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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by tec


    I finished Fifty Year Sword by him last week, it's pretty cool and can be read in under an hour.


    On The Martian at the moment and finding it really dull, it's a month into him being stranded on Mars and he doesn't write about his loneliness, family, his loves, wanking, nothing, it's just a bloke moving things around and saying cheesy dad jokes.

    I haven't looked at Fifty Year Sword; I did see that The Familiar is intended to be like 27 volumes and I'm just not interested into committing to a trek like that, honestly, especially since I'm a relatively slow reader. And I saw some various quotes of Only Revolutions being difficult to obtain and nearly unreadable for its bulk. I'm okay with some work, but if it seems like a daunting task just to read it, I'm going to be extra hesitant to pick it up.



    I have Only Revolutions but had to call it a day a quarter of the way in as I had no idea what was happening, haven't got the patience really, if you find it cheap maybe give it a crack but I wouldn't spend big on it.

  2. Yeah that's the one, Damon doesn't seem nerdy enough for the humour aspect of the book so hopefully they have changed it a fair bit. I just checked out the author and he does look like the kind of bloke who would write the story this way, goofy jokes and wise cracks. Maybe it'll improve, or maybe it's just not to my tastes.



  3. I finished Fifty Year Sword by him last week, it's pretty cool and can be read in under an hour.


    On The Martian at the moment and finding it really dull, it's a month into him being stranded on Mars and he doesn't write about his loneliness, family, his loves, wanking, nothing, it's just a bloke moving things around and saying cheesy dad jokes.

  4. Timecrimes - Pretty cool time-travel thriller thing, I was hoping it would be scary and the main bloke is dumb but it was fun. A good alternative to the new Avengers, which I only got 20 minutes into before remembering how boring superhero films can be.

  5. children_of_the_corn-201x300.jpg


    i think i had seen this but i watched it again today. kinda b-movie(ish) about kids who start offing adults because some kid tells them it's in the bible (which verse?). he also talks about someone who "walks behind the rows" but it's never made clear who or what this is- for whatever reason, the main character doesn't seem to care so i suppose i should just forget about it.




    I think the best thing about this film is how utterly inept the main bloke is, he is totally useless and it's hilarious.

  6. Tomorrowland - Lindelof/10 what genius decided to start a kid's movie with George Clooney being an asshole for 5 minutes directed at the audience? Mindless plot, after seeing Keegan Michael Key reduced to a one scene bad guy I had to turn it off. And too many Star Wars jokes to boot.


    Hearing Lindelof is involved will stop me from ever watching this, what a complete arsehat.

  7. I've really tried with Dark Tower, read the first in the series, I didn't like it but was persuaded by my brother to give it another try as we are both such fans of King so read it again, still not my cup of tea. Third time lucky?

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