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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by tec

  1. I've read a lot of horror but aside from the classics most novels tend to run out of steam quite quickly so I mainly read short story collections now. If that's your thing Robert Aickman is very good, similar to M.R James, and Thomas Ligotti is fantastic. A couple of graphic novels worth a look are Wytches by Scott Snyder and Through The Woods by Emily Carroll. Not particularly under the radar I'm afraid but hopefully you've not heard of at least one of them. 

  2. U1XGpJC.jpg


    watched this last night. was pleasantly surprised how much i enjoyed it. a trio of no-good good for nothings breathe into some blind army vet's house so they can rob him blind. then things go downhill (for the army vet and the degenerates). 



    i thought stephen lang did a good job as the army vet but i felt like having a blind guy stumbling around shooting aimlessly, why dangerously, made him rather sloppy which didn't really strike fear in me. i just wish they gave him a characteristic that made his disability not that obvious- like giving him really good hearing. also, only once does his sense of smell really play a role in him figuring out what's going on- the rest of the time he's just stumbling around.


    btw: loved the droney minimal use of music



    8 growling rottweilers with glinting teeth foaming in the mouth out of 10



    Can I pay someone money to watch this online or do I have to go to a cinema?



    Started Carrion Comfort by Dan Simmons. So far, not too bad.

    I can see where Guillermo Del Toro got the idea for The Strain from.


    I did not like this at all, but good luck. 



    You were right tec. I was fine with the first 3rd, but this one fell apart quickly. Basically a pissing match over a chess game. Fuck off.


    2 old geezers stroking each other in the shower / 10



    Aw, sadly unlike watching a shit film a shit book has taken far more time. The main thing I learned from this is that whilst Stephen King's stories are great his recommendations can be a load of old toss.

  4. Neon Demon - I was loving it up until the catwalk two thirds of the way in, then it meanders and anything interesting that was hinting away from the most predictable ending vanishes. Nice to see Keanu as always.



    Started Carrion Comfort by Dan Simmons. So far, not too bad.

    I can see where Guillermo Del Toro got the idea for The Strain from.


    I did not like this at all, but good luck. 


    About a 1/3 through and it's holding up for me. But, if it just becomes a pissing match between Oberst & some other mind vampires to join their stupid club then I could see it unraveling quickly. If you ever encounter a mind vampire in real life, kill them. They're complete pricks.



    Just wait until they get to the hood. 

  6. The Eternal - It's on netflix and sounded intriguing so thought I'd give it a whirl, stars Christopher Walken doing a bad Irish impression, then one of the characters takes the piss and does an impression but of Chistopher Walken in his standard voice. 10/10.

  7. Started Carrion Comfort by Dan Simmons. So far, not too bad.

    I can see where Guillermo Del Toro got the idea for The Strain from.


    I did not like this at all, but good luck. 


    Finally reading The War of the Worlds and just finished Killing For Company, poor old Bleep. Worth a go if you like In Cold Blood and its ilk.

  8. Just finished The Vegetarian by Han Kang, weren't bad but was a bit weird and didn't really do much. It's won loads of prizes so typically I feel either they are wrong or I am too dumb to see its merits.

  9. Aw man, I want a poster-sized version of that JG Ballard cover.


    Reading a bunch of stuff about the folklore and mythology of the British Isles atm, a rich trove of madness


    What you reading? Just finished The Land of the Green Man by Caroline Larrington, not a bad choice for an introduction to it all.

  10. That obviously looks retarded but I remember once reading the wiki for the movie Raw Deal and found a great reviewer that summed up Arnie's appeal.


    "Benson, however, praised Schwarzenegger saying that his strength as an actor is "not that he can toss grown men over ceiling beams, but that he has a vein of sweetness and self-deprecation that no amount of mayhem can obliterate. It has shone from him since "Pumping Iron" it has allowed him to surmount silly and unwise pieces of action (such as the drunk scenes in one of the "Conans" and here), and even his own awkwardness as an actor."


    I think Vin Diesel has a similar thing going on, but unlike Arnie I don't really watch his films.

  11. Alan Moore's Providence #1 arrived, long overdue getting some new weirdy beardy occult/magic musings


    and its actually warm out (again)


    garden, Providence and the recliner - saaaaaaaaaaaaafe


    Sweet, gonna order me this thing.

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