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Everything posted by Squee

  1. I'll make an Aeropress in your honor then...
  2. It was pretty good. I'll make another one soon.
  3. A cortado - I think this was the first time I actually kinda knew what I was doing when pouring in the steamed milk. Also, the temperature was perfect and drinkable right away.
  4. ahahah avoid cheesecake factory at all costs. shockingly middle brow food for thousands and thousands of calories. only fatass midwestern housewifes dream of cheesecake factory where i come from. But... Cheesecake...
  5. Five Guys in London! I'm going! Btw. is The Cheesecake Factory in London any good?
  6. Lunch - soon It'll consist of some kind of omelette and bread
  7. Well, what you see on the big laptop is me doing work :)
  8. Burgers are pretty cool, you guys
  9. Watched it yesterday. If you like horror/gore movies with cheap scares then go for it. It doesn't really kid around. It's straight to the point and terrible stuff happens.
  10. Is that the video of the guy kicking a concrete brick out and then the top part of the wall comes down on his leg? If so, then fuuuck...
  11. You'll get used to it. It took me a bit of time before I got the hang of it as well
  12. Aw yeah... I started watching Twin Peaks again with my girlfriend who has never seen it before. Unfortunately, she knows who the killer is, but luckily there is so much more to it than that. We're about to start on season 2 and even though there are a bunch of unbearable episodes in that season, there are still some really memorable scenes, such as... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1F8gLejzxLk Oh shit, and the music in season 2 is fucking amazing!
  13. I'm watching Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D right now. It's not very good. It's actually quite terrrible. Leatherface looks like a fucking idiot - and not in a spooky kinda way... holy shit, Leatherface is running around with his chainsaw at a carnival right now. EDIT: I think this one might be worse than the NIghtmare on Elmstreet remake from 2010
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