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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by tec

  1. this movie is obviously better than all of those, by far, like, high af...


    for fans of nathan barley and the mighty boosh? maybe... if you're not hooked by the party scene you may quit...

    fantastic ost by robert fripp and some other songs by the director himself (steve oran) and some other guy (david westlake) who made some arrangements on Purcell's music...

    i'm looking for these songs but it seems like there's nowhere i can find them, i guess they're not even released yet.

    the last song when the credits start, which is some kind of mix of afxish drums with some Purcell melodies, is beautiful!!! if any of you have any more info on this please spit it out...

    can't tell much about the movie itself, peep show on acid???






    People need to watch this film. I went to a Q and A with the director and most of the cast, Steve Oram incredibly wrote a script for the actors to read then told them to replace the words with ape sounds.

  2. Just finished The City & The City by China Mieville. Strongly recommend. It's a police procedural set in two european cities that exist on the same physical plain. Kind of Kafka-esque.



    Great book, there's a BBC book club podcast where he is interviewed and he seems safe as fuck, worth a listen.

  3. I was going to say the second series starts and ends strongly but is complete tosh during the middle, then use James' song as an example of the drop in quality only I've just discovered this happened during the third episode so I don't know what to believe.


    It's always worth posting anyway.




  4. How to Build a Universe by some bloke - I really want to get into space and astronomy but I'm a fucking idiot, if anyone has suggestions I am all ears. I've also watched Cosmos and read the Bill Bryson one.

  5. Aaaaaaaaaah (2015)


    absurd, dont know if it can be finished yet


    the Boosh crew + the bloke from Sightseers & Toyah Wilcox do a non verbal ape-human hybrid comedy


    it gets props for the tits out Nigella spoof


    This film is fucking hilarious, a cult classic in the making.


    cure (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0123948) - a most excellent lynchian headfuck psych-thriller, i loved how it made japan look all eastern european, decayed and depressing. the sound design and the camerawork are very impressive too. i couldn't make any sense of it but it was very engrossing.


    This thread is great for entering a random page number then finding a recommended film. This film is on youtube (HDRIP) and is about to be watched. Thanks for the recommendation.



    Awesome film.

  7. I've never read any of Patterson's stuff but it's shameful the amount of books he releases with his name on them, and I blame him and Dan Brown for the growing trend of a chapter being a page and a half long, it's pathetic. Sorry.

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