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Posts posted by perunamuusi

  1. 3 hours ago, o00o said:

    looks pretty weird. I very much a fan for the more satirical approach but strangely the pandemic made me kind of thin skinned in comparison to before. 

    this kind of humor seems in a weird shift currently when you look at southpark which had some really great seasons 3-4 years ago but has mutated to a weird self referencing sitcom since the pandemic or black mirror which has left the screen entirely 

    What doth life though?

  2. 2 hours ago, J3FF3R00 said:

    Ok. Convince someone who really doesn’t want to watch this movie because it looks like Almost Famous without rock and roll… and because of title.
    Btw, Phantom Thread and Boogie Nights are my favorite PTA flicks. 

    I haven't got the time or inclination to reply to this

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  3. I think See You On The Other Side is kind of a masterpiece in it's own right and would be most other bands' "career high". The fact that it's not in the same league as the first two only goes to show how good those records were.

    When SYOTOS came out it still somehow sounded exactly like a Mercury Rev album should sound to me (albeit without Dave Baker). 

    Holes is a great track  but Deserters Songs is where they really nosedived for me. Never really listened to anything after that record. They went too far over the rainbow with that one.



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  4. A beaufiful 13% bourbon/mead barrel aged Imperial Stout from Mikkeller in collab with 7 other brewers/distillers. (Hence the name "the ocho".

    Was almost £40 a bottle.

    (Stole someone else's photo off untappd as the only pic i had was a quite blurry dark photo of my almost empty glass.)


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