’m not gonna kick the pilot out of the cockpit at the first sign of turbulence and 5 minutes on google. But this happens to be in my area of general vocation, so I’m trying to peel back all of the layers of bullshit to see what is really going on as best as I can tell. If you think I’m anti-vax you’ve done well to pigeonhole me without attempting to comprehend where I’m actually coming from (that may well be my fault as well).  If you want to take any of the vaccines, great. Do it. It’s your choice, and it may very well be a good one for you. All of my immediate family has taken it. I didn’t scream at them that the 5G nanobots have taken over their brains and now Big Bad Bill has control over their CNS or some such bs. This is the internet, right? There is A TON of garbage information out there, and wading through it can be tough for even a trained professional. But there is a cautionary tale in here somewhere for the blind believer as well, and it doesn’t take a discerning eye to see all of the ways this could go very wrong, and if you don’t want to concern yourself with that then ok. But I very well do, so that’s why I listen to heterodox views.

    ''the house is on fire but we should not use fire extinguisher because im afraid it will get in my eyes''

    I repeat: what the hell are you proposing to fight Covid then?

    This could all go wrong? what does that mean but some subtle anti-vaxxing? what about doing nothing against covid go wrong? is that the extent of your proposition? your so called science training was called out earlier as really biased training from sketchy sites get real.You have no specialized training in virology, epidemiology.

    If you do prove it so.Saying '' i have training in science'' is not enough, i don't trust your word for it.What are your exact qualifications and diplomas and institution of training?

    We've had enough patience with your claims of expertise.You speak against vaccines in the name of science, in the middle of a pandemic.Don't you realize this sketchy talk and these sketchy links can lead to endangered lives?

    It's all opinions and all good until people die and get sick.What you are trying to do in here is to convince people that vaccines should not be use against Covid.There might very well a few people convinced and that may very well lead them to become sick or transmit to virus around eventually.Try to be responsible.If you're not an expert take the back seat and don't get ahead of yourself proclaiming you are.


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  5. Easy to criticize vaccines and lockdowns.

    But without science, scientists, health workers,vaccines and lockdowns we would be in such deeper shit you can't even imagine.

    Easy to be an armchair pandemic vaccine critic and rebel.But some people are actually doing something to get through this and it goes further than ''yo the vaccine is dangerous, yo my freedom is more important than the pandemic, lets just do nothing and ignore covid it will magically disappear''

    Because that's low key what is proposed if there is no lockdowns or vaccine and action taken.And the result of this would be lot's of people getting sick and the virus getting out of hand.How the hell else are you gonna get through this? vitamin c and denial? What the hell are you proposing but denial? This is a global emergency situation.While you're heroically watching youtube thinking you're doing work for the good of humanity, to protect it against evil vaccines, some people are actually doing real work to beat this shit.

    Lot's of empty pseudo-critical thinking not many solutions.

    • Like 9
  6. 2 hours ago, BCM said:

    sorry lads, look I'm really not an anti vaxxer or anything. I believe in them as a general rule, and would advocate for children getting the usual measles, mumps, rubella etc vaccine. I realise the hypocrisy of my position, as I do indeed take over the counter medicines - paracetamol, aspirin, cough medicine etc - without thinking twice. they could be putting anything into that shit...

    but still, but still... this particular vaccine, this particular pandemic. it's a fucking odd one you've got to admit. this whole fucking thing - it's like, bit sus innit. isn't it? maybe it's just me but fucking hell boys, like what the fuck.

    Well pandemic of this proportion doesn't happen often.Probably the first major public health event for lots of people in the west.So i agree it's kind of odd and weird.We're not used to this.

    But similar things happened in the past or in other countries.It's just that this motherfucker is a ninja and spread everywhere.If you're worried about RNA vaccines and how quick they made the vaccine, its good to know they've been working this technology since quite a few years.Personally reassured me when i had a bit of a doubt about how quickly it came out.


    • Thanks 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Alcofribas said:

    it's quite strange. a few family members i know are anti-vaxx but they're also the kind of people who have probably never once looked into the list of ingredients on any box of food they buy, don't blink an eye about using any potentially dangerous consumer products, go to the doctor regularly and take whatever drugs they are given, etc. it's...amusing?...that this one particular thing is the only thing they're suddenly extremely skeptical about. they've been dead wrong about covid from day 1 (oh it's nothing, it's just like the flu, masks don't work, social distancing is bad, etc.)

    at the end of the day i think people are pretty dumb lol

    Most of the ones i know have taken enough acid and various other drugs to melt an elephant brain into a puddle of multicolor interstellar liquid yet wont go near a vaccine.


    Go figure.

    • Like 4
    • Facepalm 1
  8. Got my first Moderna jab a few hours ago.

    Straight up felt muscle aches and fever after not even a hour in. (including a hilarious leftcheek ass ache) Nothing too bad tho.Muscle aches seems to be already resorbing.We'll see how things go tomorrow.

    Armed with Tylenol, Water and Internet.

    • Like 2
  9. 29 minutes ago, Thu Zaw said:

    Love Zakir Hussain.

    We've got a "World Music" thread going on here this stuff would fit nicely into: 


    Ah so there is one for World Music! i thought i saw it pass by, i couldn't find it with search! thanks

    If no one minds i would still keep mine to have one to be focused on ancient/traditional/classical traditions tho.I think it could be nice to have one focus on that.

    • Like 1
  10. I don't know if this will interest anyone else in here, but i quite like to discover traditional music from around the world.So here is a thread for it.

    Post traditional/classical/ancient music related links.

    I'll start with a few nice ones i found on youtube.


    • Like 2
  11. Anti Vaxx is a rich soccer mom worst bad idea basically lol

    Nothing free thinking or rebellious about it. It's rich country disconnected priviledge if it is anything it seems to me.Just try to go to India without any vaccine and travel there for a few years.

    You're probably gonna have a very bad time.

    • Like 1
  12. If you get a headache will you not get a tylenol?

    If you get AIDS will you not get antiviral?

    If you get Cancer will you not get treatment?

    If you get bitten by a cobra will you not get antidote?

    If you get old school plague, ebola will you not get a vaccine?

    All of these are provided by pharmacentical by the way.The anti big pharma narrative is non-sense.You may as well never get any medical treatment or support ever.

    • Like 4
  13. ''Thou shall not kill''

    Once you begin making excuses to not follow this very simple precept. No matter how great your land, your people, your religion, your political cause or party might seems to you it doesn't mean anything anymore.

    You've betrayed yourself as a human being, your fellow living creatures and you've betrayed your religion no matter what it is.You've abandoned your human dignity.

    Once you excuse human murder, once it becomes ok, all hell breaks loose. Ideals and great causes don't mean nothing when they are used to kill other people.

    War is hell.


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