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Posts posted by perunamuusi

  1. It's funny - we haven't had a tape deck for ages, and just recently my wife bought a walkman off eBay to listen to some old cassettes she had...


    Fun Fact™ - I haven't had a record player for about 10+ years now... wondering why I still have loads of vinyl.


    Beyond my MacBook Pro and PlayStation, I have no means of playing audio CDs (my current car doesn't have a CD player). Have loads of CDs still as well.


    Personally, I'm kinda done with physical formats - I think as you get older, you start to let go of physical things for the most part.

    I let go of material possessions long ago. Except for vinyl and books.

    And dildos



    weirdcore might have stems for the track too?


    thought afx didn't do stems that often, but who knows.

    weirdcore said in a interview he been sent stems to do the midi syncing stuff


    i'm sure rdj would of sent over a few alt versions of 'collapse' to work with when doing the video

    Yes do not ever buy that bit of "all in one take" faff he floated out there in the Tats interview. I'm sure some of his tracks are sequenced single takes since he has enough klob to engineer any fuckin techno symphony you'd ever want. However, he's too much of a fiddler and there's too much goddamn detail/triggers/events that happen in his music to not depend on discrete track components (aka "stems" for those confused). Dunno why I'm so aggro about it currently hahaha. None of his other fibs bother me; in fact, I love a good wind-up


    While it is hard to believe that some of the tracks are done in one take he did go in to some deep nerdy detail about how fx/detail mad bits were achieved with all his gear. If i could be arsed to think about it enough, that slow version of one of the Circlont trax probably proves it as it's basically exactly the same track playing at a much slower tempo...

  3. rewatched Blair Witch, which is still good fun, and then tried this Spanish flick Veronica, which is super fucking cheeseball.

    Is that the veronica about the kids and the ouija board or the veronica about the psychotherapist? Cause the one about the psychotherapist was pretty ok. The one about the kids and the ouija board was super fucking cheeseball tbqh.

  4. Also, 


    Bonus thing : Seriously nobody here on WATMM thinks that the beginning of Collapse 69 (especially the bassline) just sounds very much like... 

    This : 




    This track is better than anything on the Collapse EP in my honest opinion

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