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Everything posted by leterel

  1. yeah i think i gave the master to cunningham and it got lost, not sure,will check, btw its all me inc. the scratching, people kept asking me is that Luke? if it was luke i would have credited him, funny how people like to assume wht you can and can't do. - i asked him for the hip hop windowlicker intro yeah that's my claim to fame sorted innit - solved that. kinda.
  2. <iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/202939363&color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false"></iframe>
  3. http://www.sendspace.com/filegroup/iZ6AA4e3hXGiWEQ%2Bt7AOLmcn6vDPEf08 t13 quadraverb t08+4 cottage3 e cottage4 af 1 wat
  4. see above post for the link. anchio arch - 4 tracks coming up...
  5. last night/today - plus 80s tite which i've not included
  6. I count 41 today, if you include t08, quadraverb, and the 80s tite track that isnt his
  7. heliosphan live, brk 2, sekonda, notting hill bus, th1 [slo]
  8. https://www.sendspace.com/file/3h2yrh fmsubbass - 320.
  9. same - formula demo played on the radio? https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2328279/107.7%20%27Crappy%27%20Broadcast%20%28Incomplete%29.mp3
  10. ah interview tracks now. got these already... not that i'm ungrateful
  11. Any work in progress/alternate versions of Saint Michaels Mount or Cock10 would be lovely
  12. reddit.com/r/aphextwin had the idea of some kind of donation, either to RDJ or a charity of his choice as a way of saying thanks. i'm sure we could all find a few £/$ if he's up for it?
  13. it suits the lo-fi demo tape feel - wouldnt want a lot of this stuff to be too pristine.
  14. that link doesn't have the shorter dixons theft track, that'll be where my extra one came from. i think? winding me up now...
  15. 112 tracks if you include deleted stuff - is that right?
  16. https://mega.co.nz/#F!DpBT2TxC!AwxlOc_m3OzrOLv735xkpA noyzelab stuff
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