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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by tec

  1. I was getting into everything Warp records and HMV had a sale on where all CD's from them were buy one get one half price, cash was tight but decided to take a punt and bought Incunabula. I didn't have the music choice available to us now so I stuck with it for awhile, took some time to click but when it did I delved further, got LP5 and they totally kicked my arse. Been a fan since. I occasionally wonder how much new music I miss now because of how rarely I give it a chance unlike in the past.



    Finished Umbrella by Will Self, very good book once you get past the whole endless sentence business. Moving onto The Heart Goes Last by Margaret Atwood.

    I've got "My Idea of Fun" here by Self, haven't finished it yet.


    It also has some rather long running sentences.



    At the beginning it felt unwieldy but by the end I was completely absorbed in the style, to the point I felt that it might ruin my reading of other books.

    No paragraphs, no chapter headings, rare punctuation and switches from character to character and time period to time period without notice or warning.

    But I loved it, and will definitely get Shark, which I hear is written in a similar style.



    Have you read any Hubert Selby JR? Sounds similar to his style.


    Wytches by Scott Snyder, never been really creeped out by a graphic novel before but this one is doing the business.


    ta for this Mr Tec, not really a graphic novel fan since Arkham Asylum (sp?), but this is heaviness. Its so subtle and visceral at the same time and really bores into subconscious/parental fear buttons with the skill of a psych-surgeon and the imagery/story to underpin it all. Sorted 2 problem xmas-wank presents too.


    its truly been a benevolent universe today, strewth Ruth & tips cap



    Awesome, glad to hear it mate.

  4. ^That's a really good comic. Have you ever read Fell by Warren Ellis and Ben Templesmith? That's also p creepy.


    I had to restart Authority by Jeff Vandermeer after putting it down for so long. Also reading a bunch of books about teaching and literary theory for dummies.


    Yup, picked it up on a recommendation from here actually! Really enjoyed it but breaks my heart that there hasn't been a second volume.

  5. Just finished ballard's high rise. Surreal and violent and I love how all the building inhabitants just give themselves freely, unquestioningly, to the madness.


    Fuck yeah, I would have got involved with that shit too, can't wait for the film.

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