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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by tec

  1. Nah check out CoD. Hilarious book. The antihero, Ignatious J Reilly, is a proto version of the iamverysmart neckbeard fedora man we all know and love today.


    Haha, I can't get enough of those guys.

  2. Hmm, I read that years ago when a work friend leant it to me. Don't remember hating it but don't remember much about it either.

    One of those books charity shops always have multiple copies of lol.


    Edit: read the wiki and I do remember it now. Was quite derivative of Confederacy of Dunces.


    I've had an unread copy of Confederacy of Dunces for a few years, if they are similar it may stay unread for a few years more. I normally stick reading any old rubbish but that was particularly bad, If I'd known the DBC in his name stood for Dirty But Clean I would never have started it in the first place.

  3. J.M. Coetzee - Disgrace

    Didn't know anything about this, just a book that's been hanging around my flat for the last few years. Started out like a literary character piece or whatever and then suddenly gets heavy as fuck. Enjoyed it, but damn.


    Once I had hoped to read every Booker prize winner, fucking hell I was depressed after finishing this one. My plan to read every Booker was soon trashed by Vernon God Little, if that pile of shit can win it then anything can.


    I'm re-reading the Fellowship of the Ring and enjoying it thoroughly. That's the advantages of having an absolutely awful memory, I can re-read a book and still be surprised by the contents.

    Yeah, that's something I've wanted to do for a while, since it's been a long time and I wasn't aware of all the theological themes the book had the first time I read it. Joyce is keeping me really interested at the moment, though.



    Going through the Council of Elrond again keeps me from ever re-reading that one.

  5. Deathgasm - This was good but not great, the script was funny but I don't recall laughing once which is weird. If you like Evil Dead, metal and are a teenager this will be your new favourite film. I am old and don't need slow motion scenes of a demon being slapped with a dildo because that is my love life.

  6. sandstorm is a pretty great song for what it is, it's also completely free of vocals yeah? very rare for that to happen with a pop song. i remember i was like 7 or 8 when it was big and i thought it was pretty neat. it's a really simple but effective melody / progression, throw in a juicy synthetic lead with gating and reverb and you can get away with repeating it for 128 bars easily.


    Aye, it has a place, mainly when you're young, in Ibiza, on pills.

  7. The Strangers - I watched this as it was in the AV Club's 25 best horror's since 2000 list and I'm not sure why, it has a couple of okay moments but the leads are so passive and dumb, I was almost screaming at them to fight back. The French home invasion horror Ils is far superior.


    Finished a book by Thomas Ligotti, it was awesome but fucking hell it was nihilistic, on to The Book of English Magic next, might become a druid and move to the woods.

    Well IDM m8


    Which Ligotti did you read? I'm not sure which of his to work on next...


    sent using magic space waves



    Teatro Grottesco, I'd recommend it if you haven't read it already, his Songs of a Dead Dreamer has just been released in the Penguin Classics range which is quite an honour.

  9. teccers, if you're referring to the BK girl thing, that was an attempt at lightheartedness gone wrong. I try to even it out by doing something good for the next person, like a retarded type of "paying it forward".


    if you're referring to [vitriol redacted], I remain unrepentant but fartfully yours.


    Ah I see, my apologies, just thought you were being mean to someone trying to add a bit of variety to their day.

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