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Posts posted by perunamuusi


    Well, it's silently been for sale on the shelf for 2 weeks but seems now the word is out: the next release on our label (TECH-004) is Aphex Twin. Come in this Fri-Sun 2-8pm and snag one (Sorry, due to licensing no mail order or online sales). Stay tuned for TECH-006 at the end of summer...








    3rd release (TECH-006) Madlib 7"


    I used to get in stupid arguments about this with the drummer in the last band I was in.  It was a kind of Space Ritual-y, one chord, improvised thing we'd started as a throwaway side project that ended up getting more and better shows than our real bands, so when everyone started taking it more seriously we'd run in to spots where people's different approaches to improvising would conflict sometimes, and that was frustrating but it also forced you to kind of step back and think objectivey about how you were approaching things so that you could communicate it to other people instead of just going for it.  He was big on "you have to always be thinking and planning your next move while you're playing" and would get kind of evangelical about it, and I ended up figuring out that for me it's important to NOT be thinking about it in the moment because thinking is too slow, for me it's about listening and reacting. If you're thinking then it's already too late - you do your thinking before hand, that's what practice is for. Obviously that's just what works for me, but actually thinking about it and figuring out in kind of analytical terms what was going on was really helpful, so I guess there's some real value in overanalyzing stuff sometimes after all.


    Discussions where people are debating abstract concepts of mental inner-workings can be quite difficult!  It's like in meditation, where high levels of "focus" can be achieved by relaxing and taking in as much as possible, which allows one to react immediately- but the problem lies in concepts like "focusing", where there are traditional images of great mental fatigue.  So all these fucking crazy abstract concepts are crazy!  Like I agree with your point AND the drummer.  Drummer felt that the next-move was a conscious decision- you felt that the next-move was more subconscious.  Cuz when I'm improv'ing and "consciously feel out the next-move", it actually does go well, but I believe that there is maybe very little "conscious planning" involved (it just feels very conscious), so both of you really are correct, for me.


    Overall, though, you pick up a guitar and rock it.




    None of this applies to me because I am brilliant and everything I make is effortless and incredible.


    I know this "is a joke", but if it's true, you should share your creations with as many people as possible.  Art that has been created from pure states of high consciousness, transfer pure states of high consciousness to others.




    Most peoples 3rd ears are not ready for my eschatological sonic messages



    heh. is there a thread / post on here that talks about the scale? i mean, i get that it's different and it sounds cool and is based on pulsar souls or whatever, but i'd like to know some more technical / music theory stuff.

    This interview is worth a look.





    Having read this now, two weeks or so after having first heard Alexi Perälä's "Mental Union" and parts of "The Colundi Sequence Vol. 1", I will have to consider well if I want to continue supporting something like this. Whoever compared it to a cult was accurate. I recommend anyone to reconsider too whether they want to be associated to something like this. There are past precedents. And something else just came to mind. About two years ago, Richard D. James was interviewed by the Guardian, where he implied that the September 11 terrorist attacks were carried out by the US government. It may not be connected, but you cannot deny that there is now not an imminent risk to their work, where their music is being compromised by these supposed inspirations leading to closing down a relevant label, plans to purchase land to build a community and who knows what else.

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