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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by tec

  1. I'd genuinely be into that to hear an adult's perspective on Back to the Future. I showed a friend Raiders of the Lost Ark and she damn near fell of the couch laughing at the end. She thought the movie as a whole was p dumb tbqh.


    Fuck Star Wars though.


    I watched Raiders of the Lost Ark and apart from the opening thought it was really boring, is this heresy?


    The Shining - Maybe the only film that'll keep creeping me out no matter how many times I watch it.

  2. using personalities & their voices to change the point of reference over to something wtf, you could subvert things/shake it up


    eg: imagine being on a bad trip while listening to David Bellamy



    or The Krankies, shudder, wont do that now retrocreepology


    David Bellamy opened up a building at my primary school and got us all, teachers and parents included, to lie on the floor and pretend we were a seed that was growing into a tree. Geezer. My secondary school had a building opened by Kriss Akabusi and my parents had a photo of him and my brother on their mantelpiece for years. 


    Anyway, have you seen Robin Redbreast? It's very good.

  3. Yeah but didn't you guys like the really cool motif about how if you don't confront your demons and work with them they'll just haunt you and hold you back from moving on? I mean that was so cool. The dead husband. His clothes. They were in the basement. Down there. Don't go down there. But you have to. For life.


    Oh yeah? Well wait until you lose your husband, see how you handle it. A fucking babadook with Joyrex's face, that's what's going to happen.

  4. Thanks for the recommendations. Ritual was definitely being added to my reading pile, Apartment 16 has a disappointing ending too but thinking about it most horror does. Probably the longer the author can keep things interesting without showing their hand the better. 

  5. Wanted to read something horror-related for Halloween and since I only tend to read the classics from the genre I went for something new, Apartment 16 by Adam Nevill, and really enjoyed it. Anything else post-2000 worth a try? I've checked out a few lists online and Head Full of Ghosts by Paul Tremblay pops up a lot. 

  6. val is a serious genius



    My mate played him as a child in the beginning of the film. We were at his house stoned when he randomly said to watch it and it didn't click at all, until he left the room and came back in wearing a child's jacket with The Saint written across the back. He got to meet Val and Cindy Crawford who he was dating at the time, considering the podgy toad was on the horizon she definitely dodged a bullet there. 

  7. I easily spent at least twice the amount of time I agreed to charge for on this pop mix for a client.  Cursed perectionism.  On the upside, it sounds like it could be a commercial hit... and she did agree to giving me a royalty percentage for songwriting and arrangement input.  Of course, the chances of it getting to the ears of the right people who determine this sort of thing are negligible as always.  But there's always that fraction of a fraction of a percent of a chance it could happen.


    I would get that royalty percentage down in writing mate. 

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