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Posts posted by thefxbip

  1. Going back on topic,

    I watched a David Lynch short tonight and it dawned on me. Lynch does shorts quite often. Some of them very sound-based and experimental. Pretty sure he doesnt use producers and big money for those.

    So if we take in consideration what Sean said about being willing to work with him on something if he had full control of sound and no producers and random people to fuck him up....well...


    David Lynch weird-as-fuck short with AE soundtrack?

    I want to live in a world where this exists.

    • Like 3
  2. 19 minutes ago, Satans Little Helper said:

    everyone needs it.

    Fxbip, walk into a typical bookstore and look for sections like “selfhelp” and “psychology” or anything of that sort. Can’t remember a bookstore that hasnt one. Theres a whole self help industry out there. Do you really think theres an entire self help industry (lets also look beyond books) for just a tiny group of people? 

    Just google “popular self help books” and enjoy the vastness of what it out there.

    Now, you also placed importance on the NEED. I guess you’re assuming there are people who don’t need this. I’m going to tell you everybody NEEDS this. Whether they know it or not. Or like to admit it. Sure, not everyone does so to the same degree.

    Also note that everyone learns differently. Some by just going out there and making mistakes. Others like to read up first. Some learn by being amongst other people as often as possible. And if you’re not the center of the party, you can learn by reading or watching youtubes or tv/movies.

    There’s a lot of variation in how people learn this stuff. But the constant is that people learn. Or rather, they need to learn. Social behavior is to a large extent an acquired skill. Think of how people learn a language and read and write. I’m oversimplifying, but odds are that if you can read/write/speak on a normal level, you are a normal human being. You’ve got the skills needed to become a normal socially adapted human being. With the ability of being (acting) social. (Note: being social is an act)

    Also, I’m sure you’ve heard sayings like ‘never to old to learn’ or ‘you always keep on learning’. This stuff is literally everywhere.

    To illustrate, a link to a page with quotes on learning: https://www.dashe.com/blog/motivation/inspiring-learning-quotes/

    In short: it is normal that people need to learn this stuff. But theres a lot of variation in how they do it. 

    Like DCOM mentioned, not in the same way that an autistic person would need it. The brain functions differently.

    Autism and Self-Help are two very different things.

    But i mean DCOM explained it very well. See his comment.

  3. No worry about hijacking the convo mate, i pretty much asked for you to do exactly that hahaha

    It's great to have a good explanation from someone who's neurodivergent themselves, to have a description of what it feels like from the inside.

  4. 1 hour ago, Satans Little Helper said:

    To me this is kinda "funny". (Funny is the wrong word, perhaps.) The thing is, I can see plenty people masking, being socially awkward and using some (acquired) tools/techniques in all kinds of social contexts in daily life. And as far as I'm concerned, these people are completely normal. Or neurotypical if you will. Or put differently, neurotypical people would do these things too. Hell, they can have complete conversations about this. 

    So the things you list don't necessarily imply neurodivergent, to me. And I don't say this to get into some kind of argument. I believe you're being completely upfront and honest, like you mentioned. It's just that a lot of these so-called atypical behaviours, I personally tend to consider typical when looked at in a vacuum. Those behaviours do become atypical if they become stuck patterns that happen often. And also in circumstances where they shouldn't/needn't. But the fact you say you can mask those traits to the point people wouldn't even notice, makes it "funny". Because, in a way, you've made yourself to be able to succesfully do the Turing test (for neurotypical people). And perhaps we could even say that people who can train themselves to behave more neurotypical actually are neurotypical. Perhaps that's the defining thing neurotypical people would and could do? given your neurodivergent kind of intelligence, you can probably see the contradiction currently exploding in my face... ?

    We did have an old thread here where someone posted a test where neurotypical/divergence was measured. Was interesting to read all the various scores from different posters. ?



    Ive never met a neurotypical person that NEEDS to read books or do extensive training in reading people behaviours, body languages and expressions and certainly doesnt feel neurotypical to me at all.

    Everybody adapts and use different social adaptation skills sure, but most people dont have to do a conscious, meticulous training in it to be able to do it. It just switch instantly, almost automatically. It's not an intellectual deliberate training process in most cases. Doesnt seem like it to me anyway.

    So even if from the outside someone might look completely neurotypical by how they successfully replicate neurotypical behaviour the actual internal process might completely different.

    The amount of effort needed by a neurotypical person to adapt like this seems to be far less than the amount of effort needed by a neurodivergent.

    But im no expert. Dcom correct me if im wrong.

    • Big Brain 1
  5. 1 hour ago, gnarlybog said:

    man, blade runner 2049 was dealt a truly crushing blow by sean.
    i imagined Denis Villeneuve clutching a kitchen counter to stabilise himself from the karmic damage. 

    Rarely have seen such powerful and concentrated dad disapproval energy. Absolutely ruthless SMH.

    Merciless 'techre stare of death.

    • Like 1
  6. Senni has his own sound, does his own thing.

    From previous interviews and this AMA (comments about OPN especially) i feel that Sean respect that more than anything else.


    • Like 1
  7. Bangface Comedy Rave

    Rich is funny at a distance

    Blade runner 2049 - extremely long disappointed SMH

    Dissing the the Lorenzo Senni dissers (with impersonation)

    So many golden moments.

    • Like 4
    • Haha 2
  8. Yeah true, and there is always the Fuji tape for abstract modular.

    But what i mean is that never since Drukqs he incorporated funk, rave acid with high level of abstract texture/musique concrete/electroacoustic to the extent he did in Drukqs in a single track.

    It still there but never to the same level than in the break tracks like Omgyjya-Switch7.

    • Like 1
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  9. On 2/21/2022 at 5:25 PM, Lane Visitor said:

    What dawned on me today re Drukqs is that up until and including this album, Richard's musical progressions seemed to be based around classical and orchestral. Even when it didnt include actual strings, plucks, or voices, still the arpegiators or polysynths followed classical sounding riffs, often trancey too, sometimes even deceptively simple colorful melodies...


    Analord and forward, it seems more experimental, atonal, fusion, funk, jazzy and so forth. Less musical simplicity / beauty / emotion, and more complexity, texture, and nuance. This isn't really a judgement, his music post 2001 is still brilliant as it is, I guess I never thought of this too much how Drukqs feels like it was the turning point until now. And I for sure miss that aspect.

    Also, isn't that kind of the state of electronica / acid / idm / techno? Much of it from the mid 2000s.and forward was less of this simple melodic thing and more intricate musically or understated or "retro" whatever that may mean.


    Imo, if anything Drukqs is when he got even MORE into classical not less. Before that it was mostly all kind of post-rave sounds (jungle,acid,techno)+ambient.

    I agree that it also became more funk.

    With drukqs he did a merge of  rave music + avant-garde classical, John Cage, Satie, Musique Concrete, Electroacoustic+funk.

    Afterwards tho, i think the electroacoustic/music concrete/experimental aspect took a step back and the funk element took more and more space with The Tuss and Syro.


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