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Posts posted by perunamuusi

  1. I've actually just swallowed two nufrofen because I've got a banging headache with this malarkey



    you could save yourself lots of money buy buying generic ibuprofen which is what nurofen is but without the shiny box


    though i suppose the same could be said about me paying £17 for the ltd edition 12"


    then again you can't really resell nurofen at profit on discogs..



  2. I fucking loved a very english scandal. Hugh Grant was superb. Totally over the top almost "carry on" vibes. Brilliantly written. The panorama episode from 1979 (ish) that was cancelled for legal reasons and aired for the first time on bbc 4 about the whole affair was interesting too. Obviously spoilers...




    dexter's daughter has gone missing. she last attended a party at a posh gated home with her boyfriend where the host suddenly asked everyone to leave. her and the boyfriend are the only people that didn't go home. everyone else did. so where are they?


    surprisingly intriguing so far- dexter has a funny british accent that goes in and out- but you can ignore it because of the mcguffin. 


    finally finished this- last episode was the weakest imo but what makes this (mini series?) good is how good the acting, writing and direction are. i can't this working with american actors (except dexter)




    I think I must have been watching a different show....

  4. a8d77abc8a286f8b29e9b71e81c27966e3b5285c


    dexter's daughter has gone missing. she last attended a party at a posh gated home with her boyfriend where the host suddenly asked everyone to leave. her and the boyfriend are the only people that didn't go home. everyone else did. so where are they?


    surprisingly intriguing so far- dexter has a funny british accent that goes in and out- but you can ignore it because of the mcguffin. 


    Dexter's British accent is the least of this show's problems.




    lol at everyone EQing brand new Autechre tracks

    lol at everyone who has speakers with a nonlinear frequency spectre

    lol at everyone with hearing damage in higher frequency range

    lol at everyone

    EQing/whatever-ing your setup to accommodate your room, speakers, system, or hearing is not comparable to "man this particular Autechre track I heard for the first time 3 days ago needs more kick drum." They crafted that track to sound exactly as it does.
    counterpoint: remixing any and all music in minor or major ways is fun and all y'all complaining about this are boring


    turns "tone" knob anticlockwise


    remix complete


    +10 fun pts.


    smokes cigar

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